
  • 网络fiscal federalism;Theory of fiscal federalism
  1. 第一、二章提供了公共供应和财政联邦主义的理论分析。

    The first two chapters provided the theories of public provision and fiscal federalism .

  2. 而只要存在中央与地方分权的财政联邦主义,就具备发行地方政府债券的前提。

    So far as fiscal federalism is concerned , there exists precondition for local government bonds .

  3. 本文的目的在于扩展这一领域的既有理论,从而将公共供应问题整合到财政联邦主义的框架之中,并为后续的经验研究和公共决策厘清思路。

    It is designed to clear the way for further empirical studies and public decision-makings .

  4. 财政联邦主义理论是公共财政领域研究的前沿和热点问题。

    The theory of fiscal federalism is the front and hot issues in the field of public finance .

  5. 财政联邦主义是处理中央与地方政府之间财政关系的一种制度设计。

    Fiscal federalism is a kind of institutional design to cope with the relations between the central and local governments .

  6. 关于中央与地方的事权划分.经济学的主要理论是财政联邦主义理论。

    About the decentralization of authorities between central and local governments , the main theory of economics is the theory of fiscal federalism .

  7. 传统的财政联邦主义理论是关于公共部门职能合理分配和不同层次政府间财源合理分配的理论。

    The traditional theory of fiscal federalism is mainly about the reasonable distribution of public-section functions and revenue resources among different levels of the governments .

  8. 一些人仍然认为,从长远来看,稳定欧元的唯一办法是向着仿照美国的“财政联邦主义”迈进。

    Some still argue that the only way to stabilise the euro in the long term , is to move towards a " fiscal federalism " modelled on the US .

  9. 政府间分工包括多级政府间的职能分工、事权分工和财权分工,侧重于分析公共部门的垂直结构,是财政联邦主义理论的基本问题。

    After the theory of fiscal federalism was raised , the intergovernmental division which focuses on the vertical structure of public sectors continues to be a basic question in this field .

  10. 本文从财政联邦主义的主要特点出发,认同当代中国的多级财政具有一定的财政联邦主义特征的观点,但并不认为中国存在完善的以足投票机制。

    The chapter explores the main characteristics of fiscal federalism , and agrees on the opinion that contemporary multiple-level public finance in China has the characteristics of fiscal federalism . However , there isn 't a perfect " voting-with-the-feet " mechanism in China .

  11. 从宏观上说,我们研究的是中国式财政联邦主义所带来的分权成本;但是,从微观上,我们要做的工作是从内生性的角度去理解形成财政支出结构的内在机理。

    From the macro point of view , we study the Chinese fiscal federalism bring decentralization cost ; but , from microcosmic on , what we want to do is from internal point of view to understand the formation of the internal mechanism of fiscal expenditure structure .

  12. 党的十六大报告提出要建立分级所有的新国有资产管理体制,这就为在财政联邦主义框架下探索有中国特色的社会主义公共财政提供了理论突破。

    To establish a new state-owned assets management regime of " grading ownership " was proposed in the report of the 16th Assembly of the Party , which offers a theoretical breakthrough for quest of socialist public finance with China 's characteristic under the fiscal federalism framework .

  13. 本文认为,中国财政体制改革的目标应该是正式的财政联邦主义。

    Therefore , it concluded that this reform is supposed to aim at formal fiscal federalism instead of re-centralization .