
  • 网络human resource supply;Supply of Human Resource
  1. 在人力资源供给方面,经济性因素是影响我国商业银行人力资源供给第一位的因素,非经济因素的影响力因人、因地而异。

    As for the supply of human resource , economic factors are primary factors that influence supply of human resource in commercial banks , while non - economic factors vary from person to person , and from place to place .

  2. 研究目的在于通过分析沃尔玛中国公司人力资源管理的现状,找出公司在人力资源供给方面存在主要问题。

    Research aimed at Wal-Mart China by analyzing the status of human resource management , human resource supply company to find out there the main problem .

  3. Markov链在人力资源供给预测中的应用

    An Application of Markov Chain in the Supply forecasting of Human Resources

  4. 我国经济正处于高速发展时期,人力资源供给是实现高速发展的保证。

    Our country s economy is booming while the human resources supply is the prerequisite .

  5. 城市化进程中温州人力资源供给压力分析及应对策略研究

    Human Resources Supply Pressure Analysis and Strategy in Response Study in the Urbanization of Wenzhou

  6. 三是承接服务外包的核心要素与人力资源供给的制度选择。

    The third is the core elements of undertaking service outsourcing and human resources supply options .

  7. 预测:确定各类人力资源供给与需求状况而付出的努力,以便预告组织内部某些岗位或部门可能出现的劳动力短缺或过剩。

    Forecasting : The attempts to determine the supply of and demand for various types of human resources to predict areas within the organization where there will be future labor shortages or surpluses .

  8. 在需求预测的基础上,进一步对电业局的人力资源供给策略、教育和培训策略、考核和激励策略以及人力资源信息管理系统做出了详细规划。

    Based on the further supply of human resources strategy , a detailed plan is made about the education and training strategies , evaluation and incentive strategies , and human resources information management system .

  9. 基于马尔科夫过程,建立了企业人力资源供给预测模型,通过具体历史数据的收集,找出组织过去人事变动的规律,由此推断未来的人事变动趋势。

    Markov model is one of several human resources supply forecasting technology . Its basic principle is to find out the forepassed personnel changing regulation of organizes through collecting of the concrete historical data , therefore infer the future trend of change of personnel .

  10. 数字成都建设是一个社会系统工程,其建设、应用和发展依赖于信息技术和信息产业提供的技术和物质保证,依赖于信息化人力资源供给、信息化标准与安全体系建设、信息化政策环境的营造。

    It needs the technique and substance guarantee in the information industry , and depends on the supplying of the professional human resources , as well as depends on the building of the information standard and security system , the supporting of the policy environment .

  11. 通过以上努力,力求达到人力资源供给与需求的行为博弈均衡、数量均衡、结构均衡和制度均衡,为我国商业银行的发展壮大准备人力资源条件。

    In so doing , it is expected that equilibrium can be achieved in the supply and demand of human resources in terms of behavior game , quantity , structure and system and corresponding preparations are made for growth and development of commercial banks in China .

  12. 人力资源内部供给状况分析

    Analysis on Human Resource Supply of Internal Labor Market with Multistate Life Table Model

  13. 而采取什么样的分析方法是进行人力资源内部供给状况分析的关键。

    And the key to this kind of study lies in the proper choice of an analysis method .

  14. 摘要区域人力资源的供给和需求是人力资源宏观配置体系中的两个基本变量。

    The supply and demand of regional human resources are two basic macroeconomic variables in human resources of macro-configuration system .

  15. 在人口素质低下的的情况下,即使是庞大的人口数量也可能导致人力资源有效供给的短缺。

    Under the circumstance that the quality of the population is low , huge population might lead to the shortage in effective provision of human resources .

  16. 二是随着学校用人制度的改革与完善,教师这一重要的人力资源从供给到配置都受到了市场机制的作用。

    Second , with the reform and perfection of the employment system in schools and universities , the supply and distribution of such an important human resource as teaching staff is and must be subject to market mechanism .

  17. 云南省卫生人力和床位资源供给与利用研究

    Analysis of provision and utilization of health man-power and inpatient beds in yunnan province

  18. 本文采用灰色预测模型和马尔可夫模型分别作为人力资源需求和供给预测的方法。

    This paper takes gray prediction model and Markov model as human resource demand and supply forecasting methods respectively .

  19. 作好人力资源需求和供给分析是图书馆人力资源动态规划的前提条件;

    The analysis of human resource demand and supply is the foundation of human resource management dynamic planning of libraries .

  20. 研究确定了基础设施、人力资源、基本供给可用性和进行外伤、产科和一般外科处置的能力。

    Important deficits were identified in infrastructure , human resources , availability of essential supplies and ability to perform trauma , obstetric and general surgical procedures .

  21. 这不利于调动商业银行员工的积极性,难以保证商业银行人力资源的充足供给。

    As a result , commercial bank 's employees are short of motive and enthusiasm , and it will affect the adequate supply of human resource in commercial banks .

  22. 然后,运用理论知识,在进行组织结构和岗位设置分析、人力资源需求与供给分析的基础上,就该厂人力资源规划提出了具体的解决方案。

    Then , using the theoretical knowledge in the organizational structure and positions set analysis , and human resource demand and supply analysis , it brings forward human resource concrete settle project .

  23. 保险业通过健康保险的发展,改善医疗卫生现状,提高人口的整体健康水平,提高人力资源要素的供给质量,实现人力资源的有效供给。

    The insurance industry through the health insurance development , improves medical service health present situation , enhances the population the overall health standard , enhances the human resources essential factor the supplies quality , and realizes human resources effective supplies .

  24. 这四个轮子,或者说增长的要素就是:人力资源(劳动力的供给、教育、纪律、激励);

    These four wheels , that is the growth factors , are the following : human resources ( the supply , education , discipline and encouragement of labour force );

  25. 论文从组织结构与管理模式、人力资源需求预测和供给分析等方面对于电力工程建设项目人力资源配置方案进行了验证。

    Papers from the organizational structure and management , human resource demand forecasting and supply analysis and other aspects of construction projects for the power of human resources program has been verified .

  26. 并且根据该公司今后的战略目标,利用多元回归模型与马尔可夫模型对其人力资源的需求和供给情况进行了预测。

    Based on the goals of development strategy of the company , the paper predicts the demands and supply of human resources by means of multiple linear regression model and Markov 's model .

  27. 为分析区域内医院医疗资源供给现况,采用描述性统计方法,分析某区域内22所医院人力与床位资源的供给能力与负荷,结果显示二类资源增长速度较快,工作负荷下降。

    To find out the current situation of medical resources supply of hospitals in a region , the researchers , using the descriptive statistical method , analyzed the human and bed resources supply capacity and the load of 22 hospitals in a certain region .

  28. 选择适合的预测变量是关键,将预测得到的数据与历史真实数据进行检验,如果误差较小,说明所选择的变量是适当的,就可以精确的预测未来几年的人力资源需求量和供给量。

    Appropriate predictor variables are the key . Testing the predicted data with the historical reality , if the error small , the paper concludes that the chosen variables is appropriate . The human resources demand and supply of the next few years will be forecast accurately .

  29. 主要介绍了人力资源规划和人力资源内部供给的概念、内容及其研究意义;人力资源内部供给研究领域的现状;

    It introduces the theory of human resource planning and human resource internal supply .

  30. 作为人力资源规划的核心内容,人力资源内部供给状况的分析研究是人力资源活动的前提和人力资源决策的依据。

    Given the importance of human resource planning ( HRP ) in human resource management , it is necessary to have an analysis on its core-human resource internal supply .