
  • 网络systems engineering for manpower
  1. 奥瑞电器厂将不遗余力积极开展科技、质量、市场、人才等系统工程建设,为创世界名牌企业而不断突破,不断超越。

    Aorui Electronic Factory will keep on devoting into developing technology , quality , market and talent construction and working hard on our world famous brand .

  2. 艺术专业的素质教育是塑造具有艺术潜在素质的复合型人才的系统工程,教师居于主导地位。

    The quality-oriented education in art speciality is the systematic project which creates the compound talents who have art quality , teachers are in the subjective position .

  3. 高校大学生综合素质测评关系到高等院校教育教学改革,关系到当代大学生自身发展,关系到祖国未来人才质量系统工程建设。

    College students ' comprehensive quality assessment has much to do with the teaching reform in higher education , the self-development of college students and the construction of high-quality talent quality in the future .

  4. 高校培养人才是一项系统工程。

    Training talents in university is a system project .

  5. 考试改革是高校构筑新型人才培养系统的基础工程

    Reform in Examinations As a Basic Project in Establishing a New Framework for Training People

  6. 人才相对论是一个包括能力、结构、环境、发展相对论在内的完整系列的较高层次的人才管理系统工程。

    The theory of talent relativity is a high-level talent management project . It covers the following aspects : talent ability , talent composition , talent environment and talent development .