
  1. 改革当前劳动关系的对策有:消除下岗职工流动的制度障碍;建立完善的劳动力信息网络体系。

    The ways of reforming the current labor relations are : elimiminating the systematic obstacles of the laid-off workers ' mobility , and setting up a perfect information network system of labor force .

  2. 研究人员利用人口普查局的劳动力信息进行调查,调查结果却令人惊讶。首先,自1990年代中期至2000年代中期,远程办公的人数基本保持不变。

    Researchers took advantage of labor information from census bureau surveys and were surprised by what they found . First off , the proportion of people who work remotely remained unchanged from the mid - '90s to the mid-2000s the most recent data available .

  3. 基于WebServices的劳动力市场信息网格研究

    Research on Labor Market Information Grid Based on Web Services

  4. 本方法中,基于OWL本体(WebOntologyLanguage)语言建立了应急资源本体模型以识别劳动力资源信息和物力资源信息。

    Based on OWL ontology language ( Web Ontology Language ), emergency resource ontology model is established in the approach to obtain human resource information and material resource information .

  5. 最后,本论文描述了融合Internet技术的新型MIS体系结构在世界银行贷款项目&劳动力市场信息系统(LMIS)中的实际应用,以及LMIS中Internet服务部分的设计和实现。

    In the last part of this paper , we describe the application of the new architecture of MIS in LMIS and design of the Internet service and its implementation .

  6. 通过对决策树算法的深入分析,我们围绕着C4.5决策树生成算法建立了一个分类预测系统并实现了与劳动力市场信息管理系统(LMIS)的集成。

    With the thorough analysis on the algorithm of decision tree induction , we established a classification and prediction system based on C4.5 and accomplished the integration with the LMIS system .

  7. 略论云南劳动力市场信息网络的完善

    Studies on the Construction of Labor Market Information Network of Yunnan Province

  8. 论劳动力市场信息网络建设

    On construction of labor force information network

  9. 由于劳动力市场信息不对称,招聘大学生是一种风险投资决策。

    Under asymmetric information of job market , recruiting college students is a risky investment decision to make .

  10. 笔者认为,强化劳动力市场信息服务是实现劳动力资源合理配置的有效措施之一。

    The article thinks the improvement of the information service of labor market is the effective manner to realize the reasonable deployment of the labor resource .

  11. 2004年推出的《劳动力市场信息系统三版》是针对市级、区(县)级就业管理机构业务管理设计实现的。

    Launched in 2004 , the three edition of labor market information system was designed for business management of municipal , district ( county ) level of employment management mechanism .

  12. 世卫组织卫生服务支柱(如劳动力、信息和资金);基本疫苗、药品和技术;以及基本生存需求(如卫生、营养、饮用水、病媒控制和烟草控制)。

    Workforce , information and financing ); essential vaccines , medicines and technologies ; and basic survival needs ( e.g.sanitation , nutrition , potable water , vector control and tobacco control ) .

  13. 国际劳工局为满足各国对劳动力市场信息的迫切需要,在2000年提出国际劳动力市场主要指标体系,加强了对世界各国劳动力市场运行状况的衡量和国家之间的对比。

    To satisfy the urgent demand of all countries for the information about labor force market , the International Labor Organization worked out the main index system of international labor force market in 2000 to enhance the measuring of the labor force market and the comparison among nations .

  14. 农村剩余劳动力转移管理信息系统探索

    Research on the Management Information Systems of the transformation of the Surplus Labor force in the Countryside

  15. 除了成本报告之外,项目预算中还应保留每项工作报告有关材料数量和劳动力投入的信息。

    In addition to cost amounts , information on material quantities and labor inputs within each job account is also typically retained in the project budget .

  16. 文章主张:通过反歧视教育、反歧视立法、反歧视补贴、创造劳动力市场充分信息、减少职业隔离、减少人力资本投资中的歧视来解决劳动力市场歧视的问题。

    The thesis claims that we can solve the problem of labor market discrimination via counter-discrimination education , lawmaking , allowance , creating the sufficient information of labor market , reducting vocation separation , and reducting the discrimination in manpower capital investment .

  17. 第三,要完善信息沟通渠道,降低劳动力供需双方的信息成本。

    Thirdly , make information communication system perfect to reduce information cost of two parties .

  18. 本文分析了教育的信号功能及其失灵问题,认为只要劳动力市场上存在信息不对称,就需要教育发挥信号功能。

    Disequilibrium of information in the labour market requires education to function as a screening signal .

  19. 和资金、技术、劳动力等一样,信息已经成为现代信息社会中一个重要的生产要素。

    Like fund , technology , and labor , information has become a very important production element in the modern information society .

  20. 首先明确了生产要素是进行生产的必要条件暨稀缺资源,它共包括资本、土地、劳动力、知识、信息等五种要素。

    Firstly , this thesis argues that production factors are both essential conditions and scarce resources for production , which include capital , land , labor force , knowledge and information .

  21. 民营经济凭借着中国在劳动力、金融、信息、技术等方面的综合实力的不断提升,成为中华民族经济发展的重要支柱。

    By virtue of the labor , finance , information technology and other aspects of the comprehensive strength on the rise , China Private Economy has become an important pillar of economic development .

  22. 展开阶段的中国市场化总的特征是体制内市场化,生产要素市场开始启动,资本、土地、劳动力、技术、信息等要素市场相继起步和迅速发展,中国农村经济市场化得到进一步发展。

    The initial development had been achieved . In the development stage , its general feature is " inside-institution market-orientating ": factor markets , such as capital , land , labor force , technology , information , start up in succession & then develop rapidly .

  23. 劳动力市场方面:劳动力市场信息不通畅。

    On the aspect of labor market : the information of labor market .

  24. 研究表明,根据失业问题产生的不同原因,劳动力的不同属性,劳动力市场不同的信息结构,失业保险体系的建立有不同的要求。

    According to the different kinds of unemployment , the different characters of labor , the information construction of labor market , the optimum unemployment system should function in different ways .

  25. 扩大供给、抑制需求,理顺教育价格、按收益原则分担教育价格,整合劳动力(就业)市场、建立劳动力市场信息体系是本文给出的建议。

    The paper suggest that expanding the supply and suppress the demand , making the education price in order and sharing the educational price , Combining the labor market and establishing the system of labor market information is the way to realize rational consume .

  26. 地方政府应当改善劳动力市场的预测功能,并要收集和公布劳动力供求信息

    Local governments should improve forecast of the labour market and gather and publicize information about labour supply and demand

  27. 本文重点论述了当代劳动经济学在劳动力需求理论、劳动力供给理论、人力资本理论、劳动力市场信息不对称理论、隐性和约理论、工会理论以及劳动经济学与宏观经济理论的关系等方面的最新演进。

    This article focuses on economic theories concerning demand of laborers , supply of laborers , human capital , imbalanced information in the labor market , implicit contract theory , trade union , and relations between economics of labor and macroeconomic theories .

  28. 研究目的:为了实现农村剩余劳动力的有效转移,研究方法:提出并建立农村剩余劳动力转移管理信息系统。

    In order to realize the effective transformation of the rural labor , This paper proposes that we should set up the Management Information Systems of the transformation of the surplus labor force in the countryside .

  29. 劳动力市场供求可推断未来一段时期的经济建设问题,可以传递劳动力市场信息。

    Labor Market supply and demand Infer that future a period of economic construction , Can transfer labor market information .

  30. 由于企业能够通过内部劳动力市场的运作有效地降低劳动力替换成本,并获取充分的有关劳动力质量的信息,建立合理有效的内部劳动力市场就显得十分重要。

    Because corporation can lower the labor shifted cost effectively through the internal labor market and get enough information about the labor quality , so it seems necessary to build reasonable and effective internal labor market .