
  • 网络Wealth management;Private banking;Global Wealth Management
  1. 本文作者是美国银行(bankofamerica)美国信托私人财富管理(ustrustprivatewealthmanagement)首席市场策略师

    Joseph Quinlan is chief market strategist at us trust private wealth management , Bank of America

  2. 瑞银财富管理(ubswealthmanagement)根据不同的风险概况,管理着11种相对回报模型投资组合。

    UBS wealth management runs 11 relative-return model portfolios , based on different risk profiles .

  3. 以及中国第六大银行招商银行(ChinaMerchantsBank)旗下关注财富管理的小企业E家(SmallEntrepreneur)。

    and Small Entrepreneur , a unit of China Merchants Bank , the country 's sixth-largest lender , that focuses on wealth management .

  4. 5年前,苏格兰皇家银行收购了中国银行(BankofCHina)5%的股份,作为战略联盟的一部分。这一联盟带来了双方合资的信用卡和财富管理业务。

    Five years ago , RBS acquired a 5 per cent stake in Bank of China as part of a strategic tie-up that spawned joint ventures in credit cards and wealth management .

  5. 史密斯女士在纽约经营着史密斯离婚财务策略公司(SmithDivorceFinancialStrategies),希尔先生在圣迭戈掌管着太平洋财富管理公司(PacificWealthManagement)和太平洋离婚管理公司(PacificDivorceManagement)。

    Ms. Smith runs Smith Divorce Financial Strategies in New York ; Mr. Hill runs Pacific Wealth Management and Pacific Divorce Management in San Diego .

  6. 新加坡是亚洲第一大财富管理中心,拥有亚洲地区排名最高的大学&新加坡国立大学(NationalUniversityofSingapore)。

    Singapore is the number one wealth management centre in Asia . The country has the best ranked university in Asia , the National University of Singapore .

  7. 去年,英杰华以9.25亿澳元的价格将其澳大利亚寿险与财富管理业务出售给了澳大利亚国民银行(NationalAustraliaBank),以便集中力量拓展自己可以获得领先份额的市场。

    Aviva sold its Australian life and wealth management businesses to National Australia Bank last year for A $ 925m to concentrate on markets where it could build a leading market share .

  8. 在测量对冲基金的波动性和多元性方面,皮克蒂特私人银行(pictetprivatebank)做得比很多其它财富管理机构都要多。

    One wealth manager that does more than most to measure hedge fund volatility and diversify risk is Pictet private bank .

  9. 英国银行汇丰(hsbc)本月表示,准备重点在新兴市场的财富管理领域物色可能的收购目标。

    HSBC said this month it planned to focus on emerging markets for any acquisition targets in wealth management .

  10. 这位踌躇满志的21岁女孩希望在明年夏季获得法国巴黎HEC商学院(HECbusinessschool)国际金融硕士学位后开启财富管理的职业生涯。

    The ambitious 21 year old wants to start a career in wealth management next summer following a masters in international finance at HEC business school in Paris .

  11. PinnacleGroupInternational创始人兼董事总经理约瑟夫·洛根表示,财富管理、投资银行和研究领域有望在未来几年掀起招聘热潮。

    Wealth management , investment banking and research are expected to see a hiring surge in the coming years , according to Joseph Logan , founder and managing director of Pinnacle Group International .

  12. 私人银行业咨询公司ScorpioPartnership的数据显示,单在欧洲,就有约2500个管家式财富管理公司。

    According to research from Scorpio Partnership , a private banking consultancy , there are around 2,500 family offices in Europe alone .

  13. 高曼于今年1月1日担任公司CEO,因此他的报酬多数体现的是他在运营摩根士丹利的全球财富管理业务时的工作表现。

    Gorman took over as CEO on Jan. 1 , so much of his compensation reflects his previous duties running the firm 's global wealth management business .

  14. 他谈到了年度股东大会、董事会,以及与美国银行(BANKOFAMERICA)之间的合作伙伴关系。与美国银行的战略合作为建行带来了信用卡管理及其它财富管理业务方面的新技能。

    He points to annual general meetings , a board of directors , and a partnership with Bank of America that has brought new skills in terms of managing credit cards and other forms of wealth management .

  15. 本文作者是pfp财富管理公司的投资负责人

    The writer is director of investment at PFP wealth management

  16. 中东的财富管理经理正寻求在中国活跃的首次公开发行(IPO)市场进行投资,但这个市场仍受到保护,而且,其它国际投资者也都高度重视这个市场。

    Mideast wealth managers are seeking to invest in significant Chinese initial public offerings but the market remains protected and is highly prized by other global investors .

  17. 花旗中国消费者银行业务总裁周永赞(SimonChow)认为,这是以人民币计价的财富管理业务的一项重大进展。

    Simon Chow , head of consumer banking at Citi China , described it as a significant development in renminbi-denominated wealth management business .

  18. 美林全球财富管理公司(MerrillLynchGlobalWealthManagement)估计,中国百万美元富翁约85%的财富位于国内,这限制了外资银行可以在管理这些资金方面所发挥的作用。

    Merrill Lynch Global Wealth Management estimates that about 85 per cent of the wealth of Chinese millionaires is held in the country , limiting the role foreign banks can play in managing it .

  19. 总部位于剑桥的创业研究中心LibraryHouse表示,如果印度的风险资本投资延续2006年90%的增速,到2009年,印度的排名也将超过英国。这项调查是由瑞银财富管理(UBSWealthManagement)委托进行的。

    Library House , the Cambridge-based entrepreneurship research centre , said India was also due to overtake the UK by 2009 if Indian venture capital investments continued to grow at the 90 per cent rate seen in 2006 .

  20. 对于全能银行而言,一旦《巴塞尔协议iii》(baseliii)资本金标准实施,它们扩大财富管理业务的动机就将更为强烈:财富管理公司消耗的智力资本要多于金融资本。

    For universal banks , the incentive to expand wealth management businesses will be greater under looming Basel III capital standards : wealth managers consume more intellectual than financial capital .

  21. 巴克莱(Barclays)将在全球投资银行与财富管理部门裁员2100人,以削减成本,应对信贷危机的连带影响。

    Barclays is cutting about 2,100 jobs worldwide in investment banking and money management as it cuts cost to cope with fall-out from the credit crisis .

  22. 基于EAF框架进行二次开发的中国国际商业银行的财富管理系统是一个成功的企业级应用案例。

    The wealth management system of the International Commercial Bank of China based on the EAF framework is a successful case of the enterprise application .

  23. 财富管理公司courtiers首席投资官加里雷诺兹(garyreynolds)同意这一观点,并因此更喜欢使用对冲基金的基金。

    Gary Reynolds , chief investment officer at wealth manager courtiers , agrees and for this reason prefers to use funds of hedge funds .

  24. 我曾在美林证券的财富管理部门实习,还曾在XX上过投资银行课程,这些都是宝贵的经验。

    Ive interned for Merrill Lynch in the Wealth Management Division and taken an investment banking class at ( BLOCKED ), for whatever that is worth .

  25. 该行也致力于在伦敦进行扩张,去年12月达成协议,以2.535亿英镑收购英国经纪商及财富管理公司德利集团(CollinsStewart)。

    It is also expanding in London with the 253.5m acquisition Of Collins Stewart , the stockbroker and wealth manager , which was agreed in December .

  26. 自aig去年宣布拓展全球财富管理业务以来,这家台湾分支机构是其开设的首个财富管理部门。

    The Taiwan Branch is the first wealth management unit AIG has opened since it announced last year it would expand its global wealth management business .

  27. 瑞银(UBS)概要介绍了外界期待已久的重组计划,包括大力收缩业务、把重点重新放在核心的财富管理业务上,以及在投资银行部门大规模裁员。

    UBS has outlined long-awaited plans to shrink its business dramatically and refocus on its core wealth management operations , while making deep cuts to its investment bank .

  28. 最火热的招聘领域是全球性和新兴市场的投资机构,罗盛咨询伦敦资产与财富管理业务董事总经理阿曼达福斯特(AmandaFoster)表示。

    The hottest hiring areas have been global and emerging markets investors , says Amanda Foster , managing director of the Russell Reynolds asset and wealth management practice in London .

  29. 美国密尔沃基市RobertW.BairdCo.的私人财富管理研究主管劳拉??瑟罗(LauraThurow)说,你也许正在增加自己的风险。

    ' You may be increasing your risk , ' says Laura Thurow , director of private wealth management research at Robert W. Baird Co. , in Milwaukee .

  30. 据第一太平戴维斯全球研究部(SavillsWorldResearch)、设计公司Candy&Candy以及德意志资产及财富管理(DeutscheAssetandWealthManagement)联合发布的新报告,全球12个前景良好的豪宅市场中包括尼日利亚首都格拉斯。

    The Nigerian city is among a list of 12 up-and-coming luxury markets around the globe , according to a new report from Savills World Research , in cooperation with design firm Candy & Candy and Deutsche Asset and Wealth Management .