
jiǎn miǎn shuì
  • Tax reduction and exemption;tax concession;tax holidays;tax on remission
  1. 通过构建回归方程和运用SWOT优劣分析,结果表明减免税、从业人员数、研发支出、技术筹集额与服务外包收入呈正相关。

    Meanwhile , through building regression equations and disadvantages of SWOT analysis , the results showed that the tax reductions or exemptions , employment number , research and development spending , raise the forehead and technical service outsourcing income were positively correlated .

  2. 英国财政部的简化税收办公室(OTS)由是奥斯本去年组建的一个机构,OTS宣布将47项减免税项目中的43项废除。

    The Treasury will scrap 43 of the 47 tax reliefs identified as ripe for abolition by the Office for Tax Simplification ( OTS ) , a body set up by Mr Osborne last year .

  3. 完善慈善捐助减免税制度,清理规范隐性收入。

    Improve tax deduction policies on charitable donations . Clean up gray income .

  4. 经过与政府协商减免税和以桶代瓶这两种方式,公司成功降低了啤酒的价格。

    The company reduced the cost of the beer by negotiating a tax waiver with the government and by distributing it in kegs rather than bottles .

  5. 减免税申请报告,列明减免税理由、依据、范围、期限、数量、金额等。

    An application report for tax deduction or exemption , clearly indicating the reason , basis , scope , period , quantity , amount , and so on ;

  6. 这意味着,在我们停止资助清洁能源,我们应该问油公司和企业的飞机拥有者放弃减免税,其他公司没有得到。

    It means that before we stop funding clean energy , we should ask oil companies and corporate jet owners to give up the tax breaks that other companies don 't get .

  7. 海关的主要职责是准确审核内外资不免税商品目录,对应当享受进口税收优惠的商品予以减免税。

    And the major function of customs offices is to correctly examine the catalogues of Non-Tax-Free commodities of domestic-funded and foreign-funded projects and to reduce or exempt the tax on the commodities entitled to import tax preferential treatments .

  8. 减免税设备监管期限到期后,在海关监管期内未发生违反海关监管规定行为的,自动解除海关监管。

    Customs supervision and control will be terminated automatically when the time limit of customs supervision and control over equipment granted with duty reception or exemption is reached on condition that there is no performance violating the customs regulations .