
  • 网络Population Security
  1. 运用熵理论推导证明K2≤N<1+13·K2为模型的全局解,可作为区域土地资源的人口安全区间。

    From the model and using the theory of entropy , this paper derived the final solution of K2 ≤ N < 1 + 13 · K2 , which can be taken as the population security interval for regional land resources .

  2. 基于复杂系统理论的人口安全系统调控研究

    Population Security System Adjustment Based on the Theory of Complex Systems

  3. 从人口安全观看公共健康保障体系重构问题

    Re-construction of public Health Security system from perspective of population safety

  4. 吉林延边朝鲜族人口安全问题研究

    Study on the population security of Yanbian Korean Nationality of Jilin Province

  5. 当代中国人口安全的社会学审视

    Contemporary Population Security of China in Sociological Perspective SURVEY TOP

  6. 人口安全与民族文化传承

    Population Safety and the Inheriting and Passing of National Culture

  7. 人口安全预警系统基本框架研究

    Studies on Basic Framework of Warning System of Population Security

  8. 基于人口安全框架的大连市人口结构优化问题研究

    Study on the Structure Optimization of Dalian Based on Population Security Framework

  9. 关注人口安全促进协调发展

    Pay Attention to Population Security and Promote Population Development

  10. 北京城市发展与人口安全

    The City Development of Beijing and the Population Security

  11. 吉林省延边朝鲜族人口安全的核心问题是人口负增长,其中延边朝鲜族妇女的生育意愿、迁移流动是两个最为关键的制约因素。

    The core problem of the population security of Yanbian Korean Nationality is negative growth .

  12. 地质灾害人口安全易损性区划研究

    A Study Regarding the Regional Vulnerability and Security of Populations in Relation to Geological Disasters

  13. 人口安全是中国学者提出的概念,它不同于人类安全。

    Population security , which is different from human security , is a concept proposed by Chinese scholars .

  14. 我国蓄滞洪区、滩区问题主要表现在土地利用和人口安全与发展两个方面。

    The major problems of flood detention basin of China are land use and human safety and development .

  15. 我国人口安全问题具有多样性、复杂性、严重性和长期性等特点。

    The population security problems in China have several features such as variety , complexity , severity , permanence , etc.

  16. 四川省人口安全指数的提高主要得益于人文发展和环境治理工作的得力。

    The enhancement of the Sichuan population security index mainly benefits from the development of civilization and effective environmental treatment . 3 .

  17. 系统间的人口安全问题,是指由于作为社会主体因素的人口自身的发展状况引致的其它系统的安全问题。

    Security among systems means the main factor in the population system as a social insecurity caused security issues of the other systems .

  18. 它应该包括两个方面的内容,一方面是系统内的人口安全,另一方面是系统间的人口安全。

    It should include two aspects , one is the security within population system , and the other is the security among systems .

  19. 人口安全是关系到人口自身发展的关键问题,也是城市安全的重要基础。

    Population security is not only a key problem that relates to population development , it is also an important foundation of the city safety .

  20. 生育安全是人口安全的核心和基础,凸现生育制度的安全追求是新时期的新使命。

    It is the core and essence of population safety and manifests the fact that pursuing fertility system safety is the new duty in new era .

  21. 艾滋病是全球关注的重要公共卫生和社会热点问题,同时它也是关乎人口安全的重大问题之一。

    AIDS is a global issue concerning important public health and social hot problems , and one of the important issues of population security as well .

  22. 危机预警中的政府信息管理与调控&基于人口安全预警系统的研究煤炭企业危机管理与危机预警机制研究

    Information Management and Scheduling in Crisis Warning & Based on Population Security Forewarning System ; Study on Crisis Management and Crisis Early Warning Mechanism for Chinese Coal Enterprise

  23. 人口安全作为一个涉及与人口诸多要素相关的概念,正被广泛应用于评价人口与社会、经济、生态之间的协调程度。

    Population safety , a concept related to many factors of population , has been used widely for evaluating the relations and interaction between society , economy and ecology .

  24. 但北京人口安全的实现,需要的是法治化的治理方式,唯此,才与北京建设世界城市的目标相符。

    The realization of population security of Beijing needs governance under rule of law , as is in accordance with the goal of building Beijing into a world city .

  25. 在对城市人口安全进行相应评估的基础上,通过政策调控和管理,可以规避因政策因素引起的人口安全风险;

    It proposes that on the basis of relative assessments of the urban population security , proper handling of policy can be used to avoid the risk of urban population .

  26. 在传统安全方面,面对纷繁复杂的国际局势,俄罗斯仍然需要维护国家政治安全、军事安全和人口安全。

    In the traditional security aspect , facing the complex international situation , Russia still needed to maintain the national politics security , the military security and the citizen safety .

  27. 从人口安全的角度来看,大连市改革开放以来的人口安全状况得到很大改善,与人口相关的各项指标都不同程度得到改观。

    From the perspective of population security , the population security situation in Dalian City has been greatly improved since the reform and opening up , and population-related indicators have improved by varying degrees .

  28. 系统内的人口安全是指人口系统内各要素的协调与均衡,其内容主要包括适度的人口规模、不断提升的人口素质、合理的人口结构以及均衡的人口分布等。

    Security within the population system means coordination and balance among various elements , which mainly include the appropriate size of the population and improving population quality , equitable and balanced population structure and population distribution .

  29. 介绍了实现上述目标的优先领域及途径,即人口安全、计划生育、生殖健康、重大疾病的防治、生物和食品、药物安全、健康产业等。

    The third part presents the priorities and the approaches to achieve the goals which include Population safety , Family planning , and Reproductive health , Prevention and control of major diseases , Health care services etc.

  30. 摘要本文从人口安全的定义出发,简单的分析了我国在发展中所面临的主要人口安全问题,并发现这些问题大部分都与我国的计划生育政策有着密切的关系。

    This article base on the definition of population security , analyze the security problems of main facing simply , and find out that most of those problems have relationship with the family planning policy of china .