
jiǎn dú yì miáo
  • attenuated vaccine
  1. 由此可见,CA/AAca流感病毒是可以做为流感减毒疫苗的候选疫苗株。

    In conclusion , CA / AA ca virus was an attenuated vaccine candidate strain .

  2. 目前疟疾疫苗主要历经减毒疫苗、亚单位疫苗和DNA疫苗三种形式。

    At present , there have been three types of malaria vaccine : attenuated vaccine , subunit vaccine and DNA vaccine .

  3. DNA疫苗作为继减毒疫苗,基因工程疫苗之后的第三代疫苗,它能够有效地诱导全面免疫反应,尤其是特异性CTL反应,使其成为今后疫苗研制的首选。

    DNA vaccine , as the third generation of vaccine , can effectively induce systemic and cellular immunities , especially CTL response .

  4. DNA疫苗是继减毒疫苗、灭活疫苗、亚单位疫苗和重组多肽疫苗之后的又一新型疫苗,比其它疫苗高效、安全且易于大量生产。

    DNA vaccine is a new vaccine after live attenuated , whole killed , subunit and recombinant one , etc. It 's better than them at efficiency , safety and ease to produce .

  5. EIAV减毒疫苗诱导的特异性细胞免疫应答

    Induction of EIAV-specific cellular immune response by attenuated EIAV vaccine

  6. EIAV减毒疫苗免疫后马外周血单个核细胞中IFN-γ的转录

    Elevation of IFN - γ transcription level in peripheral blood mononuclear cells of EIAV vaccinated horses

  7. 该方法的成功建立和应用为研究EIAV减毒疫苗的免疫机制提供了好的研究手段,也为其他病毒的免疫学研究提供了新的参考方法。

    The novel method is directly applicable to research on the immune mechanism of the EIAV attenuated vaccine .

  8. 除了灭活疫苗、减毒疫苗、结合多糖疫苗和亚单位疫苗外,新近出现的DNA疫苗、转基因植物疫苗和ghost疫苗技术为疫苗的研制提供了新的思路。

    It is important to explore an effective vaccine against it . With the development of vaccine strategy and technology , some new vaccines are being developed , such as DNA vaccine , transgenic plant vaccine , and ghost vaccine .

  9. EIAV减毒疫苗诱导体液免疫反应时相及膜抗原改造研究

    Kinetics of Humoral Immune Responses Induced by an Infectious Clone Derived from an Attenuated EIAV Vaccine and Env Glycosylation Modification Research

  10. 在第二年计画期间,我们主要发现EV71减毒疫苗的可行性及克沙奇A16病毒的交叉反应对肠病毒71型具有有限但可测量的保护作用。

    In this study period , we demonstrated that live attenuated vaccine was feasible for EV71 , and that Coxsackie A16 cross-reactivity had limiting but measurable protection for EV71 .

  11. 随着感染性克隆技术的发展,以反向遗传系统为基础的新型减毒疫苗成为登革疫苗研究的热点。登革病毒减毒突变的靶标曾主要集中在基因组两端的非编码区及PrM-E区。

    Study of novel attenuated dengue vaccine based on the reverse genetic systems highlights the field with the development of infectious clone method since the 1990 's.

  12. 新型登革减毒疫苗研究进展

    Advance in research on novel live - attenuated dengue vaccine

  13. 大肠杆菌不耐热肠毒素对狂犬病病毒减毒疫苗株粘膜免疫效应的增强作用

    Enhancing Effect of Heat-labile Toxin on Mucosal Immunity of Attenuated Rabies Vaccine

  14. 犬瘟热减毒疫苗对小熊猫安全性与免疫原性研究

    The Study on Safety and Immunogenicity of the Live Attenuated Canine Distemper Virus Vaccine for Ailurus

  15. 一株登革病毒是否可以作为减毒疫苗候选株,要经过一系列的实验来确定。

    Whether a dengue virus can be a candidate attenuated vaccine strain should be determined on serials of experiments .

  16. 本文回顾了登革传统减毒疫苗的研究概况,着重介绍近年来通过反向遗传技术构建登革新型减毒疫苗的进展情况。

    The present status of research on traditional live-attenuated dengue vaccine and the remarkable progress in no-vel live-attenuated dengue vaccines on the basis of reverse genetics system are discussed in this review .

  17. 规范化H2株甲型肝炎减毒活疫苗安全性及免疫原性研究

    Study on Safety and Immunogenicity of the Live Attenuated Standardized Hepatitis A Vaccine Strain H_2

  18. 甲型肝炎减毒活疫苗H2株免疫后3年的血清学效果研究

    Immunogenicity of a live attenuated hepatitis A vaccine ( H_2 strain ) in 3 years

  19. 6~9岁儿童接种甲型肝炎减毒活疫苗(H2株)的免疫效果观察

    Immunological Observation of Attenuated Live Vaccine against Hepatitis A ( H_2 Strain ) in Children Aged 6-9 Years

  20. 地高辛标记RT-PCR检测甲肝减毒活疫苗的研究

    Evaluation of the Titre of HAV Vaccine by Digoxigenin Labeling RT PCR

  21. H2株甲肝减毒活疫苗安全性及免疫效果观察

    Observation on safety and immune effect of live attenuated Hepatitis A vaccine ( H_2 strain ) with suspension absorption technique in rhesus monkey

  22. HBsAg阳性者接种甲型肝炎减毒活疫苗的反应及免疫效果

    Adverse Reaction and Immune Effect of HBsAg Positive Volunteers Immunized with Live Attenuated Hepatitis A Vaccine

  23. 从疫苗的存在形式上看,可供选择的HIV候选疫苗包括下列几种:传统疫苗(灭活疫苗和减毒活疫苗)、合成肽和蛋白亚单位疫苗、DNA疫苗以及活载体疫苗。

    Currently the HIV vaccine candidates include traditional vaccine ( killed or attenuated vaccine ), peptide , protein subunit , DNA vaccine and live vectorial vaccine .

  24. 方法从MVEdmonston株减毒活疫苗中提取基因组RNA,RTPCR扩增H蛋白基因。

    Methods MV genomic RNA was extracted from the live attenuated vaccine ( Edmonston strain ) and H gene was amplified by RT-PCR .

  25. 结论H2株冻干甲肝减毒活疫苗有良好的T细胞刺激能力。

    Conclusion Freeze-dried Live attenuated hepatitis A vaccine ( H2-strain ) has good capacity to stimulate T lymphocyte .

  26. 目的研究规范化H2株甲型肝炎(简称甲肝)减毒活疫苗免疫学效果和抗感染能力。

    Objective To assess immunogenicity of a standardized live attenuated hepatitis A vaccine ( H 2 strain ) .

  27. 建立快速灵敏特异的甲肝减毒活疫苗滴度的RT-PCR检测法。

    Objective : A highly rapid , sensitive and specific RT-PCR method for evaluation of the titre of HAV attenuated live vaccine was established .

  28. 乙型脑炎减毒活疫苗(SA(14)-14-2)在豚鼠体内保护作用的免疫机制的研究

    Protective Effect and Dynamic of Antibody Response of Guinea Pigs Immunized with Japanese Encephalitis Attenuated Live Vaccine after Challenged with Virulent Virus

  29. 不同保存条件下Wm(84)株腮腺炎减毒活疫苗的稳定性

    Stability of Live Attenuated Vaccine of Mumps Strain Wm_ ( 84 ) under the Different Storage Conditions

  30. [结论]此法具有简便、灵敏、省时的优点,可代替常规组织培养ELISA法应用于甲肝减毒活疫苗感染性滴度检测中。

    [ Conclusions ] This method is simple , sensitive and time - saving and may replace the cell culture ELISA for testing of liver attenuated HAV vaccine .