
  • 网络personnel plan
  1. 我国高校现行的人事制度是计划经济体制下形成的,带有国家公务员制度特征的相对封闭的一种管理模式。

    The current personnel system of institutions of higher learning is a management mode characterized by relative closeness , shaped under the planned economy system .

  2. 要建立由政府牵头,经济部门以及教育、财政、组织人事、劳动、计划、科技等部门参与的委员会管理体制。

    They must establish committee management system that is led by the government and coordinated by many departments such as economy , education , finance and so on .

  3. 西方非营利组织的管理者很早就开始使用会计制度、人事管理、战略计划等管理和控制方法,营销是最后一个被采纳的职能。

    The nonprofit management in the west has early begun using accountant system , human resource management and strategy planning as a set of operation and control method .

  4. 曲阜市文物局为全额拨款文化类事业单位,其人事制度是在计划经济体制下形成和发展起来的。

    Qufu Administrative Bureau of Historical Relics ( Qufu ABHR ) is full allocation of cultural institution . Its personnel system is formed and developed under the planned economic system .

  5. 一位官员说,美国并没有与任何其他国家分享关于这次袭击的情报,美国政府的极少数人事先知道这个计划。

    An official said the United States did not share information on the raid with any other country and very few people in the U.S.government knew of the plan in advance .

  6. 苹果没有谈到的是:没有任何关于新的产品品类或人事变动的具体计划,既没有对长期服务的管理团队进行调整,也没有填补什么长期空缺职位。

    Here 's what Apple didn 't address Wednesday : Specific plans for any new product categories or personnel moves , either among its long-serving management team or to fill at least one long-vacant hole .