
qún tǐ xínɡ wéi
  • group behavior;class behavior
  1. 基于CAS理论的企业员工群体行为模拟

    CAS-Based Simulation for Employee Group Behavior

  2. 集成QSIM(QualitativeSIMulation)算法和CA(CellularAutomata,即元胞自动机),提出一种非正式组织群体行为定性模拟方法。

    A qualitative simulation for nonprofit group behavior is proposed by integrating QSIM ( Qualitative SIMulation ) and CA ( Cellular Automata ) .

  3. 大卫·威尔逊教授解释说,流言蜚语对群体行为的监控很重要。

    Professor David Wilson explains that gossip is important in policing behaviors in a group .

  4. 为演示群体行为模型,地理信息系统(GIS)被用于模拟回收方案的实施。

    To demonstrate this aggregated model , GIS is used to simulate the recycling scenarios .

  5. 仿真结果表明,将蚁群算法与Agent的行为规则有机结合,可以有效地改善Agent的群体行为。

    They show that the reasonable combination of ACA and the rules of agent can effectively improve the colony behaviors of agents .

  6. 对ElFarolBar问题的研究有利于加深对经济学中一些宏观和群体行为的认识。

    Research of El Farol Bar Problem will deepen understanding in some macroscopic and group behavior in economics .

  7. 短疲劳裂纹群体行为描述的BP网络(BackpropagationNetwork)法和金属疲劳复效的瞬态能量输入法是应用生命科学进行材料疲劳损伤描述的重要研究方法。

    S : Two important methods applied in life sciences to describe damage fatigue of materials are discussed , including BP ( back-propagation ) neural network describing collective short fatigue cracks and input of transient energy healing fatigue damage of metal .

  8. 但当他们用一种名为经颅磁刺激(transcranialmagneticstimulation)的非侵入性过程,暂时阻断志愿者的大脑皮层时,实验对象不再调整自身行为来服从群体行为。

    But when they temporarily shut down the cortices of the volunteers with a non-invasive procedure known as transcranial magnetic stimulation , the subjects ceased to adjust their behaviour to comply with that of the group .

  9. 模仿蚁群之群体行为而发展起来的蚁群算法(ACA),目前多用于求解组合优化问题。

    Ant colony algorithm ( ACA ), which is developed by imitating the colony behavior of ant colony , is usually used to solve combination optimization problems .

  10. 通过方法选择、需求分析、模块设计等确定了个体行为隐患识别表,并对其进行了操作实验;第三,H化工公司安全生产群体行为隐患识别方法的设计。

    The identification table is determined through the way of the choice of method / demand analysis / module design , and the method will be tested in H chemical company . Third , design of the method of group behavior risks in safety production .

  11. 建立了一个能包含大量机器人的多机器人系统仿真实验平台,分析了各种实验条件对机器人群体行为性能的影响;采用PSO算法寻找不同优化指标下的最佳实验配置。

    An experiment simulation platform consisting of many robots and targets is built . Several experimental conditions are designed and their influences on the robots ' group behavior performance are discussed . PSO algorithm is used to find out the optimal experiment configuration under different optimal criterions .

  12. 然后分析相空间中吸引子的性质,计算吸引子的特征值,包括Lyapunov指数、关联维数、Kolmogorov熵等,根据吸引子的特征值对机器人群体行为进行定量地描述与分析。

    Then the property of the attractor in the phase space is analyzed . The eigenvalues of the attractor , including Lyapunov exponent , correlation dimension and Kolmogorov entropy , are calculated . The quantitative description and analysis of robots collective behavior is performed based on the eigenvalues .

  13. 边界的可渗透性激发人们将自己的个体能动性转移到群体行为中,并提升个体和社会自我协同激发亲群体(pro-group)行为的可能性。

    These porous borders encourage people to channel their personal agency into group behavior , raising the possibility that the personal and social self will combine synergistically to motivate pro-group behavior .

  14. 自主式机器人群体行为的进化计算实现

    An evolutionary computation approach to group behavior acquisition in autonomous robots

  15. 读者群体行为特点及其服务模式探新

    Probe into Readers ' Group Behavior Characteristics and the Service Modes

  16. 社会信任危机:一项经验研究&突发事件引发群体行为的社会学分析

    Social Trust Crisis : Sociology Analysis in Group Actions from Emergency

  17. 证券投资者群体行为的系统描述

    A System Approach to the Modeling of Investors ' Collective Behavior

  18. 公共危机中的群体行为分析与对策研究

    Research on Group Behavior in Public Crisis and on the Countermeasures

  19. 群体行为集成化知识描述与定性模拟研究

    Study on Integrated Knowledge Description and Qualitative Simulation Method for Group Behavior

  20. 重视现代青少年的伙伴群体行为

    Pay Attention to the Partner Group Behavior of Modern Juvenile

  21. 新时期图书馆员群体行为的合理化

    Rationalization of Group Action of the Librarian in New Period

  22. 狗的群体行为与狼相似。

    The social behavior of dogs is similar to that of wolves .

  23. 拒绝服从命令反对歧视的群体行为。

    A group 's refusal to obey orders in protest against discrimination .

  24. 企业知识群体行为的定性模拟研究

    Research on Qualitative Simulation for Knowledge Group Behavior in Enterprises

  25. 他们对个人群体行为的分析很感兴趣。

    They 're concerned with analysing the behaviour of aggregates of individuals .

  26. 企业安全管理群体行为与动力理论探讨

    Theoretical Discussion of Group Behavior and Group Motivation in Safety Management of Enterprises

  27. 病毒特征与疲劳短裂纹群体行为的相似性研究

    Research on similarity of colony behavior between virus feature and short fatigue cracks

  28. 这通常就是群体行为的本质。

    That is often the nature of social behaviour .

  29. 短裂纹群体行为及疲劳寿命预测

    Collective behaviour of short cracks and fatigue life prediction

  30. 战略联盟群体行为的定性仿真研究

    Qualitative simulation for group behavior in strategic alliance organization