
jiǎn sù jì
  • moderator;moderating material
  1. 重水可用作核电厂的减速剂,减缓快速运动的中子以使它们能和反应炉的燃料一起反应。

    Heavy water is used as a moderator in nuclear power plants , slowing down the fast neutrons so that they can react with the fuel in the reactor .

  2. 在棒的四周围着中子减速剂。

    The rod is surrounded with a neutron-slower .

  3. 可以选择普通的水,重水和石墨作为减速剂。

    As a moderate there is a choice between normal water , heavy water and graphite .

  4. 到达是一种行为,装载机,在这样的方式到目标位置减速剂。

    Arrive is a behavior that steers the agent in such a way it decelerates onto the target position .

  5. 可以把铀做成棒状放在原子反应堆内,在铀棒的四周,围一层中子减速剂即节速剂。

    The uranium may be put into the reactor in the shape of rods , and the rods surrounded with a neutron-slower , or moderator .