
  1. 当然,劳动资本出资行为也应接受法律的规制以实现其合法化的最佳运作。

    Certainly , the investment of labor capital should be put under the legal regulation to realize the best operation of legalization .

  2. 分析了以德国为代表的劳动资本共决制和以美国为代表的职工持股计划制度。

    This paper analyzes on the German as a representative of labor capital were never represented by America system and the employee stock ownership plan system .

  3. 这些变量有:单位劳动资本、单位劳动产出、资本&产出比、生产要素价格、劳动者老年期和青年期消费等。

    These are unit labor output , capital - output ratio , the prices of production factors , old age and youth workers consumption , and so on .

  4. 劳动资本化的命题,在不同的社会制度下都产生了一种新的劳动关系:作为有产者的劳动者们之间联合劳动的关系。

    In different social system , the proposition of labor capitalization has produced a new relationship among the laborers who have become owners of capital - a united labor relationship .

  5. 土地、劳动和资本都能创造财富。

    Land , labor and capital are all productive of wealth .

  6. 通过C-D生产函数衍生得到的计量模型,分析公有制和非公有制经济生产中投入要素劳动和资本的变化对吉林省经济增长的效应。

    The effect of change of labour and capital in public-owned and non-public-owned economic production on the economic growth in Jilin province is analysed .

  7. 试论建立劳动雇佣资本的股份制

    On the Establishment of the Stock System of Labor Employing Capital

  8. 劳动与资本的人格化及其相互关系研究

    Personification of Labour and Capital and Their Mutual Relation

  9. 人们普遍感受到了收入从劳动向资本的转移。

    The shift in income away from labour towards capital is widely felt .

  10. 在市场经济条件下,劳动与资本是重要的经济范畴。

    Under market economy , labour and capital are the important categories of economy .

  11. 因此,劳动雇佣资本的命题是难以成立的。

    So , the assumption of " labor-employment capital " can 't come true .

  12. 是劳动雇佣资本还是资本雇佣劳动&与毛蕴诗和李新家两位先生商榷

    Labor Employ Capital , or Capital Employ Labor

  13. 我国地区农业生产中的土地、劳动和资本分析

    An Analysis of Land , Labor and Capital in Regional Agricultural Production in China

  14. 新公司法忽视的重要视角:劳动与资本

    Important Angle of View Neglected by the New Company Law : Labor and Capital

  15. 关于劳动雇佣资本命题的理性思考

    On assumption of labor - employment capital

  16. 自出现劳动与资本,这两者的矛盾就一直存在看。

    Labour has been in to capital ever since the two classes came into being .

  17. 信息、劳动、资本和能源都是十分重要的经济资源。

    Information , labour , capital and energy resource are all very important economic resources .

  18. 研究了劳动、资本和技术三要素生产函数中,技术增长对劳动和资本的要素替代关系;

    Cases in which technological factors take the place of labor and capital factors are analyzed .

  19. 他们认为,劳动与资本只能在一个国家内流动,而不能在国际间流动。

    Labor and capital were mobile within a country , they believed , but not internationally .

  20. 我国出口商品结构存在的问题较多。工业制成品中劳动和资本密集型产品比重较大而知识和技术密集型产品比重较小。

    There are far mare labor-intensive and capital-intensive products than knowledge-intensive and technology-intensive products among manufactured goods .

  21. 劳动与资本的矛盾

    Conflict between Labor and Capital

  22. 各层面的商品、服务、劳动与资本市场显示价格下跌已加速。

    Markets for goods , services , labor and capital are registering across-the-board , accelerated price declines .

  23. 本文构建了以节约劳动与资本运营为基础的自我积累规律的框架与要点。

    This paper works out a framework for such a rule and provides some related key points .

  24. 论税收与经济增长&对中国劳动、资本和消费征税的效应分析

    On Taxation and Economic Growth & The Effects of Taxation Imposed on Labor , Capital and Consumption

  25. 经济非均衡意味着劳动和资本在不同产业部门间的边际生产率是不同的。

    Non-balanced economy means that labor and capital in different sectors of the marginal productivity is different .

  26. 第四章要探讨的问题是,劳动与资本双重过剩条件下现代工业部门是如何实现自身不断发展的。

    In Chapter Four I explore the prospect for sustainable industrialization under the conditions of labor and capital surplus .

  27. 由于非人力资本在传统企业中的独特地位,在企业产权制度方面突出表现为资本雇佣劳动,资本雇佣劳动似乎成了永恒的命题。

    Because of physical capital ' special status , enterprise property right mainly is " Capital employ labor " .

  28. 所谓综合投入要素是所有要素(劳动和资本)投入的某种加权平均。

    General factor devotion means some kinds of average in all the factor devotion ( labor and capital ) .

  29. 在发展路径上,应该选择技术与劳动、资本紧密结合的农业发展道路。

    In the development path , we should choose technology and labor , capital in close connection with agriculture development .

  30. 测度了河南省各时期劳动、资本、技术进步对经济增长的贡献率;

    Contribution rates of employment , investement and technological progress to Henan 's economy growth in different periods were measured ;