
láo dònɡ fú wù ɡōnɡ sī
  • labor service company;employment social agency
  1. 公司成立于上个世纪70年代,前身是一家劳动服务公司。

    The company was established in the 1970s which is a labor service company at first .

  2. 本文介绍了天津市地矿局劳动服务公司经营部两年来所取得的成效,及其经验。

    The article introduces the progress and experience gained in the past two years by the business department of the Labor Service Company subordinate to the Tianjin Bureau of Geology and Mineral Resources .

  3. 哈尔滨哈车劳动服务公司绩效管理研究

    Research on Performance Management of Harbin Vehicles Service Company

  4. 青岛海洋化工集团劳动服务公司

    Qingdao Marine Chemical Group Trading Service Company

  5. 合营企业必须按月向企业所在地的区、县劳动服务公司足额缴纳中国职工待业保险基金。

    A joint enterprise shall each month pay the local district or county labour service centre an unemployment insurance premium sufficient to cover all of its Chinese employees .

  6. 劳务派遣企业是市场经济发展的一种特有就业企业组织形式,它产生于20世纪中叶,在我国出现在上世纪90年代,以劳动服务公司等多种形式存在。

    Enterprise of supplying labor service is a characteristic organization in the development of market economy . It emerged in the middle period of the 20th century , but came into being in 1990s in China .