
  • 网络FINANCIAL MANAGEMENT;science of financial management
  1. 对其结果结合统计学与财务管理学进行分析。

    Its results with statistical analysis and financial management .

  2. 财务管理学改革与财务金融学构建

    Financial Management Science Reform and Financial Economics Construction

  3. 财务管理学的困境与出路

    The Distress and Outlet of Corporate Finance

  4. 西方公司金融学为传统财务管理学的研究范式转换提供了重要的借鉴。

    Western corporate finance provides important reference for the transformation of the traditional financial paradigm .

  5. 为了与完善的市场体制相适应,财务管理学理论体系必须全面创新。

    To match with the sound market - system , the theory of financial management must be innovated .

  6. 关于中国股票市场的研究是近年来财务管理学界的一个热门研究领域。

    The research on the stock market in China has become an attractive field of financial management in recent years .

  7. 财务管理学的特点决定了该课程的教学既要重理论又要重实践,本文就财务管理课程运用案例教学的必要性以及如何运用案例教学进行探讨。

    This text use on financial administration course necessity , case of teaching and how use case teaching to be explained .

  8. 笔者认为,税收筹划,是一个内涵较广的概念,包括征税筹划和纳税筹划,而纳税筹划在学科定位上归属于财务管理学的范畴。

    Tax planning is a broader concept of connotation , and seats in the subject belonging to the scope of financial management .

  9. 特许加盟战略研究已经得到管理学、经济学、市场营销学和财务管理学等领域学者的广泛关注。

    Strategic franchising has attracted intense attention from scholars in various studies ranging from management to economics , marketing and finance , etc.

  10. 企业金融学的研究范式及其架构&西方公司金融学的借鉴与我国财务管理学范式转换

    Paradigm of Firm Finance Study and Its Structure ── the Reference from Western Corporate Finance and the Transformation of Financial Paradigm in China

  11. 我国传统财务管理学注重研究公司的财务管理活动,对商事信托的理财实践重视不够。

    Our traditional finance management pays much attention to studying the activity of company financial control , inadequate researching of business trust finance .

  12. 货币银行学是金融学、会计学、财务管理学等财金类专业学生的专业基础必修课。

    Economics of Money and Banking is the required basic course for financial majors , such as Finance , Accounting , and Financial Management .

  13. 走出贫困化的重要途径,就是要扩展财务管理学的内容,转换财务管理学研究的视角,并开拓财务管理学研究的新领域。

    The way of getting rid of pauperization is to extend its contents , transfer the perspective of study and exploit new fields of research .

  14. 在财务管理学中,财务目标是财务决策的准绳、财务行为的依据、理财绩效的考核标准。

    In financial management , financial target is the criterion of the financial policy , the foundation financial behavior and the test standard of financial results .

  15. 财务管理学在经历了从独立到不断完善的20世纪之后,面对经济全球化和知识经济的发展浪潮,必须进行全面创新。

    The financial management science has experienced its independence after 20th century which consummates unceasingly when facing the economical globalization and the knowledge economy development tide it must carry on the comprehensive innovation .

  16. 究其原因有二:第一,财务管理学相对于公司财务学发展得更为完善,相对而言受经济学等基础学科理论的进展的影响较小。

    Two reasons are given about such a phenomenon . One is that the science of financial management is comparatively more perfect than that of corporate finance and less influenced by the underlying economic theory .

  17. 我国传统财务管理学主要研究单纯的财务技术,将制度、金融市场视为分析框架的外生变量,导致了理论与现实的缺失。

    Chinese traditional finance management focus intensively on pure financial technique , regarding institution and finance market as external variables of analytical framework , so that results in defects in both financial theory structure and financial practice .

  18. 经济利润是经济学中的一项重要理论,其在财务管理学中具有深刻的理论和实践意义,可以很好地解决传统财务管理方法指标的不足,推进财务管理学研究和实务的发展。

    Economic profit is an important theory in economics and it has the profundity and practical mean - ing in financial management . The theory can solve the shortcomings in traditional financial management method indexes and push forward the financial management research and development .

  19. 并从现代财务管理行为学的角度,对现代中小企业财务管理行为的优化目标模式进行了初步的探讨。

    And in terms of behaviouristics of modern financial administration , the optimization goal mode of the financial administration behaviour of modern small and medium-sized enterprises has carried on the preliminary discussion .

  20. 现代财务理论、管理学以及产权经济学理论等为研究人力资本所有者财务奠定了坚实的理论基础。

    The modern financial theory fundamentals , management study and property right economic theory have set up the fundamental for the finance of human resources capital owners .

  21. 公司财务管理的行为金融学分析

    COMPANY Corporate Financial Management Based On The Analyses of Behavioral Finance

  22. 本文综合运用管理学、战略管理、财务管理以及市场营销学的理论并运用平衡记分卡的方法研究吉林省建行的战略发展问题。

    This paper analyzes the strategy development problems with management theories , strategic management , financial management , marketing and the method of the balanced scorecard .

  23. 而后运用财务管理理论、管理学等知识,提出了改进现有贷款分类标准的具体方案&构建一个贷款风险分类评价体系。

    Financial management theory and Management are employed in the introduction of a specific program which can improve the loan classification system currently in effect , that is , to build a risk-based loan classification evaluation system .

  24. 财务控制理论始终未从财务管理学和会计学中提炼出来,对其本质属性进行探索。

    Research on the theory of financial control was not extracted from the financial management and accounting for deep exploration of essential attribute .

  25. 企业金融学以企业现实和金融现实为研究出发点,着重研究制度、金融市场和财务技术三个基本要素及其交互关系,从而实现了对传统财务管理学的拓宽和发展。

    Based on the reality of " firm " and its " finance ", firm finance mainly studies institution , finance market and financial technique , and the mutual relationship among the three elements . Thus , firm finance can widen and develop the study scopes of traditional finance management .

  26. 因此,大都视财务公共关系与会计公共关系是同一概念,这种观点限制阻碍了会计学和财务管理学的学科建设及其实践活动。

    Therefore , many people think that the financial public relations and accounting public relations are the same concept . This kind of standpoint limits and obstructs the construction and their practical activity of the accounting and the financial management .