
  • 网络Swarm intelligence
  1. 蚂蚁搜索食物是群集智能一个典型的例子。

    A typical example of swarm intelligence is ants find food .

  2. 群集智能理论及其在多机器人系统中的应用研究

    Research on Swarm Intelligence Theory and Its Application in Multi-Robot System

  3. 微粒群优化算法(PSO)是目前备受关注的群集智能算法的代表性方法,也是本文研究工作的算法基础。

    As a representative swarm-intelligence based optimization algorithm , Particle SwarmOptimization ( PSO ) algorithm is applied to capacitor optimization in the dissertation .

  4. 粒子群优化算法(ParticleSwarmoptimization,以下简称PSO)属于群集智能优化算法中较为简单的一种,应用范围涉及神经网络训练、模糊系统控制等多个领域。

    Particle Swarm Optimization ( PSO ) is involved in one of the simplest swarm intelligence optimization algorithms , which could be applied in numerous fields such as neural network training and fuzzy system controlling .

  5. 粒子群优化算法(ParticleSwarmoptimization)是群集智能领域一个很重要的分支,通过种群间个体协作与竞争来实现对问题最优解的搜索。

    Particle Swarm Optimization ( PSO ) is an important branch of swarm intelligence . PSO is realized by the organic social behaviors , and by the cooperation and competition among the individuals themselves to search the optimum of the problem .

  6. 模拟试验显示群集智能路由算法在带宽有限,拓扑结构不断变化的MANET环境中,具有较好的可靠性和工作效率。

    The simulation results show that the Swarm-intelligence based on routing algorithm is robust to mobility in limited bandwidth overhead , and can be used effectively for MANET .

  7. 本文通过采用智能优化遗传算法(GA)和基于群集智能的蚁群算法(ACO)对AS/RS的若干优化问题进行研究,提出了相应的改进算法并进行了实例验证。

    This dissertation investigates some optimization problems of AS / RS based on Genetic Algorithm ( GA ) and Ant Colony Algorithm ( ACO ), proposes corresponding improved algorithms and carries out to validate the algorithms with a practical example .

  8. 利用群集智能的新进展粒子群优化算法(PSO)的全局搜索能力,从初始粒子群的产生、目标函数的处理的角度改进PSO,将改进的PSO引入混沌系统参数估计和在线估计。

    We firstly improve the newly developed particle swarm optimization ( PSO ) in view of the population initialization and objective function treatment . Then we use the improved algorithms for parameter estimation and on-line estimation of chaotic system for its global searching ability .

  9. 基于群集智能的蚁群优化算法研究

    Study of ant colony optimization algorithm based on swarm intelligence

  10. 群集智能算法在二次分配问题中的应用研究

    Research on the Application of Swarm Intelligence Algorithms for Quadratic Assignment Problem

  11. 基于混合群集智能算法的并行公差优化设计

    Concurrent tolerance optimization design based on hybrid swarm intelligence algorithm

  12. 基于群集智能的协同多目标攻击空战决策

    Air Combat Decision Making for Coordinated Multiple Target Attack Using Collective Intelligence

  13. 基于群集智能技术的网络路由算法研究

    Study of Routing Algorithm based on Swarm Intelligence

  14. 群集智能在适应性供应网络中的应用

    Application of Swarm Intelligence for Adaptive Supply Networks

  15. 基于强化学习和群集智能方法的多机器人协作协调研究

    Research on Cooperation and Coordination of Multi-robot System Based on Reinforcement Learning and Swarm Intelligence Method

  16. 群集智能优化算法的研究

    Study on Swarm Intelligence Optimization Algorithm

  17. 群集智能是近年来人工智能领域研究的一个新的热点课题。

    Swarm intelligence is a hot subject that is researched in the field of the artificial intelligence .

  18. 群集智能计算和多智能体技术及其在电力系统优化运行中的应用研究

    Research on Swarm Intelligence Computation and Multi-Agent Technique and Their Applications to Optimal Operation of Electrical Power System

  19. 涌现行为是群集智能最为突出的特点之一,正是这种特点为研究复杂系统行为提供了一种不同于以往的思路和方法。

    Emergence behavior is one of the most prominent qualities , which is alternative means of complexity system research .

  20. 作为一种新兴的演化计算技术,群集智能方法已成为越来越多研究者的关注焦点。

    As a new evolution calculating technology , the swarm intelligence method has become the attention focus for more and more researchers .

  21. 基于群集智能的思想,针对群体系统的协作觅食任务,引入多种可以反应的信息素,提出了一种信息素反应的群体觅食方法。

    In the basis of Swarm Intelligence , many types of pheromone were introduced and a pheromone reaction based foraging method was given .

  22. 基于群集智能的优化算法是一种仿生自然界动物昆虫觅食、筑巢行为的模拟进化算法。

    Optimization algorithm based on the swarm intelligence is a simulated evolutionary method that simulating the behaviors of social insects searching for food and building of nest .

  23. 随着智能交通系统的发展,将群集智能技术应用于物流规划问题同样具有重要的理论和现实意义。

    With the development of intelligent transportation systems , swarm intelligence technology will be applied to logistics planning and the great theoretical and practical significance could be expected .

  24. 粒子群算法是基于群集智能、受到人工生命研究结果的启发而提出的一种现代优化方法。

    Based on the swarm intelligence , Particle Swarm Optimization ( PSO ) algorithm is a kind of modern optimization method inspired by the research of the artificial life .

  25. 所谓群集智能,是指单个智能个体只能完成相当简单的任务,而整个智能体种群的合作则能出色地完成复杂的任务。

    Swarm intelligence refers that one agent can only do some easy jobs , and very complicate tasks must accomplished by the cooperation of each agent in a whole colony .

  26. 第二章节针对两种群集智能优化算法的不足,提出了改进免疫算法和改进粒子群优化算法。

    In the second chapter , based on clonal selection algorithm and standard particle swarm optimization algorithm , two improved swarm intelligence algorithms are proposed given the deficiency of the two optimization algorithms .

  27. 该算法融合了流行病理论以及群集智能的优点,个体只需通过简单的行为就可使群体获得统计上的高可靠性。

    The algorithm combines the advantages of epidemic theory and swarm intelligence , thus individuals need only do simple operations according to the local information to make the swarm achieve high statistical reliability .

  28. 群集智能方法是一种能够有效解决大多数全局优化问题的新方法,这类方法往往能够比传统优化方法更快地发现复杂优化问题的最优解。

    The method of swarm intelligence is a new technology to solve most global optimization problems effectively . This kind of method can find the optimal solutions of complex problems more quickly than traditional optimization algorithms .

  29. 全文的内容主要包括以下几个章节:第一章节详细介绍了群集智能计算和多智能体技术的研究现状及其在电力系统中的应用前景,阐述了本课题的研究意义。

    The dissertation consists of the following six chapters . Firstly , on the basis of describing swarm intelligence computation and multi-agent technique , the current research situation of their applications in the field of electrical power system is summarized .

  30. 现在其应用领域已扩展到多目标优化、数据分类聚类、生物系统建模、仿真和系统辩识等多个方面,群集智能理论为解决这类应用问题提供了新的途径。

    Now the application fields of swarm intelligence have extended to multi-goals optimization , data classification and clustering , biology system modeling , imitation and system identification , etc. and the swarm intelligence theories offer a new path to solve these application problems .