
  • 网络Labor commodity;labour power as a commodity;the commodity of labor force
  1. 从三个方面对马克思主义政治经济学进行了注记:(1)分析劳动力商品数量和价格的决定过程;

    This paper gives annotations on Marxist Political Economy from the following three aspects : ( 1 ) Analysing the process to decide the price and quantity of the commodity of labor force ;

  2. 以劳动力商品论和劳动价值论为基础的工资理论,是马克思经济学的重要组成部分,也是其最独特的理论。

    The wage theory , based on the theory of labour power as a commodity and labour theory of value , is one of the most important parts in Marx 's economics .

  3. 明晰劳动力商品和劳动力资本的关系。

    The relationship between labour force commodity and labour force capital .

  4. 论劳动力商品的价值构成

    Comment on the value composition of labor force as commodity

  5. 社会主义劳动力商品论评析

    A Critical Analysis of the Issue of Socialist Labour as a Commodity

  6. 论按劳分配与劳动力商品的内在联系

    On Inner Link between Distribution according to His work and Labor Commodity

  7. 论劳动力商品与劳动者的经济地位

    On Labour Commodity and The Economic Position of labour

  8. 劳动力商品与劳动者主人翁并不矛盾。

    Labor power as commodities and laborers in the master position are without contradiction .

  9. 劳动力商品与人力资本

    Commodity of Labour and Capital of Labour Power

  10. 但在目前市场经济条件下,二者又有一些共同点,他们不仅同属于雇佣劳动,是劳动力商品,而且都是半商品。

    But in the market economy , there still have some similarities between them .

  11. 论劳动力商品的自我增殖&兼评人力资本理论

    On Self - generated Value of Labor Power

  12. 劳动力商品与劳动力市场的关系。

    And ( 5 ) What is the relationship between labour as commodity and the labour market ?

  13. 传统的经济学观点总是把劳动力商品看作资本主义的重要特征。

    Traditional economy always views the nature of commodity of work force as an important characteristic of capitalism .

  14. 马克思主义劳动力商品理论是劳务经济发展的理论基础。

    The Marxism theory of labor force commodity is the rationale basis of the development of the labor economy .

  15. 二是宣传劳动力商品论有无理论意义和实际意义。

    And does it have any theoretical and practical significance to advocate " the theory of labour as a commodity "?

  16. 应从市场经济共性的角度看待失业、两极分化、经济危机、劳动力商品等。

    We should treat unemployment , polarity , economic crisis and labor commodity from the perspective of generality of market economy .

  17. 知识劳动力商品中的劳动二重性的新特点,导致了分配、产权制度的革新;

    Duality of labour , which is the new feature of knowledge labour commodity leads to the reform of title and distribution system .

  18. 面对就业压力,作为劳动力商品的大学生需要树立自我营销意识;

    Facing to the intense pressure of employment , university students who are also some kind of labour commodity need a sense of self-marketing .

  19. 由于社会制度的根本不同,社会主义条件下的劳动力商品具有与资本主义条件下的劳动力商品在本质上的不同的特点。

    Because of the fundamental distinction between two social systems , the commodity of labor in socialist society differs essentially from that in capitalist society .

  20. 讨论中形成了两种相互对立的观点,主要集中在五个方面:劳动力商品是共有经济范畴还是特有经济范畴;

    The two contradictory views differ in the following five aspects : ( 1 ) Is labour commodity a common category or a unique one ?

  21. 社会主义市场经济必然要求劳动力商品化,而劳动者作为劳动力商品出卖者与社会主义企业主人翁的双重身份似乎难以相容。

    Labour force has to be regarded as commodity under the socialist market economy , but this is contrary to the owner status of workers in enterprises .

  22. 在社会主义市场经济中,马克思指出的劳动力商品的两个必备条件依然存在,社会主义工资仍然是劳动力价值。

    However , the two prerequisites of work force as commodity are still existent in socialist market economy with wage still being the measure of work force .

  23. 当然,与资本主义原始积累时期的劳动力商品的产生和买卖关系相比较,后者还是有些新的特点。

    When comparing with the relations between production and trade of labour force commodity during the first accumulation period of the capitalism , the later has some new features .

  24. 高校教师聘任合同性质为一种以提供教育教学及其科研行为的劳动力商品为客体的特殊的民事合同。

    The character of college teachers ' appointment contract is the special civil contract as the object of labor force commodity providing the education and teaching and the scientific research behavior .

  25. 在市场经济中,经过劳动力商品交换,劳动力进入生产过程,劳动力使用权分离为雇主手里的劳动力支配使用权和劳动者掌握的劳动力直接使用权。

    In market economy through the exchange of labor commodity , labor enters the process of production and labor access is separated into the power of employers to dominate labor access and the power of laborers to use labor directly .

  26. 分析了劳动力商品价值最低构成和一般构成的含义,论述了劳动力商品价值的一般构成中包括劳动者享受性消费所需要的支出。

    The article analyses the meaning of the lowest composition and the general composition of the labor commodity value and it also argues the layout needed by the general composition of the labor commodity value , including enjoyable comsumption of labourers .

  27. 马克思还通过创立劳动力商品学说和劳动二重性理论,深刻说明了剩余价值的来源和实质,创立了剩余价值理论,为马克思经济学体系的基本形成奠定了基础。

    Marx also created the doctrine of the labor commodity and the theory of labor duality , explained the source and essence of surplus value . The foundation of the theory of surplus value laid a foundation for the essential formation of Marxist economics system .

  28. 许多政府认为我们正生活在这样一个世界,于是取消了关于资本、劳动力以及商品跨境流动的法律法规,但结果并不理想。

    Believing in such a world , many governments have put an end to some of the very necessary regulations on cross-border flows of capital , labour and goods , with poor results .

  29. 欧盟(EU)向境内公民赋予的最重要权利是四项根本自由,即劳动力、商品、服务和资本的流动自由。

    The most important rights conferred by the EU to its citizens are the four fundamental freedoms – of movement of labour , goods , services , and capital .

  30. 论劳动力的商品属性及其影响价格形成的因素

    By Labor Force Commodity Attribute and Its Influence Price Structure Factor