- security for defects of right

On the Sell 's Warranty against Defects of Title
On Denial of the Independence Characteristic of Liability Incurred by Defects of Right
Probing into the Obligation under Bond of Defective Title
Right in the Contract Minor Faults Guarantee
Its liability for breach of contract as a responsibility of different forms has an independent existence value .
A Comparison to the Security for Defects of Rights between Buyers and Sellers in International Sales of Goods
The law in Hong Kong , out of the actual practice , carries out the principle of fault guarantee right .
It can be broken down into two : the right guarantee liability about blemish and the matter guarantee liability about blemish .
But the provision of the contract law for undertaking liability for the minor faults of the rights has its special value .
Contract Law widely refers to foreign successful experiment on legislation and prescribes warranty against defects of title in the business contract chapter .
Warranty against defects of the seller can be classified into two kinds : warranty against defects of quality and warranty against defects of title .
Warranty of defective title is a form of contract obligation , which is drawn on the experiences of the common law and continental family .
Warranty against defects of title is one of the traditional warranties against defects in continental law system , and has a specific basis in theory .
Change of the legal structure of sales contract , acquisition of title by good will and notification of jus in rem put liability incurred by defects of right into an embarrassing position .
The system of warranty against defect in Tang Dynasty was made up of warranty against defects of thing and warranty against defects of right , and was strictly enforced in actual life .
Among them , the right to Warranty liability as a result of violations of the subject matter of betraying the third patent , trademark or copyright and other intellectual property rights , the seller should bear the responsibility of the intellectual property rights Warranty .
This exerts a tremendous influence on the Canon Law , Roman Law and Merchant Law in the Middle Ages . As a system with long history , warranty against right defect still plays a very important roll in modern transaction which can ensure the safety and promote the efficiency .
The internal validity results from between the parties of the assignor and the assignee , concerning the transfer of right , subordinate right , the assistant obligation , the right flaw guarantee of the assignor .
The third and forth chapter of the paper expatiates general theory about warranty against defects of title , and it also makes a systemic research on the legal force and constituent elements of warranty against defects of title .