
  • 网络group relation
  1. 这么做,透过和SSOA有关的提升群体关系,地图为渐增的立足统一的人类文明而被绘制。

    In so doing , a map is being carved for increasing unity based human civilization through ascending group relations associated with SSOA .

  2. 塔维斯托克研究所(TavistockInstitute)群体关系项目总监、企业和组织顾问曼尼∠尔(MannieSher)认为,谣言通常是一种以个人为目标、范围更大的系统性现象。

    Mannie Sher , director of the group relations programme at the Tavistock Institute and adviser to companies and organisations , believes rumour is often a larger systemic phenomenon that often targets an individual .

  3. 协调利益群体关系构建和谐社会

    Coordinating the Relationship between Interest Groups to Build a Harmonious Society

  4. 机械制造领域汉语数量词与群体关系形式化处理研究

    Formalization Processing Research of Chinese Quantifiers and Group Relations in Domain of Manufacture

  5. 然后对集体词结构的群体关系进行分类和介绍。

    Finally , a suitable class of collective structures and its introduction was given .

  6. 城市街头官僚与地下职业群体关系的对抗与重构

    Reconstruction the relationship between City " street-level bureaucrat " and the underground occupational groups

  7. 妥善处理不同利益群体关系缩小贫富差距

    Effective Ways to Narrow the Wealth Gap

  8. 群体关系与问责对信息共享意愿及谈判行为的影响研究

    The Effect of Group Membership and Accountability on Willingness to Share Information and Negotiation Behaviors

  9. 研究发现中学生的社会行为取向无论是在家庭的亲子关系中,还是在学校的师生关系中,还是在同学、朋友等同龄群体关系中,都表现出明显的个我取向的特点。

    We have found that the social behavior of the middle school students shows " Individual-Orientation " .

  10. 观点采择与共情反应对助人行为的影响:群体关系的调节作用

    The Effects of Perspective Taking and Empathic Concern on Helping Behavior : The Moderating Role of Group Membership

  11. 通婚意愿是检验群体关系及社会距离状况敏感化的变量。

    Marriage wishs could be regarded as a variable for reflecting social group relations and social distance state .

  12. 相互依附之群体关系盛行于当今组织中,群体成员间的情感状态与其互动已成为组织研究的焦点。

    The use of teams and work groups in organizations has become increasingly more popular in the last decade .

  13. 群体关系就成为先秦诸子十分关注的哲学课题,其中儒家哲学最具有代表性。

    Relations between the groups have become very concerned about the pre-Qin philosophical issues . Among them the the Confucian philosophy is the most representative .

  14. 组织氛围、组织公平、群体关系及组织声誉等方面影响了工作室项目管理团队中成员的认同感水平。

    Organizational climate , organizational justice , group relations and organizational reputation affect the organizational identity level of the members in studio project management team .

  15. 结果护士自身是影响护理群体关系的最重要因素,占46.1%,医院管理者占30.7%,家庭、社会因素占23.2%。

    Results The most important factor was nurses themselves which took up 46.1 % , while hospital administrators 30.7 % , family and society 23.2 % .

  16. 自由主义的出发点是个人的自由和权利,而社群主义的价值本原在于社会整体和群体关系。

    The starting point of the former is freedom and rights while the value of the latter lies in the relationship between society as a whole and communities .

  17. 在创业教育中,教学改革是实现创业教育宗旨的重要手段,与培养开创性个体和开创性群体关系极为密切。

    In the enterprising education , the teaching innovation is an important means of achieving the purposes of enterprising education , and is extremely close to cultivating the creative individual and community .

  18. 论述老子自然原则在现代社会中,在最高价值与理想原则、处理社会群体关系和个体生存发展三个层面上的运用,分析了作为实现人文自然之方法的无为。

    It discusses the application of the principle of Laozi 's nature on three planes in contemporary society & the ultimate value vs. ideal principle , the handling of relationships between social groups , and the survival and development of individuals .

  19. 中国传统社会对教化调节精神生活的意义和作用十分倚重,特别是经过唐末五代的乱世,宋代有识之士深切体味到了道德生活、精神信仰建设与调和文化群体关系对于社会综合发展的重要意义。

    The edification played an important role on spiritual life in Chinese traditional society . After the end of Tang Dynasty and Five Dynasties , people were fully awared that spiritual construction and harmonious interpersonal relationship played an important role in the comprehensive society .

  20. 与其他三个维度的距离有明确的概念界定不同,社会距离的界定最宽泛,它有多种表现形式,包括对人际关系、群体关系、社会权力、礼貌程度、文化差异等的研究。

    Different from the other three dimensions which have explicit definition , social distance has a variety of definitions and is manifested in many forms , including interpersonal relationship , distinction between ingroup and outgroup , social power , politeness , culture and so on .

  21. 在社会网络中,每个行动者都与其他行动者有或多或少的关系,而社会网络分析就是要建立这些关系的模型,力图描述群体关系的结构,研究这种结构对群体功能或者群体内部个体的影响。

    Each actor with other actors has more or less relationship in social network , while social network analysis is to establish a model of these relationships and trying to describe the relationship between population structure to study the individual impact between groups or group itself .

  22. 随着因特网的发展,信息的传播方式发生了深刻改变,跨时空的广泛、极速传递成为现实,并且伴随信息的传播,人们之间结成了新的社会群体关系。

    With the development of the internet , the mode of information transmission is undergoing a profound change that information passing rapidly and widely across time and space boundaries has become a reality . And the new form of information spreading updates the relationship between people in the society .

  23. 新疆产甘草6个不同地理群体遗传关系的RAPD分析

    RAPD analysis of genetic relationship among different populations of Glycyrrhiza uralensis

  24. 江西省主要地方鸡种的RAPD分析及其群体遗传关系的研究

    Study on Population Genetic Relationships among Jiangxi Native Chicken Breeds by RAPD Analysis

  25. 24个中外猪种(群)的AFLP多态性及其群体遗传关系

    Studies of Population Genetic Relationships Among 24 Chinese and Exotic Pig Breeds Using AFLP Analysis

  26. 江西地方鸡种的AFLP多态性及其群体遗传关系

    Polymorphism of Jiangxi Indigenous Chicken Breeds and Its Population Genetic Relationships Inferred by AFLP Analysis

  27. 不同抗性大豆品种与大豆胞囊线虫的田间群体动态关系研究

    The Relationships Between Soybean Cultivars and Population Dynamics of Heterodera glycines

  28. 城镇群体空间关系的生态学透视&以珠江三角洲为例

    An analysis of the urban spatial relationship from ecological theory

  29. 分析了艺术家个人审美观念与观众群体的关系。

    Analysis of the artists personal aesthetic relationship with the audience groups .

  30. 环境政策对象识别、界定和政策对象群体间关系的研究

    Study on Object Identify and Colony Relations of Environmental Policy