
láo dòng lì
  • labour force;work force;labour;capacity for physical labour;labor;manpower;labor force;ability to work;capacity for work
劳动力 [láo dòng lì]
  • (1) [labor;manpower;labor force;work force]∶从事特定活动的劳动者

  • 工厂的劳动力

  • (2) [ability to work;capacity for work]∶人的劳动能力,人用来生产物质资料的体力和脑力的总和

  • 丧失劳动力

劳动力[láo dòng lì]
  1. 女性雇员占劳动力的多数。

    Female workers constitute the majority of the labour force .

  2. 40岁以下的人占劳动力的大多数。

    People under the age of 40 constitute the majority of the labour force .

  3. 总数接近劳动力的20%。

    The total was close to 20 % of the workforce .

  4. 现在有超过百分之十的劳动力闲置。

    Over ten per cent of the workforce is now idle .

  5. 当地的公司支援了建筑材料和劳动力。

    Local companies pitched in with building materials and labour .

  6. 雇主正在把移民当作廉价劳动力使用。

    Employers are using immigrants as cheap labour .

  7. 从战场返乡的士兵挤爆了劳动力市场。

    Soldiers returning from the war had glutted the job market .

  8. 英国的失业人数已上升至占劳动力总数的8.1%。

    Unemployment in Britain rose to 8.1 % of the labour force .

  9. 每年有100万年轻人进入劳动力市场。

    A million young people enter the labour market each year

  10. 为抚养年幼子女暂停工作后又重返劳动力市场的女性

    women returning to the labour market after time out to raise young families .

  11. 廉价劳动力供应充足。

    There is an abundant supply of cheap labour

  12. 他们想要廉价的、听话的劳动力。

    They wanted a low-cost , docile workforce .

  13. 劳动力匮乏愈演愈烈。

    The labour shortage is becoming acute .

  14. 为什么德国工业能有如此现成的训练有素且积极肯干的劳动力资源呢?

    Why does German industry enjoy such a ready supply of well-trained and well-motivated workers ?

  15. 各公司正在试图让劳动力市场的均势向有利于自己的方向倾斜。

    Firms are trying to shift the balance of power in the labour market back in their favour .

  16. 如果会对劳动力产生一些影响,现在就说是什么影响还言之过早。

    It is too early to say what effect , if any , there will be on the workforce .

  17. 对食品杂货零售商来说,给货物贴价签也是劳动力成本中最为昂贵的一个部分,仅次于雇佣收银员的费用。

    Next to the expense of cashiers , pricing items is one of the costliest labor costs of grocery retailers .

  18. 1945年6月,英国仍然有45%的劳动力在部队服役或就职于军火工业。

    In June 1945 , Britain still had forty-five per cent of its workforce in the Services and munitions industries .

  19. 失业时间越长,就越难在劳动力市场与别人竞争。

    The longer people have been unemployed , the harder it is for them to compete in the labour market .

  20. 数字低于7%,只是因为统计数据没有把不能算作劳动力的人口包括在内。

    It 's under 7 percent only because statistics don 't count the people who aren 't qualified to be in the work force

  21. 毫无疑问,这么便宜的商品靠的是极为廉价的劳动力。

    Undoubtedly , such cheap goods rely on dirt cheap labour .

  22. 市长只是含糊地大致说了一下他的劳动力就业计划。

    The mayor gave only a vague outline of his employment plan .

  23. 缺乏劳动力使我们的经济发展速度减慢。

    Shortage of labour power retarded our economic development .

  24. 资方决定节省开支,裁减劳动力中的冗员,这样可以减少工资支出。

    The management decided to economize by cutting the dead wood from the workforce , thus reducing the wages bill .

  25. 在计划能源系统变革时,我们必须考虑的另一种动力是劳动力储备动力。

    Another type of momentum we have to think about when planning for changes in our energy systems is labor-pool momentum .

  26. 不过,也正是农民本身出于劳动力空缺不断增加,大规模经营难以为继的缘故,才不断推动着进步。

    However , it is farmers that are pushing for the advancements due to ever-increasing labor vacancies , making it difficult to maintain large-scale operations .

  27. 耶伦是一位明星经济学家,以其在劳动力市场上开创性的工作而闻名,她在次贷危机早期就曾发出警告,堪称是一位预言家。

    A star economist known for her groundbreaking work on labor markets , Yellen was a kind of prophetess early on in the crisis for her warnings about the subprime meltdown .

  28. 劳动力的深刻变化让团队更难管理。

    Profound changes in the workforce are making teams trickier to manage .

  29. 反过来,这又为工厂创造了大量的劳动力。

    In turn , that created a pool of labour for factories .

  30. 发展中国家受空气污染影响最为严重,在一些地区,劳动力收入损失几乎相当于国内生产总值的1%。

    The effects of air pollution are worst in the developing world , where in some places lost-labor income equals nearly 1 % of GDP .