
jiǎn zī
  • Capital reduction;reduce capital;decrease of capital
  1. 公司减资、合并、分立、解散及申请破产的决定;

    The company 's decisions to reduce capital , merge with another company , establish a separate company , disband , and apply for bankruptcy ;

  2. 股份回购是西方成熟的资本市场上普遍的一种资本运作方式,是指上市公司购回其本身发行在外的股份,以达到减资和调整股本结构等目的的一种公司理财行为。

    Share repurchase is a common capital operating method in the western capital market , which is a way to reduce capital and adjust the equity structure of listed corporations through buying back its own stock .

  3. 英国石油公司(BP)声辩,考虑到通货紧缩,其小幅减少投资并不代表真正的减资。

    BP argues its slight cut in investment does not really represent a reduction , thanks to deflation .

  4. EVA就是税后营业利润减资金成本后的剩余回报,即税后的营业利润减去债务和权益资本的使用成本后的差额。

    The Economic Value Added ( EVA ) is a measure of surplus value created on an investment , namely the difference in amount after the NOPAT ( net operating profit after taxes ) subtract cost of capital .

  5. 公司减资的比较法考察

    Comparative Law on the Reduction of Company Capital

  6. 该协会有意从英国股市减资,增加对冲基金的配额。

    It proposes to increase the allocation to hedge funds by taking money away from UK shares .

  7. 我建议应该减资,否则公司财务状况可能进一步恶化。

    I suggest reducing the capital , otherwise the company 's financial situation is going to deteriorate .

  8. 试论减资方式多元化对公司债权人利益保护原则的影响

    Tentative Discussion about the Influence of Capital Reduction 's Diversity on the Principle of the Protection of Creditors ' Interests

  9. 现代都会之中加剧的投资与减资的周期循环,新的都市形式兴起之际旋即改变都市的景观。

    Intensified cycles of investment and disinvestment in the modern metropolis have altered urban landscapes as new urban forms have emerged .

  10. 我国公司法的修订,迫切需要探讨减资制度的发展路径。

    It is necessary to discuss the way to develop the system of capital reduction as China will amend the company law .

  11. 为了追求公司利益的最大化,公司可能会出现增资或者是减资的问题。

    In order to pursue the maximization of the corporate interests , the company may occur the reducing capital and increasing capital .

  12. 公司减资是指公司在存续期间出现法定的减资事由后,依法定程序减少公司股本的行为。

    Reduction of company capital means that the company reduces the registered capital by legal proceedings when there are statute conditions of reducing the capital .

  13. 股份回购是指公司将可以使用的资金用于购回本公司已发行在外的股份,或作为库存股持有,或予以注销,从而达到减资或调整股份结构的目的。

    Share repurchase refers to a company buying back its own shares that were issued to the public before and writing off them or holding them as treasury stock .

  14. 并对减资可能引起的利益冲突进行分析,分别讨论对于股东和债权人利益的保护措施,说明减资的重要性。

    And the article discusses the benefits conflict between shareholders and creditors , and analyzes the protection of the capital reduction upon the benefits of the shareholders and creditors .

  15. 出售物业、机器及设备之收益或亏损按出售所得款项净额减资产账面净值于收益表中确认。

    Gains and losses on disposal of properties , machinery and equipment are recognized in the income statement Based on the net disposal proceeds less the carrying amount of the assets .

  16. 其次,通过与股份转让、公司减资、股份回购等相关概念的比较分析,对退股权制度的性质进行了进一步的阐述。

    Secondly , the paper shows the characteristics of the system furthermore by doing the comparison about the concept between the system and share transfer , reduction of capital , Stock Repurchase and so on .

  17. 论文的第一部分阐述了公司减资的外延和内涵、减资涉及的利益冲突之权衡以及减资的必要性。

    The first part of the thesis elaborates the extension and connotation of the corporations ' capital reduction , the pondering over benefits conflict related to capital reduction and the necessity of the capital reduction .

  18. 笔者认为,实有必要探讨各国减资法律制度,尤其是股东和债权人利益保护的相关规定,以完善我国《公司法》。

    The writer thinks , it is necessity to study the rules about reducing capital in many countries , particularly about protecting the related benefits in shareholders with creditors , so as to perfect our country 's " company law " .

  19. 目前,经济生活中,公司减资所引起的纠纷不断,我国《公司法》中相关法律制度不完善是其主要原因。

    Now , in the economic life , there is a dispute because of reducing capital of corporation , its main reason lies in the fact that the related law system is not perfect inside our country 's " company law " .

  20. 在减资的概念上,本文从三大资本制度出发,分别讨论法定资本制、授权资本制和折衷资本制度下公司减资的概念。

    On the concept of the capital reduction , this article starting from the three major capital systems , the concept of capital reduction must be interpreted in different models of capital systems which are legal capital system , authorized capital system and compromise capital system .

  21. 公司减资可分为实质性减资和形式性减资两种。文本便是根据这个分类,对于公司减资的不同场合的不同制度建议讨论研究,并提出相关立法建议。

    According to its aim of economic , the reduction of capital can be classified to the substantial capital reduction and the formal capital reduction . This article is based on this classification , studying and discussing the different capital reductions which take place on different occasions .