
quán lì dān bǎo
  • warranty of title
  1. 对国际贸易中知识产权权利担保的认识

    The Rights Guarantee of Intellectual Property Rights in the International Trade

  2. 论票据质押的权利担保与物的担保的二元性

    On Pledge of Atypical Rights The Duality of Bill Pledge

  3. 权利担保是以所有权以外的其他可让与的财产权利为标的的担保物权。

    Security of right is a guarantee of property right except for ownership .

  4. 质量担保义务与权利担保义务并列为卖方的两大基本担保义务。

    Warranty obligations of quality and warranty obligation of title are basic obligations of seller .

  5. 权利担保制度,是指卖方应保证对其出售的货物享有合法的权利。

    Rights warranty system , refers to the guarantee on the sale of the goods , the seller should have legal rights .

  6. 最后,在结论当中,进一步论述了重新构建权利担保制度的重要意义。

    Finally , it makes further discussion about the importance of re-establishment of the system of security of right in the conclusion .

  7. 过度限制权利担保物权的设立,将导致可担保财产权利范围的缩小,影响企业的融资能力。

    Excessive restriction on the establishment of real right for security will result in the narrowing of the scope , affect the financing ability .

  8. 随着知识产权资本市场的发展繁荣,著作权质押这种权利担保方式日益受到各国投资者的青睐。

    With the developing of the capital markets of intellectual property , copyright pledge has been favored increasingly by the investors from all the world .

  9. 第三章在当前理论与实践的基础上总结分析现行权利担保制度的漏洞。

    Chapter Three analyzes the flaws of the current legal system of security of right basing on the summary of the current theories and practices .

  10. 因此,应将权利担保按照标的权利载体的不同进行划分,并在此基础上进行重新构建。

    Therefore , security of right should be divided according to different carriers of rights as objects . And it should be reconstructed on this base .

  11. 本文的第一章对权利担保作了定义,确定了权利担保之标的物的范围是所有权以外的其他可让与的财产权利,并论述了权利担保之物权性质。

    Chapter One defines what security of right is , the object of which is the property rights other than ownership , and also discusses the character of it .

  12. 第四章在对权利担保按照标的载体之不同进行划分,在此基础上,对权利担保的设定、实行和消灭进行了分析。

    Chapter Four divides security of rights according to different carriers of the right as object . And also analyzes the enactment , implementation and elimination of security of right .

  13. 当今大陆法系各国将权利担保按照标的权利的不同划分为权利质权和权利抵押权,此种划分方式在理论和实践中都带来了一定的混乱。

    In continental law system , security of right is divided into pledge of right and mortgage of right according to different rights as object . This kind of division brings chaos into theory and practice .

  14. 第二章通过对权利担保的历史沿革以及当前大陆法系各国的立法规定的比较,对现行的权利担保制度进行了考察。

    Chapter Two reviews the history of security of right , and makes comparison among different countries of civil law jurisdiction , so as to make a clear view on the current legal system of security of right .

  15. 国际货物买卖合同中卖方的主要义务是按照合同的规定交付货物,其中包括交付的时间、地点、数量、质量和权利担保等问题。

    Delivery of goods pursuant to contract is seller 's principal obligation under an international contract for sale of goods , concerning time and place of delivery , quality and quantity of goods delivered , and freedom from third party 's claim .

  16. 卖方对其出售的船舶须承担权利担保义务,即保证船舶在交船时无租约、抵押、海事优先权或任何其他债务,这在挪威买卖合同格式下被称作为船舶无负担保证义务。

    The seller shall undertake an obligation of warrantee , that is , the seller warrants that the ship at the time of delivery is free of all charters , encumbrances , mortgages and maritime liens or any other debts whatsoever . This is called " Encumbrances under NSF " .

  17. 论出卖人的权利瑕疵担保责任

    On the Sell 's Warranty against Defects of Title

  18. 权利瑕疵担保责任独立性之否认

    On Denial of the Independence Characteristic of Liability Incurred by Defects of Right

  19. 权利瑕疵担保责任探析

    Probing into the Obligation under Bond of Defective Title

  20. 合同中的权利瑕疵担保

    Right in the Contract Minor Faults Guarantee

  21. 权利瑕疵担保责任制度作为与违约责任不同的一种责任形态,有其独立存在的价值。

    Its liability for breach of contract as a responsibility of different forms has an independent existence value .

  22. 由此提出别除权的基础权利是担保物权和法定特别优先权。

    The definition puts exemption right on the basis of both security interests and other statutory special priority .

  23. 国际货物贸易中卖方权利瑕疵担保责任之比较&兼评我国《合同法》的相关规定

    A Comparison to the Security for Defects of Rights between Buyers and Sellers in International Sales of Goods

  24. 香港法律从实际需要出发,实行权利瑕疵担保原则。

    The law in Hong Kong , out of the actual practice , carries out the principle of fault guarantee right .

  25. 它可细分为二:权利瑕疵担保责任和物之瑕疵担保责任。

    It can be broken down into two : the right guarantee liability about blemish and the matter guarantee liability about blemish .

  26. 但对权利瑕疵担保责任的规定,有其独特的价值。

    But the provision of the contract law for undertaking liability for the minor faults of the rights has its special value .

  27. 合同法广泛参考并借鉴了外国的成功立法经验,在买卖合同一章中引进并规定权利瑕疵担保责任制度即是这次立法的成果之一。

    Contract Law widely refers to foreign successful experiment on legislation and prescribes warranty against defects of title in the business contract chapter .

  28. 出卖人的瑕疵担保责任,分为物之瑕疵担保责任和权利瑕疵担保责任。

    Warranty against defects of the seller can be classified into two kinds : warranty against defects of quality and warranty against defects of title .

  29. 权利瑕疵担保是我国合同法在借鉴两大法系立法经验的基础上所确立的一种合同责任形式。

    Warranty of defective title is a form of contract obligation , which is drawn on the experiences of the common law and continental family .

  30. 权利瑕疵担保责任是大陆法传统的瑕疵担保责任之一,其有特定的理论基础;

    Warranty against defects of title is one of the traditional warranties against defects in continental law system , and has a specific basis in theory .