
  • 网络decreasing function;increasing function;reduction function
  1. 板型弯曲破坏冰力是尺寸比k1的减函数;

    The ice force with plate-type bending failure is a decreasing function of size ratio k_1 ;

  2. 通过对二项分布函数的研究,证明它是关于概率p和试验中允许失败次数r的单调增函数,是关于试验次数n的单调减函数。

    Through the research of binomial probability distribution function ( PDF ), it has been proved that the PDF is a monotone increasing function of probability p and allowable failure time r in test , and is a monotone decreasing function of test time n.

  3. 理论上,观察检验效能是P值的单调减函数。

    In theory , observed power is a monotony decrease function of P value .

  4. 集值函数关于实值单调非减函数的集值Riemann-Stieltjes积分

    Set-valued Riemann-Stieltjes Integral of Set-valued Function with Respect to Real Non-decreasing Function

  5. 当THT0>TP~2时,最优供热系数是供热率的单调减函数。

    However , when T0TH > Tp2 , the optimal coefficient of performance is a monotonic decrease function of the rate of heating . The significance of these results have also been discussed .

  6. 由于无失效数据失效概率的确定对参数的估计结果有较大的影响,以减函数法确定失效概率的Bayes估计,并进行模糊加权线性回归。

    Due to the fact that failure probability has large effect for the estimated value , the Bayes estimation is given which bases on decrease function . The fuzzy weighted linear regression model can get low departure .

  7. 经营杠杆度DOL与安全边际系数MRS互为倒数关系,两者都对企业的经营状况起警示作用;③经营杠杆度DOL对销售收入S的函数为单调减函数;

    Between degree of operating leverage DOL and degree of margin of safety MRS are reciprocal ( 3 ) DOL is a monotone minus function to sale income .

  8. 首先引入集值函数关于实值单调非减函数的集值Lebesgue-Stieltjes积分,然后讨论了集值Lebesgue-Stieltjes积分的性质,最后建立了集值Lebesgue-Stieltjes积分的极限定理。

    A multivalued Lebesgue-Stieltjes integral about real monotone non-decreasing function is defined , Then the properties of multivalued integral are discussed , and their convergence theorem are obtained .

  9. 库存为线性减函数的随机存贮策略

    The Stochastic Stored Strategy on Linear Decreasing Stored Function

  10. 本章还讨论了非线性指数如果为径向距离的连续减函数时,两种流态并存区域上井流问题的解析解及在稳定条件下该问题的解析解。

    The nonlinear exponent is a function of the radial distance from the pumping well .

  11. 也得到了一些反直觉的结论,如快的产品的均衡提前期是市场规模的减函数。

    And find some counterintuitive results such as : lead time of the faster product decreases with the market scale .

  12. 在两种机制中,丢包率是重传次数的减函数。

    In the both mechanisms , the probability of dropping a packet is a decreasing function of the number of retransmissions .

  13. 零售商进行促销投资,在对称信息情况下,制造商以批发价作为线性契约来协调供应链系统,批发价是促销投资的减函数;

    Wholesaling price decreasing demand promotion function is taken as linear contract to coordinate supply chain by manufacturer under symmetric information .

  14. 出现超额认购时,机构投资者受到配给的程度应该是其报告的信号的减函数,即承销商可通过分配更多的股份数量作为激励,鼓励机构投资者发掘并如实报告股票市场价值的有关信息。

    In other word , the underwriter can encourage institutional investors to excavate and truthfully report related information on the market value of IPOs .

  15. 中心设计系数是径向固结系数变异系数的减函数,而是失效概率的增函数。

    The central design coefficient is decreasing function of coefficient of variation of horizontal coefficient of consolidation , and increasing function of probability of failure .

  16. 研究表明:最优供应商数量是合作效益的减函数、机会主义损失的增函数以及交易成本的减函数。

    Studies showed that the optimal supplier numbers is the decreasing function of cooperation benefits and transaction costs and the increasing function of opportunistic losses .

  17. 实验结果表明,发光强度随时间并不是呈指数衰减关系,而可以用伸展指数哀减函数来描述,表明材料中存在明显的无序。

    The TRPL signals exhibit non exponential decay behavior and could be expressed as a stretched exponential decay , indicating significant disorder in the material .

  18. 结论表明,捕食者的最优交易策略为时间的二次曲线形式,并且捕食交易利润是瞬时冲击系数的单调减函数。

    The conclusion shows that the optimal strategy of predator is the quadratic equation of time and the profit is the descending function of temporary impact coefficient .

  19. 应用随机场理论进行可靠度分析时,关键在于随机场理论求得的参数,尤其是方差折减函数如何同可靠度理论结合起来。

    The key to application of random field theory to reliability analysis is how to combine the parameters obtained by the random theory , especially the combination of the reduction function of variance with the reliability theory .

  20. 对于一般需求函数,证明了最优解的存在性和唯一性,以及最优市场价格是产能水平的减函数。

    In centralized decision-making supply chain , the existence and uniqueness of the optimal joint decision on pricing and capacity is proved in the condition of general price-sensitive demand function . The optimal market price is the decreasing function of capacity .

  21. 模型的主要假设是制造商主导、单一产品、单周期、信息完全且对称、需求量是需求价格的线性减函数,回收量是回收价格的线性增函数,销售和回收的单位渠道成本固定等。

    The main hypnoses of the models are as follows : a leading manufacturer , a single product , a single period , complete and symmetrical information , linear demand function , linear supply function of used products , average fixed cost of channel cost , et al .

  22. 定性的讲,我们得到的成功几率是纠缠的增函数同时也是旋转角度的减函数。当使用的纠缠态向最大纠缠态或旋转角度向零靠近的时候,我们得到的成功几率向100%靠近。

    Qualitatively the probability of the success we achieve is an increasing function of the entanglement and a decreasing function of the controlled-rotation angle , and the probability of success will approach the unit when the entangled state approaches a Bell state or the controlled-rotation angle approaches zero . 4 .

  23. 在有交易费的投资消费模型下,讨论了价值函数的一些基本性质数是有限连续和非减凹函数。

    In the paper , under a investment-consumption model with transaction costs , some basic properties of value function are discussed .

  24. 2028t/h锅炉减温水循环函数法计算与分析

    Calculation and analysis of desuperheating water for a 2028 t / h boiler

  25. 最大化非减次模集函数问题的近似算法及其性能保证

    An approximation algorithm for maximizing a non-decreasing submodular set function and its performance guarantee

  26. 提出了一种减聚类径向基函数神经网络的纺织空调送风风机故障诊断方法。

    A new method of subtractive clustering RBF network for air condition breeze fan fault diagnosis is presented .

  27. 该文在计算流程、图的约减操作以及贪婪函数3个方面对以前求解该问题的贪婪随机适应性搜索算法作了改进。

    This paper improves the previous algorithm for the problem in three aspects : computing process , contraction operations and greedy function .