
  1. 具体而言,只有当感知到的并购方组织的组织声誉和群体领导的伦理型领导都较高时,群体才会反馈较高水平的伦理合作行为。

    Specifically , merged groups would perform ethically , adopting cooperative behaviors , only when high level of ethical leadership and organizational reputation were perceived in the merging firm .

  2. 人工生命的群体运动领导机制研究

    Research on the Leadership for Artificial Animal Groups

  3. 通过综合调查和数据分析处理,我们得出了影响南京饭店员工满意度的因素:即环境与群体、领导与管理、薪酬与待遇、激励与考评、工作与培训等五个因素的影响。

    Through an comprehensive investigation and data analysis . We obtained the factor of influencing Nanjing Hotel staffs job satisfaction : environment and population , leadership and management , salary and benefits , incentive and evaluation , job training and other five factors .

  4. 经过系统科学的调查研究和数据统计处理与分析,找到了影响深圳威尼斯酒店员工满意度的主要因素为环境和群体、领导和管理、薪酬和待遇、激励和考评、工作和培训等五个方面。

    After the system of scientific research and statistical data processing and analysis , find the main factors affecting the Shenzhen Venezia Hotel employee satisfaction for the environment and community , leadership and management , pay and benefits , incentive and evaluation , and training in five aspects .

  5. 二分群体决策中领导的影响

    Influence of Leader in Dichotomous Group Decision Making

  6. 通过综合群体动力学和领导决策的研究成果,为群体决策过程研究提供新的视角。

    Utilizing theories on group dynamics , conflict management and leader behavior , we provide a new point of view for studies on group decision making process .

  7. 从女权运动强大的西方到保守势力强大的南亚东方,都出现了一大批女性政坛群体,女性领导遍布世界各地。

    From the west with powerful feminism to the eastern of south Asia with strong conservative , a large group of women in polity come into being who distribute all round the world .

  8. 首先简要介绍了高层管理团队、团队领导和创新决策的相关概念,然后在社会心理学关于群体决策及领导行为的研究基础上提出了这一模型,并对模型进行了详细的解释。

    First , three concepts of top management team , group leader and innovative decision are briefly mentioned , then , based on the research about group decision and leader behavior of social psychology , we introduce the model and explain it further .

  9. 在正式的群体结构中,领导岗位是由头衔标明的。

    Ina formal organisation structure , leadership positions aredesignated bytitles .

  10. 领导行为是一种高追求和高价值的事物(彼德·诺思豪斯,2002),尤其是作为企业中坚力量的中层领导群体,他们的领导行为与企业效益和组织战略发展息息相关。

    Generally , leadership behavior has high seek and value , especially the leadership behavior of middle leader groups regarded as the important strength in the enterprise , their actions associate closely with enterprises ' efficiency and development .

  11. 我国的公务员队伍中绝大多数都是基层公务员,他们相对于高级别的公务员是完全的弱势群体,对于上级领导或上级部门的侵害往往只能选择忍气吞声。

    The vast majority of civil servants are junior civil servants , they are completely vulnerable group to the high-level civil servants , the violation from superiors or higher authorities make them do nothing but control themselves and suppress their indignation .