
  • 网络demographic transition;demography transition
  1. 现代化进程中的人口转变:一个广义视野的考察

    Demographic Transition in Modernization Process : A Macro - scale View

  2. 中国人口转变与人口政策的演变

    China 's Demographic Transition and the Evolution of Population Policy

  3. 2l世纪,伴随人口转变过程的不断深化,中国人口转变问题将趋于多元化和复杂化,这既为中国人口发展提出挑战,也必将进一步丰富中国人口转变理论与实践。

    In the 21st century , with the deepening course of population transformation , the population transformation getting more pluralist and complicated will be a great challenge of population development in China and will enrich the theory and practice of population transformation in China .

  4. 四川省人口转变的居民储蓄效应分析

    Sichuan Changes in the Population Analysis of the Effects of Household Savings

  5. 浅谈吉林省实现后人口转变面临的形势与任务

    Discussion on status and Duty after Realizing Post-Population Transformation in Jilin Province

  6. 但和谐社会拒绝不安全的人口转变。

    But the harmony society rejects the risky demographic transition .

  7. 后人口转变时期我国计划生育政策取向初探

    Exploration on Family Planning Policy in Post Demographic Transition Period in China

  8. 我国人口转变模式及其形成机制分析

    Anlysis on the Chinese Population Transition Mode and Its Formation

  9. 中国的人口转变完成了吗?

    Has the Demographic Transition Been Completed in Chin ?

  10. 人口转变的经济效应及其对中国经济增长持续性的影响

    The Impacts of Demographic Transition on the Sustainability of Economic Growth in China

  11. 中国人口转变:生育文化发挥了多大作用?

    Population transition in china : to what extent does childbearing culture function ?

  12. 中国人口转变地区差异的聚类分析

    The cluster analysis of the regional disparity of the population changes in China

  13. 未来几年,中国将经历一次巨大的人口转变。

    Over the next few years China will undergo a huge demographic shift .

  14. 中国人口转变研究综述

    Survey on Studies of Population Transformation in China

  15. 中国人口转变与消费制度变迁

    Population Transition and Consumption Institutional Changes in China

  16. 婚姻拥挤问题是中国人口转变过程中面临的热点问题之一。

    Marriage squeeze becomes one of the hot issues in population transition of China .

  17. 人口转变进程中的人口老龄化&兼以中国为例

    Population Aging in the Course of Demographic Transition & Taking China as an Example

  18. 中国人口转变的经济学分析

    Analysis of the Change of Chinese Population Economically

  19. 现代化,人口转变与后人口转变

    Modernization , Demographic Transition and Post-demographic Transition

  20. 人口转变与健康城市化&中国城市空间发展模式的重大选择

    Demographic transition and healthy urbanization : Strategic Choices of future urban spatial development in China

  21. 中国西部地区人口转变若干问题解析

    An Analysis of Some Issues Concerning the Transformation of Population in China 's Western Regions

  22. 人口转变是挑战中国经济持续增长的一个重要因素。

    Demographic transition is one of the vital factors challenging the sustainable economic growth in China .

  23. 二战后,随着社会经济的快速发展,日本很快完成了人口转变过程。

    The rapid post-war social and economic development enabled Japan to quickly complete the demographic transition .

  24. 由于人口转变模式和文化的共通性,中国大陆在未来也将面临生育危机的威胁。

    Because of similarity in demographic transition and culture , Chinese mainland would experience fertility crisis .

  25. 我国在世纪之交已经完成人口转变,与欧盟内生性的均衡人口转变过程相比。

    Demographic transition ( DT ) has been completed in China at the end of 20th century .

  26. 欧洲国家人口转变的历史可以追溯到18-19世纪。

    The population transition in European countries can date from the 18th to19 ~ ( th ) century .

  27. 当代台湾人口转变及其原因分析

    Demographic Transition in Taiwan

  28. 从经济发展和现代化实现程度分析,人口转变还没有完成;

    Analyzed from the economic development and the current status of modernization , the population transformation has not completed .

  29. 人口转变类型对人口年龄结构的影响&兼论我国人口老龄化的原因

    The Impact of the Demographic Transition Patterns on Population Age Structure & On the Reasons for Chinese Aging Problem

  30. 人口转变的储蓄效应和增长效应&论中国增长可持续性的人口因素

    Saving and Growth Effects of Demographic Transition : the Population Factor in the Sustainability of China 's Economic Growth