
  • 网络service revenue;Service Income
  1. 虽然近几年凉山州州委政府大力发展劳务经济,提高农民劳务技能,增加劳务收入。

    Although in recent years the government has made great efforts to the development committee liangshan service economy , improvement of farmers ' labor skills , increase the service revenue .

  2. 劳务收入,采用完工进度法确认;

    The labor service income shall be confirmed by the percentage of completion method ;

  3. 劳务收入记人贷方,所有劳务支出记入借方。

    Receipts of services are entered in the credit side while payments the debit side .

  4. 提供劳务收入;

    Income from providing labor services ;

  5. 教育创新是推动农民劳务收入增长的根本&以河南省为例

    Education Innovation bases the Increase of Peasants ' Labor Income : a Case Study in Henan Province

  6. 对外劳务收入已连续多年超过地区财政收入,劳务经济已成为延边州的支柱产业。

    Foreign labor income has surpassed regional finance income for many years and labor economy has become the pillar industry of Yanbian .

  7. 目前,农民的外出劳务收入已经超过在家劳动收入,成为农民收入的主体。

    The income from labor service in cities has become the major part in peasants ' total income , topping the income from agricultural work .

  8. 农民劳务收入与受教育年限正线性相关。影响农民劳务收入增长的教育因素主要有思想认识和制度安排两个方面。

    Linear correlated with the educational years , the increase of income from labor service was directly influenced by the factors of cognition and institutional arrangement .

  9. 资本收益与劳务收入的税率相比降幅较少,这部分是因为80年代以前的税率都很低。

    Declines on tax rates for capital income have been smaller than those for labour income , not least because tax rates were lower before the1980s .

  10. 香港企业所得税率最高为17.5%,个人所得税率最高为16%,资本利得、股息和其它形式的非劳务收入无需缴税。

    Corporate profits are taxed at a top rate of 17.5 per cent and individual income at 16 per cent , with no taxes on capital gains , dividends and other forms of passive income .

  11. 增收的主要因素是:大宗农产品尤其是粮食的价格回升、发展畜牧业、农民外出劳务收入增长等。

    The income increase is mainly attributed to such factors as price rises for gain and other major farm produce , development of animal husbandry , and increased income of farmers from labor service outside their hometowns .

  12. 在多数情况下,只要企业向客户提供了商品或劳务,收入就已经实现。

    In most cases , revenue is earned when the business has delivered a completed good or service to the customer .

  13. 向公众出售货物或提供劳务的收入或其他由政府帐户支付的收入一般说来,地方政府的收入主要来自财产税,州政府大多依靠营业税和消费税。

    In general , local governments have received most of their tax revenues from property taxes , while state governments traditionally have depended on sales and excise taxes .

  14. 易受损害的集团是依靠出售非贸易商品和劳务而获得收入的集团。

    The group likely to be hurt is the group that receives its income by selling nontraded goods and services .

  15. 通过河南新乡个案调查,了解目前劳务输出海员收入状况和生活状况。

    Through the case study of henan xinxiang and understand the current labor export income condition and living conditions seafarers .

  16. 另外,发展劳务经济对收入分配会产生一定影响,通过调节收入分配差距,最终刺激农民收入更快增长。

    Moreover , the development of labour business economy can produce certain influence to income distribution , by adjusting the difference of income distribution finally simulate fast increase of peasants ' income .

  17. 延边地区凭借独特的地缘和人缘优势,对韩劳务输出迅猛发展,对外劳务收入已连续多年超过地区财政收入,劳务经济已成为延边地区的支柱产业。

    Because of the unique advantages of geographical and popularity , the rapid development of labor export to South Korea , foreign labor income has excessed the region revenue for many years and labor economy has become a pillar industry in Yanbian .

  18. 农村劳务经济是指农村劳动者为本家庭以外的单位或个人提供劳务而获取报酬收入的经济活动。

    The rural labor economy refers to the economic activity that rural workers provide service for entities or individuals other than their families and thus earn income .