
  • 网络Enterprise Foreign Investment
  1. 只有调整产业和产品结构,促进加工贸易转型和升级,积极对外技术合作,鼓励企业对外投资,才能促进河南省对外贸易的更快发展。

    Only the adjustment industry and the product structure , promotion processing trade reforming and the promotion , the positive foreign technical cooperation , encourages the enterprise foreign investment , can promote Henan Province foreign trade quicker development .

  2. 我国企业对外投资区位选择的策略应是:以发展中国家为主要的投资区域,兼顾对发达国家和地区的投资,积极慎重地发展对独联体和东欧等转轨国家的投资。

    Our enterprise foreign investment position choice strategy should be take the developing nation as the main investment region , give dual attention to the developed country and the local investment , positively prudently develops to Commonwealth of Independent States ( CIS ) and the Eastern European country investment .

  3. WTO与中国企业对外投资的多元化战略

    WTO & the Pluralistic Strategy of the Overseas Investment of Chinese Enterprises

  4. 加入WTO后,我国企业对外投资的发展前景更为严峻。

    After joining the WTO , the position of enterprise outbound investment in our country is very critical .

  5. 我国民营科技型企业对外投资机制分析

    The Analysis on Foreign Investment Mechanism of China 's Nongovernmental Science-technologic Enterprises

  6. 企业对外投资效益测度的一种新方法

    A New Method Measuring the Benefit of Outward Direct Investment

  7. 我国资源类企业对外投资的有效性&基于合约理论的分析

    Effects of Outward Investment of Our Resource Enterprises : Based on Contract Theory

  8. 企业对外投资的双轨模式&基于浙江企业的研究

    Researches on Investment under the Double - track Mode

  9. 企业对外投资产生信息非对称的原因。

    The cause of non-symmetry of information in the foreign investment of enterprise ;

  10. 中小企业对外投资的必要性、可行性分析

    Analysis of necessity and possibility of foreign investment of medium-sized and small enterprises

  11. 企业对外投资的内部控制

    The Internal Control of Enterprise 's Investments Abroad

  12. 第一章:跨国投资理论对企业对外投资优势的研究。

    Part 2 : Theory on investment advantages .

  13. 高校与企业对外投资会计处理的比较

    Comparation of the Accounted Management for the Foreign Investment Between Higher Schools and Enterprises

  14. 企业对外投资的计价

    Discussion on Measurement of External Investment of Enterprise

  15. 中国作为日本在亚洲的投资中心,自然是日本企业对外投资的首选。

    China , as the investing center in Asia , is also their first choice .

  16. 长期股权投资是企业对外投资的重要内容。

    Long term equity investment is an important part of external investment of an enterprise .

  17. 电力企业对外投资研究

    Study on Investment of Electric Enterprise

  18. 投资净收益是企业对外投资收入减去投资损失后的余额。

    Net investment profit is the balance of income on external investment after deducting investment loss .

  19. 以供我国企业对外投资企业防范非商业风险时参考。

    These methods give a reference to our oversea investment enterprises when resisting the non-commercial risk .

  20. 并购是企业对外投资,加快发展的重要方式。

    M & A is a key approach of enterprises ' foreign investment and accelerating development .

  21. 在全球经济一体化和石油经济国际化、信息化的今天,我国石油企业对外投资和跨国经营已成为历史发展的必然趋势。

    Today the foreign investment and transnational operation have been become an inexorable trend of history development .

  22. 其次,阐述了西部企业对外投资的意义;

    Secondly , it has explained the important meaning of the direct foreign investment of western enterprise ;

  23. 日本对中小企业对外投资的政策支持分析

    An Analysis of the Policy Support on Foreign Direct Investment Made by Japanese Small and Medium-sized Enterprises

  24. 我国企业对外投资经营取得了一定的成绩,但还存在不少问题。

    Though China 's enterprises have certain success in overseas investment , they still have some problems to solve .

  25. 第四部分提出了中国制造业企业对外投资发展的投资对策,从宏观、中观、微观三大方面详细地分析了中国制造业企业在对外投资方面应该采取的战略。

    Accordingly , the fourth part gives some suggestions about the further development of Chinese manufacturing enterprises ' FDI .

  26. 当前企业对外投资业务日益扩大,要求财会人员熟练掌握其核算方法。

    At present , as business investment is expanded increasingly , In financial accountants must be mastered its accounting methods .

  27. 本文建立了关于双边投资协定和东道国与母国的制度环境对企业对外投资区位选择的影响的研究框架。

    This study builds a framework of bilateral investment treaties , institutional environment and outward FDI location choices of firms .

  28. 跨国并购必将成为中国企业对外投资的主要方式。

    Thus , Cross-border M & A will certainly become the fundamental mode for the Chinese enterprises to make investment abroad .

  29. 目前民营企业对外投资还处于自发阶段,迫切需要政府和社会给予更多的支持。

    Now the outward-investment of private enterprises on spontaneous stage will be in need of more support from the government and society .

  30. 东南亚华商作为中国企业对外投资的中介者与合作者,又将发挥重要的作用。

    As intermediaries and cooperators , Southeast Asian ethnic Chinese will play an important role when Chinese firms invest in Southeast Asia .