
  1. 开放经济环境下的企业组织形态创新

    New ideas of enterprise organizational formation in the open economic environment

  2. 中国大型流通企业组织形态分析

    The Analysis on the Structure of Chinese Large-scale Distribution Enterprise

  3. 刍议信息时代企业组织形态的演进与趋势结构

    Discussion on the Evolvement and Trend of Enterprises ' Structure in the Information Times

  4. 动态联盟也将成为新的企业组织形态。

    And the virtual alliance will also become a new organization form of manufacturing enterprises .

  5. 在现代市场经济中,公司制、合伙制、个体制等属于较为常见的现代企业组织形态。

    In modern market economy , the individual , partnership and corporate organizational form are very common modern enterprise mode .

  6. 伴随着企业组织形态的演变,企业经营理念不断地发生变革。

    Along with the succession of organizational structure of enterprises , the theory and concept of enterprise management are innovated continuously .

  7. 价值星系的出现标志着企业组织形态和价值创造机制的发展正进入一个新的阶段。

    The emerging of value constellation is the milestone of new stage in the development of enterprise organization types and value-creating mechanism .

  8. 公司是现代社会最重要的企业组织形态,在我国经济生活中扮演着举足轻重的角色。

    Company is the most important form of the enterprise in modern society , it takes great part in our economic life .

  9. 企业组织形态网络化现象的兴起,凸显了信任对企业的重要意义,使信任问题成为企业必须面对的一个核心问题。

    The rise of organizations forming corporate networks , highlight the importance of trust on business which becomes a central issue to be faced .

  10. 实践中复杂的多层级企业组织形态的出现和发展一直是理论界关注的焦点。

    In practice , the emergence and development of complex multi-level form of business organization has been the focus of attention of the theorists .

  11. 随着世界市场的不断变化与市场竞争的加剧,动态联盟将成为新的企业组织形态,动态联盟环境下企业间信息流的管理和控制问题越来越受到人们的重视。

    With the change of the world wide market competition , the agile virtual enterprise ( AVE ) will become the new organization form of manufacturing enterprises .

  12. 在市场化建设中,以国有企业组织形态存在的集中供热,必须解决产权明晰和分户计量收费问题;

    Of the marketing construction , as state owned enterprises , centralized-heating must clearly define the property rights , measure quantity of heat from door to door .

  13. 交易成本在经济与政治相互作用过程中发生变化,引致了国家、市场和企业组织形态的变迁。

    The change of transaction costs in the process of economic and political interaction will bring forth the change of organized forms of markets , firms and states .

  14. 它不仅是一种现实存在,而且是一种理想的企业组织形态,与单一企业相比,它更具有规模性和竞争性。

    It is not only a reality , and is an ideal form of business organization , compared with a single enterprise ; it is more large-scale and competitive .

  15. 产业集群作为一种极具特色的企业组织形态,引起了产业组织、战略管理和技术创新理论等多个研究领域的关注。

    AS a feature enterprise organization conformation , industrial cluster has been attracting attention from fields of research , such as industrial organization , strategic management , technical innovation .

  16. 立论基础之二是:无论具体选择是以何种股权结构和所有制安排为主的基础设施企业组织形态,政府规制在我国都仍很不成熟,亟待重新构建和调整改善;

    Next basic is that : No matter what kind of public infrastructure organizational form it is , based on share structure or ownership , government regulation is still in the elementary phase , and urgently needs constitution re-amelioration and re-adjustments .

  17. 从分工的视角解释了自第二工业革命以来企业组织形态演进过程中的四次变革历程,剖析了企业组织中从劳动分工向知识分工演化的过程。

    Explained from the division of labor angle of view the enterprise has organized in the shape evolution process since the second Industrial Revolution four transformation course . Analyzed the enterprise to organize from the division of labor the process which evolved to the knowledge division of labor .

  18. 提出了组织变革的本质是分工从制造工序阶段逐渐向管理职能阶段转变的基本观点,确立了企业组织形态变化和分工组态选择相互耦合的分析思路。

    Proposed the organization transforms the essence is the division of labor from the manufacture working procedure stage gradually the basic concept which transforms to the management function stage . Established the enterprise to organize the shape change and the division of labor configuration choice mutual coupling analysis mentality .

  19. 作为一种有别于传统企业的组织形态,虚拟企业运行过程的控制也自有其特殊的一面。

    As an organization different from the traditional corporations , control of virtual enterprise 's operation process has its special aspect .

  20. 温州民营企业的组织形态演变及其金融危机应对&兼论从人伦信用到契约信用的演变

    Evolution of Structural Patterns of Private Businesses in Wenzhou in Response to Financial Crisis : From the Ethics-based Credit to the Contract-based Credit

  21. 第二,同质企业的组织形态可采用同一种模式。

    Secondly , as the organizational shape of the enterprises with the same character , it can take use of the same form of operation .

  22. 动态联盟是二十一世纪企业的组织形态。它是基于市场机遇的动态的、网络联盟化的组织,其组织成员在地理位置上是分散的,因此选择合适的合作伙伴是建立动态联盟的关键环节。

    Dynamic alliance , a kind of dynamic , network-allied organization based on market opportunity , is the organization type of enterprise of the 21st century , whose members are dispersed geographically . So the selection of proper partners is critical to create dynamic alliance .

  23. 但同时企业产权组织形态的日趋多元化,使国有产权管理工作出现了诸多新情况、新问题,进而给国资监管工作带来了前所未有的挑战。

    But at the same time , as the organizational form of enterprise property rights have become more diversified , there come a lot of new situations and new problems in the course of state-owned property management , and then it brings the unprecedented challenges to state-owned Assets Supervision .

  24. 企业管理中组织形态的变化&基于GE在韦尔奇时代改革的分析

    The changes of organization forms in business administration based on the analysis of GE reforms let by its CEO & Jack Welch

  25. 企业集团是多法人的联合体,是企业组织的高级形态。

    Corporation group is association of a lot of corporations and advanced form of corporation .

  26. 在全球经济化和信息技术发展的大浪潮下,交易成本不断下降,企业边界和组织形态都发生了变化。

    Under the big tides of global economy and information technical development , the enterprise border and organization have all changed by the transaction cost dropping constantly .

  27. 根据两条不同的主线,追溯了企业战略网络组织形态的演变路径,从8个方面综合分析了战略网络中的若干联盟动机,并对我国企业建立企业战略网络提出了相关的建议。

    The evolution approach of the organizational forms of strategic network is explored elaborately according to two different clues . Heterogeneous alliance motivations forming strategic network are synthesized from eight aspects . And some suggestions are proposed for China 's firms aiming at establishing strategic networks .

  28. 企业战略联盟的组织形态演进

    The Organizational Evolution of Interfirm Strategic Alliances

  29. 企业作为一种组织形态,与经济活动及经济发展密切相关,企业竞争自然也与其紧密地联系在一起。

    As organizational conformation , enterprise keep close touch with economic activity and development , so it is the theory of competition .

  30. 虚拟企业这种崭新的组织形态在带来巨大的市场竞争优势的同时,也带给我们很多值得思考的问题。

    Virtual Enterprise this new form of organization of the market in a huge competitive advantage , but also bring us a lot of food for thought .