
  • 网络Crowd Control;mass control
  1. 以眼还眼:不再打破群体控制效果。

    Eye for an Eye : No longer breaks crowd control effects .

  2. 以政治学观点思考休闲体育,可以看出是群体控制与个体自由的矛盾在左右着休闲体育的前提;

    The contradiction between mass control and individual freedom influences the precondition of leisure sport with the thinking about leisure sport under the viewpoint of politics ;

  3. F2群体控制PPO活性的两对主基因遗传率为73.92%,F2∶3家系群体中两对主基因遗传率为88.44%。

    The major gene inheritability was 73.92 % in the F_2 group and 88.44 % in the F_ ( 2 ∶ 3 ) family groups , respectively .

  4. 说明新加坡政府对待不同社会群体控制方式所呈现出的各自特点。

    Prove social control mode of Singapore government in treating different social groups have different characteristic .

  5. 让人们知道你计划即将对哪个目标进行群体控制尤为重要。

    Letting people know what targets you plan to CC in the next few seconds is especially helpful .

  6. 本文主要通过研究多智能体可控性以及可控性和一致性之间的联系来研究群体控制。

    This paper studies controllability problems of multi-agent systems and some connections between controllability and consensus . 1 .

  7. 二是“控制权”,即族裔群体控制的雇工渠道或就业网。

    The other refers to " control ", namely hiring channels and employment networks controlled by an ethnic group .

  8. 分析和比较了各种多机器人群体控制结构的特点,在此基础上提出了一种基于群智能方法的分布式群体控制结构。

    Various group architectures are analyzed and compared . On the basis of this , a kind of distributed structure based on swarm intelligent method was presented .

  9. 值得注意的是,尽管威少可以轻而易举地在一个受运动员群体控制的网站上发表一份第一人称的故事,他却至今为止都没有这么做过。

    It 's notable that , though Russell could easily commission a first-person profile at an athlete-controlled website , he 's thus far , chosen not to .

  10. 应用重组自交系群体检测控制水稻糙米粗蛋白和粗脂肪含量的QTL

    QTL Mapping of Brown Rice Protein Content and Lipid Content in A Recombinant Inbred Population of Rice

  11. 本研究利用F2代群体对控制水稻穗长性状基因进行QTL定位分析,利用SSR标记研究穗长性状的遗传多样性。

    The objective of this study was to identify QTLs conditioning brown rice panicle length using a F2 population , and analysis genetic diversity of aromatic rice varieties based on SSR .

  12. 旱地棉花群体质量控制技术研究

    Study on Technique of Cotton Population Quality Control in Dry Land

  13. 超高茬麦套稻高产群体质量控制技术研究

    A Study on Controling High Yielding Population for Interplanting Japonic with High Wheat Stubble

  14. 甲苯咪唑与阿苯达唑连续3年群体化疗控制人体肠道线虫的效果观察

    A study on control of human intestinal nematodes with mass chemotherapy of mebendazole or albendazole for three years

  15. 标识项提供政策和技术,使这些群体能够控制用户访问重要资源。

    The identity offering provides policies and technologies to enable groups to control user access to critical resources .

  16. 结论学校群体活动控制模式对于小学生的肥胖控制是有效的。

    ( Conclusion )( The strategies model of group ) activity are effective to obesity control among primary school students .

  17. 采用动态遗传算子设计和群体规模控制方法,使进化更快速跳出局部最优。

    The means of dynamic genetic operators and population control were used to make the evolution escape from localization trap quickly .

  18. 目前群体机器人控制系统的芯片多采用通用处理器芯片,其一般由大公司批量生产,标准统一,成熟稳定。

    Current robotic processing units usually use the general-purpose processor chips , which are produced by large vendors , standard-unified , mature and stable .

  19. 可以认为,三唑类杀菌剂种子处理对根围小麦纹枯病病原丝核菌群体的控制是其主要控病机制之一。

    The suppression of Rhizoctonia spp . population in the rhizosphere is one of the mechanisms of controlling wheat sharp eyespot by seed treatment with triazoles .

  20. 中国成都汉族群体线粒体DNA控制区序列多态性研究

    Sequence polymorphisms of the mitochondrial DNA control region in 100 Chengdu Hans in China

  21. ⑷将系统的逻辑设计在FPGA上实现,并完成FPGA开发板和机器人功能板的硬件连接,成为完整的群体机器人的控制系统。

    ⑷ Implement the systematic logical design at the FPGA board and complete the hardware connection between the FPGA board and the functional board of swarm robot .

  22. 针对粒子群优化(PSO)算法的早熟收敛问题,提出一种新的基于群体多样性控制的PSO算法(DCPSO)。

    Aiming at the premature convergence problem in particle swarm optimization ( PSO ) algorithm , a novel diversity-controlled PSO ( DCPSO ) algorithm is proposed .

  23. 通过构造随机Lyapunov函数,得到了NCS在均方意义下鲁棒渐近稳定的充分条件。第四,研究了数字网络下一维动态群体的队形控制。

    Based on a stochastic Lyapunov function method , sufficient conditions which ensure the robust asymptotic stability in the mean square are obtained . Fourthly , we investigate a formation control for dynamical agents in digital communication network .

  24. 接着,对基本蚁群算法的原理进行了分析,基于此提出了一个基于信息素的群体机器人协作控制算法PMCA。

    Based on this , a Pheromone-based Multi-Mobile-Robots Collaborative Control Algorithm ( PMCA ) was put forward .

  25. 群体系统蜂拥控制理论及应用研究进展

    Survey on theory and application of flocking control of swarm system

  26. 维护社会稳定语境下弱势群体的犯罪控制

    Control of Disadvantaged Group 's Crime in the Context of Social Stability

  27. 小麦高光效群体结构与控制程序

    Wheat Population Structure with High-Effeciency in Photosynthesis and It 's Control Procedures

  28. 机器人群体协作与控制的研究

    Research on control and co operation for swarm robot systems

  29. 论青年偶集群体及其行为控制

    A Study on Accidentally Assembling Youth Group and the Control of Its Behavior

  30. 基于有向网络的智能群体群集运动控制

    Flocking motion control of flock in directed networks