
qún luò shēnɡ tài xué
  • community ecology
  1. 运用群落生态学的原理和方法,研究了转Bt基因棉田昆虫群落的结构与组成。

    The structures and composition of arthropod communities were studied based on the theories and methods of community ecology .

  2. 并对3S技术在群落生态学、植被调查、生物多样性研究、植被制图以及其它生态学领域中的应用作了展望。

    Future advance of the application of 3S technologies in community ecology , vegetation survey , biodiversity research , vegetation mapping and many other ecological fields are also discusses in this paper .

  3. 表征群落生态学特性的各个指数之间有很强的相关性,其中Shannon-Wiener指数H与其它指数的相关性最高;

    There was a strong correlation among the indices characterizing the community ecological characteristics , of which , Shannon-Wiener ( H ) index had the closest correlation to others .

  4. 金华市郊外来杂草群落生态学

    A Study on Community Ecology of Alien Weeds in Jinhua Suburban

  5. 生物多样性与物种多度分布是群落生态学研究的核心内容。

    Biodiversity and species abundance distribution are the essential contents of ecology .

  6. 不同基质上着生生物群落生态学特性比较研究

    Ecological Characteristics of Periphyton Communities on Different Kinds of Substrates and Comparison

  7. 运用真菌学、森林病理学与群落生态学的基本研究方法。

    Using basic methods of mycology . forest pathology and community ecology .

  8. 长江上游原生动物的群落生态学研究

    Ecological Research of Protozoan Community in Upper Reaches of the Yangtze River

  9. 梁子湖水-陆交错区水生植物群落生态学研究

    The community ecology of aquatic plant in the water-land ecotone of Liangzi Lake

  10. 啮齿动物群落生态学研究现状

    Present of Study on the Community Ecology of Rodent

  11. 群落生态学理论是恢复生态学发展的基础。

    Theory of community ecology is basis of the development of restoration ecology .

  12. 川西箭竹群落生态学研究

    Ecological Studies on Bamboo ( Fargesia ) Communities

  13. 城市鸟类群落生态学研究展望

    Research perspective on ecology of urban avian community

  14. 伏牛山自然保护区土壤动物群落生态学研究

    Ecological Study on the Soil Animal Community at the Natural Reserve of FuNiu Mountain

  15. 滇中喀斯特山地半湿润常绿阔叶林的群落生态学研究

    Community ecology study on Karst semi-humid evergreen broad-leaved forest at the central part of Yunnan

  16. 稻田蜘蛛群落生态学研究

    Ecology of Spider Community in Rice Field

  17. 群落生态学研究动、植物种群的组织和功能。

    Community ecology studies how communities of plant and animal populations function and are organized .

  18. 果园节肢动物群落生态学研究

    Ecology of Arthropod Community in Orchards

  19. 苹果园蜘蛛群落生态学研究

    Ecological Studies on Orchard Spider Community

  20. 用群落生态学方法计算群落结构、多样性和相似性指数。

    A series of ecological methods about community structure diversity and similarity was involved in this paper .

  21. 群落生态学的中性理论

    Neutral theory in community ecology

  22. 嵊泗列岛潮间带群落生态学研究Ⅲ.岩相潮间带底栖生物的种类分布

    Community ecology of intertidal zone of Shengsi Islands ⅲ . species distribution of benthos in rocky intertidal zone

  23. 滇南山地小区8个县(市)小兽及其体表蚤类群落生态学研究

    Investigation on community ecology of fleas on small mammals in 8 counties of southern mountainous areas in Yunnan

  24. 异株克生化合物在生态学上很重要。长江上游原生动物的群落生态学研究

    Allelopathic chemicals are ecologically important . Ecological Research of Protozoan Community in Upper Reaches of the Yangtze River

  25. 东海大陆架鱼类群落生态学研究&空间格局及其多样性

    The Ecological Study for Fish Community in the East China Sea Continental Shelf : The Spatial Pattern and Diversity

  26. 方法:1998年6月至1999年5月在该地区的3类生境中,用群落生态学方法计算群落结构、多样性和相似性指数。

    Method : A series of ecological methods are involved in this paper of community structure , diversity and similarity .

  27. 以调查的节肢动物种类、个体数量和一些其它群落生态学指标分析总群落及各亚群落的结构组成。

    Components of the total and sub-community were analyzed by number of groups , individual numbers and some other ecological indexes .

  28. 采用群落生态学的调查方法,对伏牛山南北坡植被进行调查。

    Using community ecology techniques , we investigated plant assemblages on both the north and south slopes of the FuNiu Mountain .

  29. 本文简要概述了我国近30年来陆生和水生无脊椎动物种群、群落生态学研究进展和成就。

    This paper reviews the progress of the population and community ecological research on invertebrate in China during the past 30 years .

  30. 以浮游植物的种类组成,优势种、数量、生物量作为浮游植物群落生态学变化的主要指标。

    The specific composition , dominant species , quantity and biomass were taken as the index of the ecological change of phytoplankton community .