
  • 网络financing guarantees;financial guarantee;financial bond
  1. 但目前,大部分担保机构仍存在资金规模小、担保实力弱、运作不规范等问题,加之融资担保具有高风险、收益与风险不匹配等特点,担保机构难以持续经营。

    But most of guarantee agencies are still funds small scale and weak strength of guarantees , the operation is not standardized , high-risk , income does not match the risk characteristics combined with financing guarantees , guarantee institutions is difficult to be a going concern .

  2. 融资担保作为担保业最重要的组成部分,是解决我国中小企业融资问题的一个现实选择,是为中小企业服务的主要方式。

    As an important composed part of guarantee industry , financial guarantee is predominant way for SMEs services .

  3. 本文以K融资担保公司的担保业务为研究对象。

    Based on the K Guarantee corporation financing guarantee business as the object of study .

  4. 力求保持H担保公司在国内融资担保行业中的领先地位,提高市场占有率,提高其竞争优势。

    Keeping a H guarantee companies in domestic financing guarantee industry in leading position , increased market share and improve its competitive advantage .

  5. 由于BOT项目投资规模大、建设周期长,项目的融资担保成为其最为重要的环节之一。

    As BOT project requires large investment and long construction period , its financing guarantee method is of great importance .

  6. 并在此基础上希望能以K融资担保公司担保业务的发展为切入点分析,能以点及面,为我国的担保业务的发展提供一定的参考意义。

    And on this basis to development of K Guarantee corporation financing guarantee business points , to point to face , to provide certain reference significance for the development of China security business .

  7. imf经济学家从直接支持(包括注资和资产购买)、银行融资担保以及非标准央行贷款三方面,对美国未来5年的复苏成本进行了研究。

    IMF economists looked at costs net of recoveries over five years on direct support ( including capital injections and asset purchases ) , bank funding guarantees and non-standard central bank loans .

  8. 垄断型信贷市场融资担保问题分析&以民营中小企业融资为例

    Collaterals in Monopolistic Credit Market : an Example From Private SMEs

  9. 顺义建立全方位融资担保体系

    A Comprehensive System of Financing Guarantee Established in Shunyi District

  10. 信贷配给视角下的农村中小企业融资担保

    Financial Guarantee for Rural SMEs : From an Angle of Credit Rationing

  11. 中国小企业融资担保发展的理论研究

    Theoretical Study on Bail out for Small Enterprises in China

  12. 完善中小企业融资担保体系的构想

    Visualization on Perfecting the Financing Assurance System in Medium and Small-sized Enterprises

  13. 再融资担保品的范围也得以扩大。

    The list of collateral for refinancing has been widened .

  14. 自治区建立广西出口融资担保资金。

    The Autonomous Region shall establish Guangxi Financing Guarantee Fund .

  15. 基于债务展期的企业融资担保合约博弈分析

    The Game Analysis on Financing Guarantee Contract with Debt Exceeding

  16. 构建我国中小企业融资担保体制

    Constructing the Guarantee System for Our Small-and-medium-sized Enterprises ' Financing

  17. 在这种环境下,融资担保公司应运而生。

    In such an environment , finance guarantee corporations came into being .

  18. 当前中国中小企业融资担保体系探讨

    Current Situation of SME Financing Guaranty System in China

  19. 中小企业融资担保风险与防范

    On the Risk of Financial Guarantee and Its prevention in the Medium-and-small Enterprise

  20. 在此基础上,针对我国中小企业融资担保工作中存在的问题,借鉴国外通行作法,提出了构建中小企业融资担保体系的总体构想。

    I put forward a solution & establishing financing assurance system for middle-sized corporations .

  21. 一种新型的融资担保方式&知识产权质押担保应运而生。

    A new type of financing guarantee-intellectual property right hypothecation might be of help .

  22. 中小企业融资担保及其信用等级改善

    Research on the Development of the SMEs ' Financing Guarantee and Their Credit Improving

  23. 中韩中小企业融资担保体系的对比研究

    Contrast Research of the Financing Assurance System of Sino-South Korean Small and Medium-Sized Enterprises

  24. 关于创建西部中小企业融资担保体系的构想

    A Consideration on Building Small - & Medium-sized Firm Financing Guarantee System in West-China

  25. 第二章研究中小企业无形资本融资担保法律制度。

    Chapter 3 , studies about MSSE financing guarantee agency and credit intermediary service agency .

  26. 对美国、德国、日本三国的融资担保机制进行详细的对比分析。

    The financing guarantee mechanisms in America , Germany , and Japan were comparatively analyzed .

  27. 应收账款融资担保方式及其制度选择

    The Manner of Incorporation Guarantee of Debts to be Collected and the Choice of Systematic Regulations

  28. 而融资担保体系的发展对缓解中小企业融资的信息不对称和道德风险问题也起到了重要作用,缓解了债务性资本缺口。

    The development of financing guarantee system also alleviates SMEs ' information asymmetry and morals risk .

  29. 建立广西出口融资担保资金

    To establish Guangxi Financing Guarantee Fund

  30. 即便是美联储提供短期融资担保,也无法使雷曼兄弟逃脱申请破产保护的命运。

    Even a Fed guarantee of short-term funding could not save Lehman from chapter 11 bankruptcy protection .