
quán lì xiá cī dān bǎo
  • security for defects of right
  1. 论出卖人的权利瑕疵担保责任

    On the Sell 's Warranty against Defects of Title

  2. 权利瑕疵担保责任独立性之否认

    On Denial of the Independence Characteristic of Liability Incurred by Defects of Right

  3. 权利瑕疵担保责任探析

    Probing into the Obligation under Bond of Defective Title

  4. 合同中的权利瑕疵担保

    Right in the Contract Minor Faults Guarantee

  5. 权利瑕疵担保责任制度作为与违约责任不同的一种责任形态,有其独立存在的价值。

    Its liability for breach of contract as a responsibility of different forms has an independent existence value .

  6. 国际货物贸易中卖方权利瑕疵担保责任之比较&兼评我国《合同法》的相关规定

    A Comparison to the Security for Defects of Rights between Buyers and Sellers in International Sales of Goods

  7. 香港法律从实际需要出发,实行权利瑕疵担保原则。

    The law in Hong Kong , out of the actual practice , carries out the principle of fault guarantee right .

  8. 它可细分为二:权利瑕疵担保责任和物之瑕疵担保责任。

    It can be broken down into two : the right guarantee liability about blemish and the matter guarantee liability about blemish .

  9. 但对权利瑕疵担保责任的规定,有其独特的价值。

    But the provision of the contract law for undertaking liability for the minor faults of the rights has its special value .

  10. 合同法广泛参考并借鉴了外国的成功立法经验,在买卖合同一章中引进并规定权利瑕疵担保责任制度即是这次立法的成果之一。

    Contract Law widely refers to foreign successful experiment on legislation and prescribes warranty against defects of title in the business contract chapter .

  11. 出卖人的瑕疵担保责任,分为物之瑕疵担保责任和权利瑕疵担保责任。

    Warranty against defects of the seller can be classified into two kinds : warranty against defects of quality and warranty against defects of title .

  12. 权利瑕疵担保是我国合同法在借鉴两大法系立法经验的基础上所确立的一种合同责任形式。

    Warranty of defective title is a form of contract obligation , which is drawn on the experiences of the common law and continental family .

  13. 权利瑕疵担保责任是大陆法传统的瑕疵担保责任之一,其有特定的理论基础;

    Warranty against defects of title is one of the traditional warranties against defects in continental law system , and has a specific basis in theory .

  14. 买卖契约法律结构的改变、善意取得制度及物权公示原则的确立,造成了权利瑕疵担保责任制度在近现代买卖法体系中的尴尬地位。

    Change of the legal structure of sales contract , acquisition of title by good will and notification of jus in rem put liability incurred by defects of right into an embarrassing position .

  15. 唐代的瑕疵担保制度,由物的瑕疵担保和权利瑕疵担保两部分构成。

    The system of warranty against defect in Tang Dynasty was made up of warranty against defects of thing and warranty against defects of right , and was strictly enforced in actual life .

  16. 其中,权利瑕疵担保责任中,因出卖标的物侵犯第三人的专利权、商标权或著作权等知识产权,出卖人需承担此项知识产权瑕疵担保责任。

    Among them , the right to Warranty liability as a result of violations of the subject matter of betraying the third patent , trademark or copyright and other intellectual property rights , the seller should bear the responsibility of the intellectual property rights Warranty .

  17. 作为一项具有久远历史的制度,权利瑕疵担保制度在罗马法时代就已经是整个罗马法体系中的重要一节,直到今天仍为保障交易的安全、提高交易的效率方面发挥着重要作用。

    This exerts a tremendous influence on the Canon Law , Roman Law and Merchant Law in the Middle Ages . As a system with long history , warranty against right defect still plays a very important roll in modern transaction which can ensure the safety and promote the efficiency .

  18. 对内效力在让与人与受让人之间产生,涉及债权之移转、从属权利之移转、转让人之辅助义务、转让人之权利瑕疵担保义务等内容;

    The internal validity results from between the parties of the assignor and the assignee , concerning the transfer of right , subordinate right , the assistant obligation , the right flaw guarantee of the assignor .

  19. 第三、四部分分别对权利瑕疵的表现形式和一般理论进行了论述,包括权利瑕疵担保责任的构成要件、法律效力、免责及与无权处分的关系。

    The third and forth chapter of the paper expatiates general theory about warranty against defects of title , and it also makes a systemic research on the legal force and constituent elements of warranty against defects of title .