
láo dònɡ lì jià zhí
  • value of labor power
  1. 很多产业处于分工的低端,出卖的实际只是劳务、所赚取的仅仅是一些劳动力价值而已,因此在国际竞争中难以立足。

    What they sell is only labor service , and what they earn is only the value of labor power . Therefore , they are difficult to keep a foothold in international competition .

  2. 劳动力价值理论的几个矛盾和问题

    Several Contradictions and Problems Existing in the Labor Value Theory

  3. 传统经济学的劳动力价值理论只有生产劳动力的生产费用(物化劳动),没有生产劳动力的劳动时间(活劳动)的耗费。

    The production of labor force includes the consumption of labor time .

  4. 论马克思的劳动力价值构成理论框架的开放性

    On the Openness of Framework of Marxism 's Labor Force Value Construction Theoretic

  5. 马克思劳动力价值价格界限理论初探

    On Marxism Theory of the Limits of the Value and Price of Labor

  6. 劳动力价值、人力资本与交易成本

    Labor Value , Human Capital and Transaction Cost

  7. 显然,劳动力价值中还包含着享受资料的动态性。

    The value of labor force also includes the dynamics of means of enjoyment .

  8. 劳动力价值由劳动力生产成本和劳动力价值增值两部分组成;

    The labor force value constitute of the labor force cost and its increment .

  9. 明晰劳动力价值补偿和按劳分配的关系;

    The relationship between labour force value compensation and " distribution according to work ";

  10. 劳动力价值的内容包括了人力资本投资的行为;

    The explanation to the value of labor force implies investment in human capital ;

  11. 相对剩余价值长期趋势与劳动力价值决定

    The Long-term Tendency of Relative Surplus Value and the Value Determination of Labor Force

  12. 农村劳动力价值决定和实现的不确定性及影响

    The Uncertainty and the Impact of Decisions and Implementation of the Rural Labor Force Value

  13. 论劳动力价值的动态性

    On Dynamics of Value of Labor Force

  14. 劳动与劳动力价值新论

    On Labor and Value of Labor Force

  15. 这个理论揭示了工资由身体标准和社会标准确定,劳动力价值界限的决定要素是纯生理要素与社会历史要素;

    This theory bring to light that wage will be determined by both the physical and social standard .

  16. 工资是劳动力价值补偿,不属于分配范围;明晰产权关系,就是要明晰生产资料所有权和劳动力所有权的关系;

    Wages , as the value compensation of labor force , are not in the scope of distribution .

  17. 劳动力价值理论不仅为个税的免征额扣除提供了理论依据,而且还提供了数量界限,以及确定了免征额政策的首要目标是维持劳动力的生产和再生产。

    It determines the primary goal of exemption policy is to maintain the production and reproduction of the workforce .

  18. 学习的性质体现为形成劳动力价值、实现人力资本的积累与增殖及其学习的回报性。

    Learning can help to increase the value of labor force , accumulate and multiply human capital and get returns .

  19. 劳动力价值对工资的要求更直接地表现为劳动力生产成本对工资的要求;

    The request of the wages from the labor force value expresses itself directly in the form of labor force production cost .

  20. 按生产要素分配、按劳分配及按劳动力价值分配之间的关系

    The Relations among the Distribution according to Productive Factors , the Distribution according to Labor and the Distribution according to Labor Value

  21. 按劳动力价值分配在我国社会主义市场经济条件下具有客观必然性;

    It is objectively inevitable for us to accept the distribution according to labor force value in the country 's socialist market economic conditions .

  22. 按劳分配和按劳动力价值分配是两个不同层面而又相互联系、密不可分的概念。

    The allotment according to labor is different from the allotment according to labor force value , but they are indivisible and relative to each other .

  23. 因此,正确的选择不是改变人民币汇率本身,而是调节相对劳动力价值或价格。

    Therefore , the right policy is not to change the RMB exchange rate , but to adjust the relative value or price of the laborer .

  24. 摘要在社会主义市场经济条件下,职业教育投资作为劳动力价值的一部分,成为企业人力资源投资的一部分。

    In socialist market economy , vocational education investment makes up of part of the labour force value and part of the enterprise 's human investment .

  25. 而当我们作为世界人民,想要最大限度地发挥自己的劳动力价值时,就有一道坚不可摧的墙横在我们面前。

    But we hit an impregnable wall when it comes to free flow across the world of people eager to maximize the value of their labor .

  26. 商品价值中包含的劳动力价值不是生产商品时新创造的一部分价值,而是劳动力生产要素的价值转移。

    The labor value contained in the goods value is not a value newly created in production , but a value transformation of labor force production factor .

  27. 2008年的童工事件使彝族劳工的组织形式、劳动力价值问题引发了社会广泛争议。

    After " The event of child labor " in 2008 , the problems of organizational form and value of Yi labor popped up and were discussed widely .

  28. 对现实中劳动力价值及工资运动的考察与正确把握,必须在劳动力价值价格界限的理论基础上来进行。

    Only with the theory of the limits of the value and price of labor will we correctly understand and master the value of labor and wage movement .

  29. 目前关于按劳分配与按劳动力价值分配关系的问题,学术界存在着不同的观点。

    Nowadays , in academic circles , there are different views regarding the issue of relation between distribution according to work and distribution according to labor force value .

  30. 该章阐述了马克思劳动力价值理论的基本观点和主要内容,并说明马克思劳动力价值理论与劳资冲突的内在逻辑关系。

    The chapter on the Marxist labor theory of value and main contents of the basic ideas and describes Marxist Labor Theory of Value Theory and industrial relations between the internal logic .