
  • 网络Group Communication
  1. 然后按照四种传播类型(自我传播、人际传播、群体传播和大众传播)分别论述了SNS社区网站对于各个传播类型的整合,及其各自表现出的特点和功能。

    Then follow the four types of communication ( self-communication , interpersonal communication , group communication and mass communication ), the article discussed the integration of various communication types and its characteristics and functions .

  2. 论媒介活动营销中群体传播与大众传播的融合我们正在搞推销平装书的特别宣传活动。

    The Research of the Integration with Group Communication and Mass Communication in Media Activity Marketing ; We are doing a special promotion of our paperback list .

  3. 世界卫生组织说,它必须要得到明显的证据,表明甲型H1N1流感在世界至少两个地区形成人与人之间的持续性群体传播,才能把流感警戒级别提高到第六级。

    The World Health Organization says it needs to see clear evidence of sustained community transmission of the swine flu virus from person-to-person in at least two regions of the world before it raises its alert to the phase six pandemic level .

  4. 服务弱势群体传播人文精神

    Serve the Weak Group and Disseminate Humanism

  5. 诗歌流派、诗歌社团、诗歌朗诵会等,构成了比较典型的群体传播现象。

    Poetry schools , poetry corporations , poetry recitation and so on are typical phenomenon of colony transmission .

  6. 社交网络中人际传播、群体传播和口碑传播等多元化的广告传播模式让广告传播的更深、更广。

    The social networks of interpersonal communication , group communication and word of mouth and a wide range of advertising communication model of advertising communication a deeper and broader .

  7. 这项研究发表在《皇家学会界面杂志》上,是了解社会行为及其如何在群体传播的另一项努力的一部分。

    The study is in the Journal of the Royal Society Interface and is part of a larger effort to understand social behavior and how it can spread within a group .

  8. 对于该群体传播效果的考察,可以发现受众从认知、态度、行为层面受到了传播的影响,发生了相应转变的传播效果。

    Investigation of the dissemination of results of the group can be found by the audiences from the level of cognition , attitudes , behavior , and the corresponding changes in the dissemination of results .

  9. 在传播类型方面有群体传播、人际传播,也有人内传播,以及非现代意义的大众传播,体现出完整的传播过程。

    As to the rich types of literary communication , it involved group communication , interpersonal communication , intrapersonal communication as well as non-modern significance mass communication , which reflected the integrated communicating course and developing regularities .

  10. 可以从传播范围的角度来划分诗歌传播的类型,它们从小到大依次为:内向传播、人际传播、群体传播、组织传播和大众传播。

    We can divide the type of poetry transmission in term of the range of propagating , they are successively from small to large : transmission introversive , interpersonal transmission , colony transmission , organization transmission and mass transmission .

  11. 这可以让科学家发现在特定群体中传播该病的生物个体,这与“Google地球”地图联合使用可以展示暴发的情况。

    This allows researchers to identify individual organisms spreading the disease in given populations , which can be used in conjunction with Google Earth 's maps to visualise outbreaks .

  12. 在瑞士的这项研究中,他们发现在筛查的群体中传播的MRSA已经暴露于测量范围之内,包括那些已经隔离的与消毒的群体。

    In the Swiss study , those found to be carrying MRSA in the screening group were exposed to a range of measures , including isolation and decontamination .

  13. 本文研究了一类具有垂直传染与接种的疾病在多个易感群体中传播的DS-I-R传染病模型,得到了疾病流行的阈值。

    In this paper , we devote to investigate a vertical transmission DS-I-R model with vaccination , a threshold is obtained .

  14. 从传播学的视角揭示了御宅群体的传播机制。

    Then communication mechanisms of Otaku has revealed from the perspective of Communication Science .

  15. 他们在群体中传播孤独的可能性也就变小了。

    And so they 're less likely to spread lonely feelings throughout the group .

  16. 研究群体在传播学的发展中居于核心地位,起到关键作用。

    Research groups are at the center position in the development of communication science , and have been playing a key role .

  17. 经过免疫接种的人将减毒活病毒传播给别人,这些人也产生一种脊髓灰质炎抗体,最终阻止脊髓灰质炎病毒在群体中传播。

    A vaccinated person transmits the weakened virus to others , who also develop antibodies to polio , ultimately stopping transmission of poliovirus in a community .

  18. 英国首相鲍里斯·约翰逊表示,冠状病毒病例数在过去几周内增加了四倍,并在弱势群体中传播。

    Prime Minister Boris Johnson says the number of coronavirus cases has four times in as many weeks , and it 's spreading among vulnerable groups .

  19. 审视这样一个群体的传播状况,就必须要全方位地挖掘蕴藏在其中的原生态文化,并分析原生态文化和大众文化之间的相互作用。

    In order to survey communication status of such a colony , we must sink primitive culture on all sides and analyse interrelation between primitive culture and mass culture .

  20. 使用迁移算子加快优秀个体在群体间传播,设计了个体生成算子来保持种群的多样性。

    A transference operator is designed to speed up the dissemination of good individuals and an individual creation operator is devised to increase the diversity of the population in the algorithm .

  21. 当前,大众传媒面对的是分化了的受众,各类不同的群体对传播媒介的选择、对传播内容的过滤、接收的方式也发生了很大的变化。

    At present , the media services for the divided audience . To different types of groups , the choices of media , communication contents and receiving mode have also changed a lot .

  22. 国家形象的塑造在全球化的今天已经不能仅仅依靠政策的说教和个人群体的传播,而是需要依靠的大众传媒中的国际传播。

    In the age of globalization , building of national image has not only depended on political persuasion or dissemination between groups or persons , it depends on international communication by mass communication .

  23. 上述年龄组别人群是最具经济活力的人群,因此如果艾滋病继续在这一群体中传播,将会造成严重的经济后果。

    This age group is the most economically productive part of the population , and if the epidemic continues to spread through that age group , there will be serious economic consequences in the future .

  24. 根据世卫组织自己的标准,提至6级的条件具备已有多日:某种新的流感病毒在世界上两个不同地区出现群体性传播。

    By the agency 's own criteria , the conditions to trigger phase 6 had been in place for a number of days : the existence of a new flu virus that was spreading widely between people in two different parts of the world .

  25. 面对竞争,平面媒体应当准确定位赛事信息受众群体和传播内容,培育传媒人才队伍,强化平面媒体的新闻策划能力,做好媒体间的竞合工作以及确立自己的报道资源优势。

    So the plane media should locate the acceptor and the news content exactly , cultivate a outstanding media contingent , strengthen the news plotting ability , do the best in the competition and cooperation of different media and establish the advantage of news source .

  26. 整个周末,法官的死亡的消息在法官群体迅速传播,福建省一名负责民事纠纷案件的法官表示:“我现在将会非常注意保护自己以及家人的人身安全和隐私。”

    News of the judge 's death went viral among judicial officials over the weekend . A judge who specializes in civil disputes at a court in Fujian province said , " I will now pay great attention to protecting my own privacy and that of my family . "

  27. 认知群体间知识传播与组织管理功能定位匹配研究

    Matching Knowledge Communication between Cognitive Communities and Organizational Management

  28. 该国必须及时控制艾滋病病毒在这些高风险亚群体中的传播。

    The country must act urgently to limit HIV infection in this high-risk sub-population .

  29. 技术知识在不同群体间的传播依赖于人际传播渠道。

    Technical knowledge in the spread between different groups depends on interpersonal communication channels .

  30. 都市类报纸在初级群体中的传播

    The City-newspaper Communication in the Primary Group