
  • 网络Single investment;independent investment
  1. 随着单项投资研究的成熟,人们开始将风险偏好考虑到具有多项投资组合的研究中来。

    With the maturity of the individual investment research , people began to consider the risk appetite to the study of a number of portfolio .

  2. 在我任期的头几个月中,我们做出了迄今为止在基础研究上给出的最大一笔单项投资,我还来到了肯尼迪航天中心,呼吁大家一起使太空项目重新焕发生机,进一步探索我们的太阳系,并更加深入地研究宇宙。

    In our first few months , my administration made the largest single investment in basic research in our history , and I went to the Kennedy Space Center to call for reimagining and reinvigorating our space program to explore more of our solar system and look deeper into the universe than ever .

  3. 中国和印度的研究已确定,就减少贫穷而言,建造道路是最有效的单项公益投资。

    Studies in China and India have identified building roads as the single most effective public goods investment in terms of poverty reduction .

  4. 温州居民任何单项境外投资额不得超过等值300万美元,多个投资者共同实施一项境外直接投资的,投资总额不超过等值1000万美元。

    Wenzhou residents cannot exceed $ 3m with any single investment abroad , while the combined investment by multiple investors in a single project is limited to $ 10m .

  5. 对以上单项工程进行投资概算。

    Investment estimate is conducted for above individual works .

  6. 编制以上各单项工程概算投资。

    Prepare investment budget estimate for above individual work .

  7. 从市场失灵理论、自然垄断理论和外部性理论来讨论成本规制的必要性,通过分析建立补贴额度测算模型,设定补贴由单项补贴、投资回报调节以及服务质量调节三部分组成。

    Then the necessity of cost regulation is discussed from market failure theory , natural monopoly theory and externality theory , establishes the model to estimate amount of subsidy , including individual subsidy , investment returns regulation and service quality regulation regulator .