
  • 网络financial investment;financial investor
  1. 即使仅仅作为一项财务投资,此举可能也有重大意义。

    Even as a pure financial investment , this would probably have a lot going for it .

  2. 月亮进入你的第八宫分享资源宫,今天将会是一个进行财务投资的好时候。

    The Moon 's visit to your8th House of Shared Resources marks a good day to consider making a financial investment .

  3. 中投公司(CIC)是一个进行多元化投资的长线财务投资机构。

    China Investment Corp oration is a long-term financial investor with a diversified portfolio .

  4. 采用财务投资理论对高等教育个人投资过程中的风险进行了分析。

    The risks from individuals investment in higher education were analyzed .

  5. 你将会受益于隐藏的财务投资。

    You will benefit through hidden assets and property investments .

  6. 如何确保房地产财务投资分析的客观有效性?

    How to ensure the objectivity in financial analysis of real estate investment ?

  7. 财务投资的问题可能会令你紧张。

    Problems with financial investments could make you nervous .

  8. 你或许想参与别人向你介绍的财务投资。

    You may want to get involved in financial investments presented to you .

  9. 花点儿时间整理个人文件并仔细检查自己的财务投资。

    Take the time to sort out your personal papers and double-check your financial investments .

  10. 首都国际财务投资有限公司

    First Metro International Investment Company Limited

  11. 当然,小兔子还是建议你在处理自己的财务投资组合时要多样化一些。

    Of course , the bunny still recommends you diversify when it comes to your financial portfolio .

  12. 他表示,许多其它外资基金管理公司只把合资公司当作财务投资来对待。

    Many other foreign players have treated their joint venture arrangements as pure financial investments , he claims .

  13. 中投可以分设国内国外两个基金,同时着眼于长远利益和发展,海外投资必须始终坚持以财务投资为主。

    CIC can be divided in two funds at home and abroad , adhere to the financial investment while focusing on long-term interests and development .

  14. 另外,试用新的视听技术来演示或传播学术研究成果,将需要学术机构进行进一步的财务投资,包括视频设备和编辑软件。

    In addition , experimenting with new audio-visual techniques for representing or disseminating research would involve further financial investment by academic institutions , including video equipment and editing software .

  15. 银行家和分析师表示,更有可能的是,某家中国企业以财务投资或长期投资形式收购力拓少数股份。

    Much more possible , bankers and analysts say , is that a Chinese buyer might purchase a small Rio stake , either as a financial investment or a long-term marker .

  16. 本文研究内容分三部分:风险投资运作机制、风险投资项目财务投资决策指标研究和风险投资项目评估体系研究。

    This paper is divided into three parts , the operating mechanism of venture investment , the research of financial investment decision index for venture investment project , the research of evaluation system for venture investment project .

  17. 也从而提高了预算执行的透明度,增强了预算管理力度,发挥了预算管理的目标引导、过程监控、结果考核作用,实现了对企业经营行为和财务投资的控制与引导。

    Also so as to improve the transparency of the budget execution , enhance the budget management , the budget management play a target guiding , process monitoring , evaluation function , the realization of control and leading business and financial investment .

  18. 第五部分是全文的重点,从运营机构、组织架构、业务营销、财务投资、网络技术、人力资源、客户服务等七个方面,对广电网络行业未来发展给出了具体建议。

    The fifth part is the key , some specific suggestions for future development of Broadcast TV Info-network industry are given from seven aspects : operation institution , the organization structure and the business marketing , finance investment , network technology , human resources and customer service .

  19. 从Modigliani和Miller于1958年发表题为《资本结构、公司财务和投资理论》论文开始,他们便创建了现代资本结构理论,而资本结构理论至今已经经过了40多年的发展历史。

    From the paper named " The cost of capital , corporate finance and the theory of investment " coming out , Modigliani and Miller established the theory of capital structure , and the theory has developed for more than 40 years .

  20. 财务或投资领域需运用分析技巧的职务。

    A position requiring analytical skills in the financial or investment field .

  21. 请注意:这当然是不打算提供财务或投资建议。

    This course is not intended to provide financial or investment advice .

  22. 读者被假定为有知识甚少的财务或投资。

    Readers are assumed to have little knowledge of finance or investing .

  23. 以规范资金、费用、投资管理为重点,解决财务及投资管理的问题;以达标创星工作为重点,解决加油站规范化管理薄弱的问题;

    The companies can solve financial and investment problems through normalizing capital , expense , investment control , solve business management problems through normalizing operation .

  24. 目的是测试小学生们掌控钱财的能力,他们对于消费和储蓄的理解,以及他们所具备的家庭财务和投资的知识。

    It was designed to measure the students " ability to handle money , their understanding of spending and saving , and their knowledge of family finances and investment .

  25. 主要内容包括项目开发背景、公司概况及发展战略、市场机会分析、市场营销策略、生产管理、财务与投资分析、风险控制等。

    Main contents including project development background , company profile and developing strategy , market opportunity analysis , marketing strategies , production management , financial and investment analysis , risk control and so on .

  26. 你不需要去读MBA,但是要参加一些金融、经济、财务规划、投资(房地产、股票市场)、会计方面的课程或者读一些这些方面的书。

    27.You dont need an MBA , but take some courses or read some books on finance , economics , financial planning , investments ( real estate , stock market ), and accounting .

  27. 通过财务状况和投资可行性的分析,总结并给出了XX集团公司投资3PL具体可行性的分析报告。

    Passing the analysis of financial situation and investment feasibility , have summarized it and provided the analysis report of concrete feasibility that XX Group Company invests in 3PL .

  28. 基于上市公司财务信息的投资策略研究

    Research of Investment Strategies Based on Financial Information of Listed Companies

  29. 可评价的现金流量和财务风险资本投资项目。

    May appraise cash flow and financial risk of capital investment projects .

  30. 本集团的使命是「为顾客提供世界级的财务保障与投资理财的解决方案」。

    To offer world-class solutions for financial protection needs and investment requirements .