
  • 网络Financial Accounting Principles;finanicial accounting principles
  1. 将财务会计原则引入人力资源会计的思考

    Thoughts on the Application of Financial Accounting Principles to Manpower Resoure Accounting

  2. 研究税务会计原则与财务会计原则的差异,旨在探讨如何构建符合国际化发展趋势的税务会计与财务会计的关系模式。

    The research on this topic will lead to the construction of internationally characteristic relationship model between tax accounting and financial accounting .

  3. 由于税法与会计制度的目的不同,在确认收益、费用、利润、资产、负债等方面存在明显差异,导致按照财务会计原则和税法计算的应税所得额不一定相同。

    The different objective between tax laws and accounting rules causes different income tax accounts in terms of revenue , expense , profits , assets and liabilities .

  4. 对企业财务会计配比原则确认的分析

    Analysis about apportion principle and confirmation principle in business financial accounting

  5. 介绍了企业财务会计核算的配比原则,对企业的收入、费用、产品开发费用的确认原则进行了分析。

    The apportion principle in business financial accounting assess is introduced , the confirmation principle to business 's income , cost and product developing expense analyzed .