
  • 网络personal guarantee
  1. 第四部分:人事保证的司法认定及对本案的分析。

    Part IV : The judicial determination and personnel to ensure that the analysis of the case .

  2. 人事保证在我国经济生活中客观存在,表现形式也丰富多样。

    Personality to ensure that the objective economic life in our country there are rich and varied forms .

  3. 也即,适当的市级政府人员编制规模与结构是市级政府职能有效履行的人事保证。

    Namely , the appropriate municipal government staffing size and structure of municipal government functions ensure the effective discharge of personnel .

  4. 第二种意见认为本案中人事保证合同有效,被告应承担保证责任。

    The second view was that the present case the contract personnel to ensure effective , the defendant should bear the guaranty liability .

  5. 随着人事保证合同的普遍使用,因人事保证合同所带来的法律问题越来越受到人们的关注。

    With personnel guarantee contract being used generally , people begin to pay regard to the legal problem gradually which the personnel guarantee contract results in .

  6. 但目前我国法律尚未对人事保证做出明确规制,学术界对人事保证研究起步较晚且态度不一。

    But to ensure that our law has not yet made clear regulatory personnel , academic personnel and to ensure that the different attitudes of a late start .

  7. 通过考察学理之争及域外立法,得出基本启示:人事保证有其存在的客观基础,应在限制的基础上予以有限承认。

    By examining the theoretical disputes and the extra-territorial legislation , obtained the basic inspiration : the personnel to ensure that the objective has its basis should be limited on the basis of limited recognition .

  8. 人事保证是指在劳动关系中因可归责于劳动者的事由导致雇主损害,而由保证人代为承担损害赔偿责任的一种保证形式。

    Personality to ensure that labor relations are due to reasons attributable to the workers because damage to the employer , but by the guarantor is liable for damages on behalf of a guarantee form .

  9. 该部分指出司法实践中已经摒弃了对人事保证案件不予受理的做法;就如何定性的问题上,司法判例观点不一,但以认可为主。

    The part that has abandoned the judicial practice to ensure that the case was inadmissible on the personnel practices ; on how to qualitative issues , judicial precedents from different perspectives , but in recognition-based .

  10. 因此,能否为创造优秀的教学和科研环境提供优秀的人事保证将是高校在激烈的竞争中求得生存和发展的关键因素之一。

    Therefore , whether the ability to create excellent teaching and research environment provides excellent personnel guarantee for a college or a university to survive and develop will be one of a vital factor in the fierce competition .

  11. 该部分介绍了学理上存在的针对人事保证的两种态度:即否定论和限制论;列举了瑞士、日本以及我国台湾地区关于人事保证的几种典型立法例。

    This section describes the doctrinal personnel guarantee for the existence of two attitudes : the negation of and restrictions on ; cited Switzerland , Japan and Taiwan region of China on the legislative staff to ensure that several typical cases .

  12. 与其他国家或地区有明确规定不同,我国劳动立法未对人事保证作出明确法律规制,态度模糊;审判实务中对其效力认定也不统一,同案不同判的现象时有发生。

    Different with other countries or regions , our labour legislation is not clear on the legal regulations of the personnel guarantee , and the attitude is fuzzy ; in trial practice the identifying of its effectiveness is not in unity with the different criteria from time to time .

  13. 与时俱进为全面建设小康社会提供人事人才保证

    Developing to Support Personnel , Talent Guarantee for Constructing Comfortable Society

  14. 正是这两项制度的普遍推行,才从人事管理制度方面保证了国家机器的正常运转和政治、经济等方面的蓬勃发展。

    Holiday and retirement systems ensure the normal functioning of the state apparatus and the rapid development of economy in respect of personnel management system .