
quán lì
  • power;authority;force;muscle
权力 [quán lì]
  • (1) [power]∶权位,势力

  • 宣战的权力

  • (2) [authority]∶职责范围内的指挥或支配力量

  • 父母管教子女的权力

权力[quán lì]
  1. 问题在于如何将权力分散而不造成无政府状态。

    The problem is how to diffuse power without creating anarchy .

  2. 军事政权尚未放松对权力的控制。

    The military regime has not loosened its hold on power .

  3. 总统被迫把权力让给军队。

    The President was obliged to concede power to the army .

  4. 她的分析是建立在权力使人堕落的观点上的。

    Her assessment is based on the proposition that power corrupts .

  5. 权力已移交给省和地区议会。

    Power has been handed over to provincial and regional assemblies .

  6. 权力主要集中在少数精英人物的手里。

    Power is largely concentrated in the hands of a small elite .

  7. 法官必须在法庭的权限范围内行使权力。

    The judge has to act within the competence of the court .

  8. 君主统治的权力受到了新法律的制约。

    The power of the monarchy was circumscribed by the new law .

  9. 副总统现在必须承担起最高权力的重任。

    The vice-president must now take on the mantle of supreme power .

  10. 他们希望限制政府权力。

    They wish to limit the power of the State .

  11. 独裁者拒绝放松对权力的控制。

    The dictator refuses to relax his grip on power .

  12. 他的枪对他而言是权力的标志。

    His gun was a badge of power for him .

  13. 她觉得她自己有权力。

    She felt she was in a position of power .

  14. 他利用他的所有权力让他们接受这个计划。

    He exerted all his authority to make them accept the plan .

  15. 他们不断削弱政府的权力。

    They chipped away at the power of the government .

  16. 最高权力属于董事会。

    The ultimate authority resides with the board of directors .

  17. 权力被褫夺后,遭废黜的国王流亡国外。

    Shorn of his power , the deposed king went into exile .

  18. 谁给你权力过问我所有的事了?

    What gives you a God-given right to know all my business ?

  19. 他们会抵制对他们权力的任何限制。

    They would resist any limitation of their powers .

  20. 雇主协会被看作是工会权力的对头。

    The employers ' association was seen as a counter to union power .

  21. 她对权力贪得无厌。

    Nothing would satisfy her greed for power .

  22. 委员会的某些成员试图削弱主席的权力。

    Some members of the board were trying to undercut the chairman 's authority .

  23. 三个武装集团在争夺权力。

    Three armed groups were contending for power .

  24. 政府已被授予应急权力。

    The government has been granted emergency powers .

  25. 权力与野心使他腐化堕落。

    He was corrupted by power and ambition .

  26. 副总统被日益排挤到权力中心之外。

    The vice-president is increasingly being sidelined .

  27. 政治权力取决于经济实力。

    Political power depends upon economic strength .

  28. 选举获胜使得这个政党拥有了明确的继续推行改革的权力。

    The election victory gave the party a clear mandate to continue its programme of reform .

  29. 她渴望拥有权力。

    She thirsted for power .

  30. 权力能让人得意忘形。

    Power can be intoxicating .