
  • 网络personal selling;personal sells
  1. 营业推广与广告、人员推销和公共关系是促销组合策略的四大元素。

    Business extention together with advertisement , personal selling and public relations constitute promotion mix .

  2. 营销管理,经销商行为与渠道管理,广告与品牌,销售管理与人员推销等。

    Marketing Management , Distributor Behavior and Channel Management , Advertising and Brand , Sales Management and Personal Selling .

  3. 农产品人员推销的策略及技巧

    Discussion on the Strategy and Skill of Salesman for Agricultural Product

  4. 人员推销的优点及推销人员的素质

    Advantages of Personal Sale-promoting & the Basic Makings of Sales Personnel

  5. 促销策略主要采取人员推销和广告促销;

    Vicissitude of Strategy The promotion relies on personnel promotion and the advertisement .

  6. 宣传册是我们的销售人员推销饭店服务设施时强有力的工具。

    Brochure is a powerful tool for salesperson to sell hotel facility and service .

  7. 其次,对华强电气现有的人员推销型营销模式进行了分析。

    Secondly , deliberates the present person-marketing pattern ;

  8. 制定人员推销策略,通过培训等方式提高销售量。

    The staff promotion strategies , through training of the sale up any way .

  9. 分析了人员推销、销售促进、广告和公共关系四种促销方式的作用于应用条件。

    Analyzes the marketing , sales promotion , personnel advertising and public relations four promotion mode applied conditions of role .

  10. 人员推销的态度、专业性等,都能让顾客感受到尊重,顾客的感知价值就越高。

    The attitude , professional of personal selling can allow customers to feel respected , the higher the customer perceived value .

  11. 浩沙健身俱乐部对外的促销方式主要有广告、公共关系、营业推广和人员推销几种。

    Gallant sand fitness club external marketing methods mainly advertising , public relations , sales promotion and marketing of several officers . 6 .

  12. 促销策略方面,突出展会、网络广告的作用、全面人员推销等策略。

    On the aspect of promotion strategy , we should highlight the show , the role of online advertising , a comprehensive personnel marketing strategy .

  13. 营销传播包括:广告、销售促进、直效营销、人员推销、公共关系、活动营销,六类工具。

    Marketing propagation includes six sorts of tools : advertisement , sales promotion , direct marketing , human promotion , public relationship , activity marketing .

  14. 拼酒轮盘、350等游戏必然有被罚酒的玩家,于是,不用人员推销,夜场的酒水销量已经大增。

    Pinjiu roulette , 350 other games must have been Monastic players , so no personal selling , sales of drinks the night market has greatly increased .

  15. 在商品经济高度发达的现代社会,人员推销具有显著的优点,已成为现代社会最重要的一种促销形式。

    In the modern society of commodity economy , personal sale-promoting , which is of great advantages , has become the most important marketing means of modern society .

  16. 通过对农产品人员推销的形式及特点进行分析,提出了新时期农产品人员推销的策略及技巧。

    In the paper the strategy and the skill were put forward on the base of the analysis of the form and characteristic of personal selling for agricultural product .

  17. 构建人员推销、广告、公共关系和营业推广四位一体的促销体系,有效提供保险信息和引导、激发保险消费。

    Fourthly , constructure quaternity sales promotion system including personnal promote , advertisement , public relations and business promotion , effectively provide insurance information and guidance , stimulate consumption of insurance .

  18. 促销策略方面,提出传媒沟通、人员推销等策略,并在合作营销和网络公共关系等方面提出前瞻性建议。

    Promotion strategy : The strategies such as media communication and salesman direct promotion are raised . In addition , the foresighted suggestions are made on co-operative marketing and network public relations etc.

  19. 在促销组合策略方面,本文主要研究了跨文化条件下运用广告、促销、人员推销和公关策略的需要特别注意的问题。然后,本文还对跨文化营销进入的渠道策略进行了初步的探讨。

    Afterward , the author research product strategies , distribution channel strategy and the promotion strategies consisting of advertising , sales promotion , and public relations during entering into the cross-cultural market .

  20. 第二,以人员推销为重点,制定了智通公司在未来一年的销售管理计划,对销售人员、组织结构、销售区域、销售活动管理等进行了深入分析和计划。

    Second , focus on personal selling , developed a Z-Tone for the past year , sales management plan , the sales staff , organizational structure , sales region , sales management , in-depth analysis and planning .

  21. 首先,近代旅馆已经由单一的住宿服务向综合功能发展。其次,采用了人员推销、价格策略、广告宣传等营销手段,营销理念呈现注重地址选择、旅馆名号等近代特征。

    Firstly , service in hotel is more perfect completing from single to the comprehensive function . Secondly , hotel managers use personnel promoting , pricing strategy and advertising as the effective sales measures and emphasized location and name selection .

  22. 国内企业目前常用的营销说服活动多采用一些传统的方式,如广告、展销、人员推销等。这些营销说服的方式日益为消费者所漠视,效果越来越差。

    The domestic enterprise currently adopted some marketing persuade activities in the traditional way , such as advertising , sales promotion , personal selling , etc. These marketing persuade is blamed by consumers , while the effect is getting worse .

  23. 在广告、人员推销、关系营销、销售促进4种促销工具中,人员推销不仅能直接向目标顾客和中间商介绍农业产品,还能迅速得到较为准确的信息反馈。

    In the four kinds of promotion tools that include the advertisement , personal selling , relationship marking and sales promotion , the personal selling can directly introduce agriculture products to the goal customer and the middle businessmen . Moreover it can rapidly receive their more accurate information feedback .

  24. MaryYu努力地向坐在她面前的招聘人员“推销”自己。

    Mary Yu pitches hard to the recruiter sitting in front of her .

  25. 最近在一家上海展厅,一位上汽销售人员在推销荣威550时,一上来就指出它的外观酷似宝马(BMW)。

    At a Shanghai showroom recently , an SAIC saleswoman started her sales pitch about the 550 by pointing out that the exterior looked like a BMW .

  26. 公司的销售人员上门推销,缠着遇见的人买他们的口红和洗发水。

    His firm operates through a network of locals who knock on doors and pester their acquaintances to buy lipstick and shampoo .

  27. 赴国外参展,派人员出国推销,在国外建立生产或销售点等等,一定要讲求实效。

    Participation in trade fairs abroad , foreign travels by sales forces and the setting up of production facilities or sales outlets overseas must ensure that they are result-ended .

  28. 传统的依靠业务人员直接推销保险单的销售模式显得势单力薄,保险产品单一,同业间模仿率高,创新性不足。

    Rely on traditional direct marketing business of insurance sales model is weak , and insurance products of a single , industry imitation of a high rate , lack of innovation .

  29. 2英寸宽,1/3英寸高,智能手机上的这种广告展示并不能成为有创意的销售人员用来推销产品或服务的画布。

    AT two inches wide and one-third of an inch tall , a display ad shown on a smartphone isnt much of a canvas for a creative marketer seeking to promote a product or service .

  30. ph.1.旅行推销员商务人员在说推销时,实际上指的是促销。

    Traveling salesman Businesspersons may use the term promotion when they actually mean sales promotion .