
quán qián jiāo yì
  • trade power for money;collusion between power and money
  1. 受贿犯罪的本质特征表现为权钱交易。

    The characteristic of bribery is the trading of administrative power for money .

  2. 腐败的主要特征是权钱交易。

    The main feature of corruption is the exchange between power and money .

  3. 腐败犯罪作为权钱交易的极端表现形式,由来已久。

    Corruption crime has a long history as an extreme form of power-for-money deal .

  4. 权钱交易是一个恶性循环。

    A cycle of reprisal and retaliation .

  5. 揭示了受贿罪的本质特征是权钱交易。

    The intrinsic characteristics having revealed crime of accepting bribe is that right money trades .

  6. 如何有效地遏制一些行政领域权钱交易的现象?

    How can the power-for-money deals in some areas of government administration be curbed effectively ?

  7. 城市地产交易契约制度中契约规则的规定是另一个病源所在,协议出让方式往往突破法律的界限,演化为权钱交易的合法外衣。

    Present regulations about transaction rules are another source in urban land property right transaction contract system .

  8. 腐败以其最显著的特征&权钱交易盛行在各社会阶段。

    As a kind of corruption , the exchange of power and money is pervasive in every society phase .

  9. 行政垄断促成行政权力向市场渗透,滋生索贿受贿、权钱交易现象,破坏正常市场竞争秩序;

    The administrative power is penetrating the market and briberies and power money deals are damaging the normal market competition order ;

  10. 从刑法第八章规定的立法原意来看,受贿罪的本质特征是当事人进行的权钱交易,而交易时间上的先后次序并不能从根本上影响犯罪的构成条件。

    From legislative consideration of Chapter 8 of Criminal Law , the nature of bribery means the power and money dealing among the litigating parties .

  11. 从刑事司法实践来看,它不利于刑事司法的统一,还可能纵容在刑事司法中的权钱交易,而且在现有的简易程序之下,辩诉交易无存在的必要。

    It 's not good for the unity of criminal law and judicature , there 's no need for it under the ' simple process ' .

  12. 由于她强烈的物质享受欲望,她急于进行权钱交易,根本不顾及对更大利益的破坏。

    Because of her strong desire for material wealth , she was eager to trade her power for money , never worrying about any damage to larger interests .

  13. 在我国经济体制由计划经济向市场经济转轨过程中,由于权力缺乏有效的法律制约,导致权力滥用、权钱交易、腐败滋生。

    In the transition from central planning to market economy , The to a lack of legal restriction of administrative power led to abuse of power and corruption .

  14. 事前有请托或者有约定的事后受财行为具备权钱交易的本质特征,应以受贿罪论处没有争议;

    The act of Accepting money afterwards entrusted or agreed on beforehand carries the characteristic of the rights-money-deal , which should be undoubtedly regarded as a crime of accepting bribes .

  15. 第一个部分从法理上论证了交易型受贿犯罪的双重交易性质,并得出其本质特征仍然是权钱交易的结论。

    It is discussed in the following four parts : The first part discusses the double transactional nature of transactional bribery crime from jurisprudence and get the result of that the nature of transactional bribery is actually powder-money transaction .

  16. 检察机关应立足检察职能,重点查办权钱交易型的商业贿赂案件,依法批捕起诉,强化诉讼监督,积极开展犯罪预防。

    The procuratorial organ should base itself upon procuratorial function , investigate the cases of official crimes , approve to arrest and decide to arrest according to the law , enhance the supervision to procedure , and actively prevent the crimes .

  17. 虽然这类犯罪在本质上仍然是权钱交易行为,但由于其在实施过程中往往以合法的委托理财形式为幌子,因而较之传统意义上的受贿犯罪更具隐蔽性和复杂性。

    Its essence is still the transaction between money and power ; however , the process of commitment is under the cover of legal finance in trust , so it is more secret and complex comparing with the traditional bribery crime .

  18. 随着我国反腐工作的进一步深入推进,公共组织中的腐败行为从一开始的直接的权钱交易,转变成了兼具伪善性、间接性、模糊性、隐蔽性、衍生性等特点的隐性腐败行为。

    With the further development of anti-corruption in our country , the traditional corruption amongst social public organizations has transformed from the direct exchange of power and money to intangible corruption which features hypocrisy , indirection , obscurity , concealment , and derivativeness .

  19. 如果税务干部经不起金钱的诱惑,使用不好手中的权力,大搞权钱交易、以税谋私,必将使纳税人的权利受到侵犯,国家的利益遭受损害。

    If the tax cadres can not withstand the temptation of money , use their power not vigorously engaged in money , in order to seek personal gains taxes will inevitably lead to violations of the rights of taxpayers , damage to national interests .

  20. 判断具体案件中明显的状况时,应根据权钱交易的本质特征,综合考虑地理位置、当地消费水平、经济发展水平等各种因素,以合理性、合法性原则为指导,得出判断案件性质的标准。

    Considering the location , local consumption level , economic development level and other factors based on the essential characteristics to identify the specific cases of clear situation . To see the principle of legality as a guide that analysis the nature of the case .

  21. 贿赂犯罪的本质是权钱交易,受贿犯罪的既遂标准应为收受贿赂,行贿犯罪则应为行贿人给付财物行为的完成,介绍贿赂犯罪则需行贿者送出财物,受贿者接受财物。

    The essence of crimes of bribery is the bargaining between power and money , so completed standard for bribe-taking crimes is taking bribe , for bribe-offering crimes is offing bribe , and for bribe-introducing crimes is briber 's offering bribe and bribe receiver taking bribe .

  22. 刑法的正义应当表现在罪责刑相一致及法律面前人人平等原则之上,但是在辩诉交易制度的框架内,这些最起码的正义都将可能被打破,取而代之的则可能是权钱交易。

    Criminal justice should be above Punishment and Responsibility consistent with the principle of equality before the law , but within the framework of the system of plea bargaining , minimum justice will probably be broken in favor of it may be a trade power for money .

  23. 不仅仅只是在于公务员对自己本职工作的懈怠,甚至出现了权钱、权色交易,买官卖官等腐败问题。

    Not only is that civil servants to their work is slack , appeared even the transaction between the power and money or sex , Buying and Selling , and many other problems of corruption .