
  • 网络Investment in labor
  1. 我国公司法排除劳务出资规定的缺陷及其完善

    Defects of Excluding Investment by Service in Company Law and Their Improvements

  2. 股东出资形式多元化趋势下的劳务出资

    Labor Services Contribution in the Trend of Multiple Forms of Shareholders ' Contribution

  3. 劳务出资的法律问题研究

    On the Legal Issues of Services for Subscription

  4. 劳务出资的可行性探究。

    Explore the feasibility of labor service contribution .

  5. 新《公司法》与劳务出资

    The New Company Law and Labor Services Contribution

  6. 其次,需要建立健全劳务出资的约束激励制度,实现劳务的价值。

    Second , we need to establish and perfect the labor capital constraints incentive system and realize the value of labor services .

  7. 确认劳务出资,还应处理好劳务出资的评估和法律责任等问题,以确保公司的资本真实和债务清偿。

    In order to acknowledge labor service contribution , we should deal well with the evaluation of labor services and its legal liability to guarantee capital reality and debt discharge .

  8. 首先需要建立健全劳务出资的评估制度体系,包括确定劳务资本的评估方法及其相关的劳务资本评估制度。

    First , we need to establish and perfect the system of evaluation system of the labor capital contribution , which including ascertain labor capital assessment method and its related labor capital evaluation system .

  9. 在得出有必要进一步放开对劳务出资的限制结论下,进一步讨论如何在制度上对其实行进行保障,以期对实践有所指导意义。

    Under the conclusion that it is necessary to release the labour service contribution , we should further talk about how to establish the systems to guarantee the implementation of it , hoping to give some instructive helps to the practice .

  10. 本文对于有限合伙人是否可以以劳务出资进行了论证,并提出若干完善我国有限合伙人出资制度的建议。

    In this paper , the question whether labor service can be considered as a king of invest is being discussed , and a number of suggestions has been carried out about how to perfect the Chinese limited partner ` s investor system .

  11. 伴随股份制经济的蓬勃发展,因股权、债权、技术、土地使用权、劳务等出资标的适格问题引起的法律纠纷日益增多。

    With the vigorous development of joint-stock economy , the legal disputes are getting increase , which are caused by the qualification problems of invested objective such as stock right , creditor 's right , technology , land-use right and labor services and so on .

  12. 假如允许劳务资本作为出资方式,为了防范化解风险,要对其施以必要的法律限制。

    If you allow labor capital as a way to prevent risks , to impose necessary for its legal restrictions .