
  • 网络separation of registered and actual residences
  1. 对人户分离的概念和大城市人户分离人口持续增长的趋向进行了阐述,并从5个方面总结了大城市人户分离的特征,提出了应对大城市人户分离的对策思路。

    This paper explains the definition of separation of registered and actual residences and points out the trend of increasing population of such separation in big cities , then sums up the characteristics of separation and puts forward the countermeasures .

  2. 人户分离是一种复杂的社会现象。

    Population seperating from their household register is a complicated phenomenon .

  3. 解决人户分离问题主要是加强户籍地和居住地联动合作的问题。

    Solve separate problems mainly to strengthen the domicile and residence issues of joint cooperation .

  4. 经济系统的接纳,社会系统的排斥,使上亿农民工成了我国最大的人户分离的群体。

    Economical system admitting and the social system repel caused hundreds of millions of peasant laborers to become the community which is our country biggest household separated .

  5. 结果显示,上海市中心城区常住人口规模不断扩大主要源于本市人户分离人口的购房迁入;

    The findings shows that the unceasingly expanding of permanent population scale in the center city resulted from the separation between the population and their household registration since they moved into the newly purchased houses ;

  6. 第三,我国人户分离式的劳动力流动模式加剧了东部地区劳动力市场的脆弱性,由于要素价格被扭曲,劳动力非正式迁移对于东部地区产业升级与经济集聚质量也产生了不利影响。

    Thirdly , labor force flow mode of separation between the household register and population in China increased vulnerability in coastal labor market . And informal labor migration under the distortions of factor price has a negative influence on industrial upgrade in core area and agglomeration level .

  7. 第七次全国人口普查数据显示,2020年,我国有4.93亿人处于“人户分离”的状态。流动人口中15岁至35岁的人员占了总量的70%以上。

    Around 493 million people lived outside their place of household registration in 2020 , with those aged for more than 70 percent .

  8. 全国综合社会调查(GSS)结果显示,在城镇生活的居民有近10%的人不具有城镇常住户口,15%左右的流动人口,近20%的人有人户分离现象。

    The results of GSS show nearly 10 % residents living in cities and towns have not registered for the permanent residence , approximately 15 % are mobile population , and nearly 20 % don 't live in the registered places .