
  • 网络working-age population;working age population
  1. 据国家统计局最新发布的数据,截至2015年末,16周岁以上至60周岁以下(不含60周岁)的劳动年龄人口比上年末减少487万人。

    By the end of 2015 , defined as people between 16 to 60 , the working-age population fell by a record 4.87 million , according to the National Bureau of Statistics .

  2. 2015年,中国劳动年龄人口遭遇现代史上最大跌幅。

    China 's working-age population saw its largest decline in modern China 's history in 2015 .

  3. 非劳动年龄人口的增长会以像LeAmor.这样的养老院扩张的形式出现。

    One way this will show up is in a proliferation of places like Le Amor .

  4. 中国正面临劳动年龄人口减少的压力。

    While China is experiencing a squeeze in its working-age population .

  5. 不过,人口老龄化会导致劳动年龄人口高龄化。

    However , ageing of population will lead to working-age population aging .

  6. 新时期首都劳动年龄人口文化素质分析

    On the Cultural Qualities of Beijing 's Working-age Population in the New Period

  7. 2012年,中国劳动年龄人口出现了首次下降。

    In 2012 the working-age population of China shrank for the first time .

  8. 今年3月份美国整个劳动年龄人口的失业率为7.6%。

    The unemployment rate for the entire working-age population last month was 7.6 % .

  9. 中国的总人口数量将开始比劳动年龄人口数量增加的更快。

    The overall population will start to grow faster than that of working age .

  10. 劳动年龄人口大量增加,就业压力居高不下;

    The sharp increase of labor force has placed great pressure upon the job market ;

  11. 中国的劳动年龄人口去年下降了371万,此前在2013年下降了244万。

    China 's working-age population fell 3.71m last year , after falling 2.44m in 2013 .

  12. 包括导致劳动年龄人口短缺的人口快速老龄化。

    It also has a rapidly aging population , which has contributed to the shortage of working-age people .

  13. 劳动年龄人口减少不会改变这个议程,只会进一步强化它。

    The dwindling number of workers in China will not so much change the agenda as reinforce it .

  14. 从总体来说,人口老龄化发展会导致劳动年龄人口比重相对下降。

    Generally speaking , aging of the population will lead to relative decline of working-age proportion in the population .

  15. 到2005年,在美国没有高中文凭的劳动年龄人口当中,有25%处于失业状态。

    By 2005 , a quarter of working-age US men without a high-school diploma were out of the workforce .

  16. 随着中国人口的老龄化,中国劳动年龄人口的规模在缩减,而全社会的医疗费用支出在增加,这让人担心中国经济会不断放慢增长速度。

    A shrinking workforce and higher costs of care as China 's population ages have raised fears about slowing growth .

  17. 另一方面,甘肃省劳动年龄人口增长迅速,正处于人口红利黄金时期。

    On the other hand , labor population increases faster , Gansu is now in the prime of demographic dividend .

  18. 然后根据宋健人口发展模型,对2010-2050年间我国劳动年龄人口规模及结构进行预测,近而推算出2010-2050年间我国劳动力的数量。

    Then under the " Song " population development model , China 2010-2050 years of working-age population size and structure prediction .

  19. 老年抚养比大:本世纪中叶我国老年人口与劳动年龄人口之比将等于目前的3~4倍。

    Large elderly dependency ratio : the elderly dependency ratio in 2050 will be 3-4 times as large as that today ;

  20. 人口红利是指由于劳动年龄人口增加而产生的经济增长速度的上升。

    This dividend refers to an increase in the rate of economic growth due to an increase of people of working age .

  21. 根据国际经验,人口老龄化会导致劳动年龄人口比例下降和劳动力短缺。

    According to international experience , ageing of population will lead to decline in the proportion of working-age population and shortage of labor .

  22. 在当地劳动年龄人口当中,据估计有70%现在在莫斯科就业,大多在低端服务业岗位。

    An estimated 70 per cent of the local working-age population is now employed in the capital , mostly in low-end service jobs .

  23. 这种高速增长的势头正在为被劳动年龄人口增速减缓,局部地区出现民工荒现象,企业用工成本上升的问题所困扰。

    But slowing growth of working-age people , labor shortage in some areas and increased labor cost are hindering the Chinese high-speed economic growth .

  24. 另外,中国的低出生率意味着,劳动年龄人口(15岁至64岁)将在2015年达到9.96亿的峰值水平。

    In addition , China 's low birth rate means that the working age population ( 15-64 ) will reach a peak of 996m in 2015 .

  25. 中国正处在劳动年龄人口和经济活动人口最多的时期,劳动适龄人口顶峰已经降临。

    China is in a period of greatest number of working-age population and economically active population . The peak of the working-age population has already fallen .

  26. 在经济体制改革前,中国女性劳动年龄人口基本实现了普遍就业,中国的收入性别差异并不明显。

    Prior to the reform of the economic system , the Chinese women working-age population is basically achieve universal employment income is not obvious gender differences .

  27. 中国作为世界人口大国,拥有近13亿人口和近8亿的劳动年龄人口,劳动力供给量增长很快。

    China is a large developing country , with the population of 1.3 billion and 0.8 billion of them for labor supply whose increase is fast .

  28. 的确,届时美国劳动年龄人口将增长约30%,而中国将减少3%。

    Indeed , the US 's working age population will have grown by about 30 per cent , whereas China 's will have dropped 3 per cent .

  29. 人口因素对新兴经济体也有影响,劳动年龄人口增长率下降在中国尤为明显。

    In emerging economies , too , demographic factors have been at work : the decline in the growth of the working-age population is particularly dramatic in China .

  30. 某个国家如果正处在劳动年龄人口最充分的阶段,经济增长就会获得额外的供给源泉,这就是人口红利。

    If a country that is in the working-age population to the fullest stage of growth will be an additional supply source , this is the demographic dividend .