
  1. 介绍了企业内部市场化的定义及理论依据;

    The definition and theoretical basis of internal market-led management are introduced .

  2. 企业内部市场:起源、演进及挑战

    Internal Markets of Enterprise : Origin , Evolution and Challenges

  3. 企业内部市场定价:基于行为的理论模型

    Pricing in Internal Markets within Corporations : A Model Based on Organizational Behavior

  4. 论企业内部市场化条件下的管理审计

    Management audit based on the enterprises ' internal market

  5. 企业内部市场运行机制研究

    Research on the Operation Mechanism of Enterprise Interior Market

  6. 发电企业内部市场体制改革与提高竞争力的探讨

    The Research of Internal Market System Reform and Competitiveness Improvement of Electric Power Enterprise

  7. 推行企业内部市场化的意义

    The Significance of Promoting Enterprise 's Internal Market

  8. 企业内部市场化解析

    The Analysis of Market-Orientation within the Enterprises

  9. 阐述了企业内部市场化管理的特点及内部市场类型;

    The characteristics of internal market-led management and the types of internal markets are expatiated .

  10. 浅论企业内部市场化运作

    Discussion on Enterprise 's Internal Marketing Operation

  11. 企业内部市场交易费用分析

    Analysis of Cost of Intra-corporation Transaction

  12. 论企业内部市场管理

    On Enterprise Internal Market Management

  13. 企业内部市场化将企业行为由总体转为个体、内部交易由计划转为市场。

    The inner marketing of an enterprise transfers the behavior of the enterprise from a whole one into individuals .

  14. 煤矿企业内部市场化精细管理的机理与动因煤炭企业实施精细化管理的实践与思考

    Market oriented refined management in coal mines : reasons and mechanism Practice and deliberations on refined management in coal mines companies

  15. 我们认为企业内部市场管理概念的提出对推进国有企业改革具有重要意义。

    We think the proposal of the concept of enterprise market management is of great significance to the promotion of reforms of state-owned enterprises .

  16. 本论文将企业内部市场导向扩展到渠道情形中,从交互作用的角度界定渠道成员间关系层市场导向。

    In this paper , market orientation will be extended to channel case from a company , and relational market orientation between channel members is discussed .

  17. 企业内部市场化管理模式实施的核心是有效的激励相容约束机制,本文剖析了影响激励相容约束机制有效性的主要因素,并在此基础上提出了激励相容约束机制设计应该实现的均衡。

    The key of internal market management model is to establish the limited of incentive mechanism . The paper analyzed the main influential factor and advanced its balance .

  18. 企业内部市场化管理不仅代表了一种创新的管理理念,更是一种适应当代企业发展要求易于实施的管理方法。

    Management of the enterprise market represents not only an innovative management concept , it is also a business to adapt to the requirements of the development of contemporary management methods easy to implement .

  19. 就企业内部市场化的基本含义、作用以及发展趋势作了较为详尽的阐述,特别强调企业应提升管理,为其内部市场化创造条件。

    This paper expounds in detail the basic meanings , functions and developing trends of internal marketing of enterprise , focusing on that the enterprise should improve its management to create conditions for its internal marketing .

  20. 本文尝试性地提出了13项指标,从内部市场中经济主体的地位平等度、经营单位权利的市场化和组织制度结构的市场性质三个维度来测度企业内部市场化程度。

    The authors of this paper have designed thirteen indexes to measure the degree of the intra-marketing in three aspects : the degree of equality of internal units , the rights of different operating units and the organizational structure system .

  21. 军工企业内部市场化管理是为了直接把市场机制引入企业内部,抛弃以往的集权管理体制,实行内部市场化,造就出军工企业内部企业家、内部顾客及其他类似于外部市场的竞争机制。

    The Intra-Marketization management is the way to induct marketable manner into enterprises , discard the old unitarian management , put inner marketable management into practice and bring up the inner enterpriser , the inner buyer , the atmosphere of competition .

  22. 管理审计作为管理的延伸,在企业内部市场化条件下,将更多地发挥全面协调、管理控制的积极作用,成为现代企业管理科学的一项重要力量。

    It satisfies the changing needs of the external environment . The management audit based on the enterprises ' internal market , as the extension of management , will play a more positive role in the overall coordination , management and control .

  23. 我国企业内部资本市场的边界确定

    Defining the Boundaries of Internal Capital Markets within Chinese Firms

  24. 企业内部劳动力市场建设刍议

    On the construction of internal labor market in a firm

  25. 基于知识经纪人的企业内部知识市场运行研究

    Broker-Based Corporate Inner Knowledge Market : Factors and its running

  26. 企业内部知识市场及其要素研究

    The Factors of Inner Corporate Knowledge - oriented Market

  27. 企业内部知识市场的基本构架及其动力机制研究

    Study on the Basic Structure and Motivation Mechanism of the Enterprise Inner Knowledge Market

  28. 实际上,劳动力配置大部分是在企业内部劳动力市场上进行的。

    In fact , labor assignment is mainly completed in the internal labor market .

  29. 企业内部劳动力市场研究

    A Study on Internal Labor Market in Enterprises

  30. 企业内部资本市场问题分析

    An Analysis on the Internal Capital Market