
  • 网络population culture
  1. 中国人口文化素质指数及其空间分异

    The population culture quality index and its spatial difference in China

  2. 对山西省人口文化程度的综合评价

    Comprehensive Evaluation on the Education Level of Shanxi 's Population Culture

  3. 福建省体育人口文化构成特征及比较研究&以福州、厦门、三明为实证

    Comparative Studies on the Cultural Elements of Sports Population in Fujian

  4. 从五普资料看山东省女性人口文化教育素质

    Education Quality of Female Population in Shandong from the Fifth Census Data

  5. 浅谈天津市人口文化科学素质与教育问题

    Population 's Cultural Scientific Quality and Educational Problems in Tianjin

  6. 大力发展民族教育,改善人口文化素质;

    Developing ethnic education by a big margin and improving educational level ;

  7. 女性人口文化程度对其婚育状况的影响探析

    Analyzing the Influence of Female Population 's Cultural Level on the Fertility State

  8. 新时期首都劳动年龄人口文化素质分析

    On the Cultural Qualities of Beijing 's Working-age Population in the New Period

  9. 人口文化素质对人口数量安全和结构安全的影响

    The Influence of the Population Cultural Quality on Population Quantity and Population Structure

  10. 人口文化素质全面提高;

    The cultural quality of population is totally improved ;

  11. 甘肃人口文化教育的现状与对策

    Present Situation and Countermeasures of Culture and Education of the Population in Gansu Province

  12. 上海市体育人口文化结构与特点

    Educational Structure and Features of Shanghai Sports Population

  13. 论农村人口文化素质与脱贫致富

    Educational Quality of Rural Population and Eliminating Poverty

  14. 河南省在业人口文化素质与经济发展分析

    Study on the cultural quality of professional population and economic developing in Henan Province

  15. 采用文献资料、问卷调查等研究方法,研究上海市人口文化结构与体育人口文化结构特征。

    The research methods of literature , questionnaire etc.

  16. 周作人:人的文学与中国现代人口文化理论之滥觞

    Zhou Zuo Ren 's Views on Human Literature and Modern Theory of Population Culture

  17. 中国人口文化教育素质分析

    Analysis on the Quality of Population Education

  18. 人口文化外延则是人口变动、人口结构和人口特征演变的基本领域。

    The extention of population culture includes population change , population structure and population feature .

  19. 山西省人口文化素质与经济发展水平的相关分析

    Correlation Analysis between Quality of Population Education ′ s and Economic Development in Shanxi Province

  20. 45、发展人口文化事业,推进社会全面进步,建设新型生育文化。

    Developing the population culture , promoting social progress , and boosting a new birth-giving culture .

  21. 社会主义人口文化、生育文化建设初见成效。

    Initial results have been achieved in our efforts to develop socialist population and childbearing cultures .

  22. 重庆库区农村人口文化素质提高的法律调控

    Legal regulation and control of the educational level of the rural residents in Chongqing Reservoir Area

  23. 提高安徽省人口文化素质的思路与对策

    The Train of Thought and the Countermeasure of the Improvement of Cultural dynamics of population of Anhui Province

  24. 民族性、科学性和群众性是中国人口文化的鲜明特点。

    The vivid feature of Chinese population culture is its nationality , scientific nature , and the masses .

  25. 人口文化素质是西部经济起飞和追赶东部的决定性因素;

    Population cultural quality is the determinate of western economic takeoff and catching up wit h the eastern China .

  26. 因此,人口文化素质的高低无论对经济竞争还是对实施可持续发展战略,都具有十分重要的影响。

    Therefore , the population culture quality has the extremely important influence on the economic competition and the sustainable development .

  27. 目的:分析河南省在业人口文化素质及对经济发展的影响。

    Aim : To study the cultural quality of professional population and its effect on the economic development in Henan Province .

  28. 湖州市人口文化素质的调查与思考&对湖州市第五次全国人口普查主要数据的分析

    On Study of Huzhou 's Population Cultural Quality The Analysis of Population Cultural Quality Difference Between East and West in China

  29. 本文构建了浙江省的人口文化素质评估模型,并借助于五普数据进行实证分析。

    This article constructs the model for comprehensive evaluation of cultural quality of population in Zhejiang province , and gives a demonstration .

  30. 阜新市产业结构调整对人口文化素质将产生什么样的影响?

    Fuxin demand for the readjustment of the industrial structure of the subject of high-level personnel changes will produce what kind of impact ?