
  • 网络Labor accumulation;labour accumulation
  1. 浅析坚持农村水利劳动积累工制度的重要性和必要性

    Brief Analysis of Importance and Necessity of Upholding Cumulative Labour Hours System for Rural Water Conservancy

  2. 初始资本靠个人劳动积累;

    The initial capital is accumulated by means of individual labour ; personal information about the learners ;

  3. 民俗艺术是千百年来集体、个人意识和劳动积累起来的丰富经验的结晶,其中蕴含的无用之用何其之多,难以想象。

    Folk art is for thousands of years , the collective and the individual consciousness and the accumulated rich experience of labor , which contain the crystallization of how much with the useless , difficult to imagine .

  4. 阐明了问题的因果关系,并结合我国实际情况,从劳动积累工政策、投入政策、组织实施政策、管理工作政策等方面提出了加强新时期农村水利建设的政策建议。

    And several policy suggestions for strengthening the rural water construction in the new era from the aspects of labor accumulation policy , labor input policy , organization and implementation policy and management policy are proposed by integrating the real situation of the country .

  5. 介绍了农村税费改革的内涵,包括对农业税、农业特产税、屠宰税、乡统筹、村提留、劳动积累工、义务工所进行的改革和调整。

    Content of tax and fee reform in countryside of China , including the reform and adjustment of agricultural tax , tax on special agricultural products , tax of butcher , over plan of township , draw down of village , accumulating labor , obligation labor .

  6. 劳动收入积累形成价值,是劳动价值论的继续。

    The cumulating of labor income is a value that continues the labor value theory .

  7. 建立一种以期待利益损失补偿为主,劳动贡献积累、伤病补贴和惩罚性补偿为辅的辞退补偿制度;

    It is necessary to establish a compensation system with the main principle that the anticipant benefit loss , the assistant includes the labor contribution , the punishment and the allowance of the disability and disease .

  8. 这种劳动产物的积累称为资本。

    This accumulated stock of the produce of labour is termed Capital .

  9. 从石器到电脑,这种积累本质上是知识的积累或创新劳动成果的积累。

    From Stone Age " stone " to the modern " computer ", this accumulation is essentially the result of the accumulation of knowledge , or the accumulation of innovation .

  10. 根据国际贸易和经济增长理论的最新发展,促进一国经济增长的主要因素有劳动、资本积累、土地(自然资源)、技术进步、社会制度环境和对外贸易。

    According to the latest development of the theory on international trade and economy increase , the main factors to promote national economy increase are : labor , capital fund , soil ( natural resource ), technology advancement , regime environment and international trade .

  11. 在资产阶级社会里,活的劳动只是增殖已经积累起来的劳动的一种手段。

    In bourgeois society , living labour is but a means to increase accumulated labour .

  12. 在资产阶级社会里,活的劳动只是增殖已经积累起来的劳动的一种手段。工作认真负责,积极主动,能吃苦耐劳。

    In bourgeois society , living labour is but a means to increase accumulated labour . Works is responsible earnestly , positive initiative , can bear hardships and stand hard work .

  13. 早在18世纪,经济学家们就认识到经济增长的动力在于劳动分工、资本积累和技术进步,并且发展出总量生产函数模型来对经济增长理论进行定量分析。

    In the 18 century , the economists had found that the drive of economic growth lies in capital , labor input and the developing technology , and then they study aggregation production function to analyze the economic growth .