
  • 网络comparability;the comparability principle
  1. 对照组选用目前公认的类风湿关节炎西药联合治疗方案:甲氨蝶呤(MTX)+来氟米特(LEF,爱若华),此方案临床疗效肯定,符合公认性、有效性、可比性原则。

    The control group choose currently accepted rheumatoid arthritis western medicine combination treatments : methotrexate ( MTX ) + to fluorine milt ( LEF , love if China ), this plan clinical curative effect sure , meet accepted sex , effectiveness , comparability principle .

  2. 应用可比性原则,将福建省城市和乡村汉族男大学生的身体素质进行横向对比。

    With the principle of comparability , made a crosswise comparison on the physical quality of the male students between city and countryside .

  3. 实验严格根据控制因素的均衡可比性原则和组间双盲性原则进行。

    The experiment based on the principle of comparing and tow-blind .

  4. 企业会计政策必须坚持一致性和可比性原则

    On Principle of Consistence and Comparison Enterprise Accounting Policy

  5. 同时根据可比性原则,评价指标体系设置动态比较和横向比较两大内容。

    According to the principle of comparability , there are two contents including the dynamic comparison and transverse comparison in the evaluation index system .

  6. 制定林业财政投入评价体系,除了要遵循科学性、规范性、实用性等基本原则,还要体现导向性、完整性、可行性和可比性原则。

    Formulation of forestry fiscal investment system requires not only to follow the principles of scientific attitude , standardized benchmark and practicability , but also to represent principles of guidance , integrality , feasibility and comparative feature .

  7. 石油服务企业核心竞争力评价属于多目标综合评价,根据系统性、可行性和可比性原则,企业核心竞争力评价指标体系由8个一级指标和28个二级指标构成。

    The core competence evaluation of petroleum service corporation falls into multi-objective comprehensive evaluation . According the principle of systematization , feasibility and comparability , the index system of comprehensive evaluation for petroleum service corporation should be made up of eight first-level indexes and twenty eight second-level indexes .

  8. 会计师事务所品牌多层次评价指标体系的建立应该遵照系统性、适用性和可比性的原则。

    The accounting firm brand multi-level evaluation index system should be built in accordance with the principle of systematic applicability and comparability .

  9. 基于同质性和可比性的原则,本次测评选取了浙江省十一个地市级档案馆作为测评对象,将测评结果与浙江省档案局进行的测评结果进行比较研究。

    Based on the principle of homogeneity and comparability , the thesis choose 11 cities in Zhejiang Province to evaluate , then do comparative research with the result and that of Zhejiang Archives .

  10. 矛盾是存在的,它支持着互相之前不具有可比性的原则,不管它是什么,这些理想在我们的生活里表达出了我们身为个人和文化的涵义和目的。

    They have contradictions , they uphold principles that are incommensurable with each other whatever it is and yet these ideals give meaning and purpose to our lives as cultures and as individuals .

  11. 论文的第二章是指标体系的构建,主要是结合可行性、可比性等原则,根据定量研究的需要,构建涉及贸易全球化、资本全球化、生产全球化、旅游全球化与信息全球化等方面的指标体系。

    Chapter 2 recounts the process of constructing the index system . According to the principles such as feasibility and comparability , the paper constructs the index system that relates to trade , capital , production , tour and communication .

  12. 根据系统性、科学严密性、简明精确性、突出重点及稳定可比性等原则,结合我国石油工业发展阶段和水平,设计了石油企业人力资源评价指标体系。

    Based on systematic , scientifically rigid , simple precise , focus-prominent and stably comparable concepts , and integrated with the development stage and level of petroleum industry in China , an indicator system for HR resources evaluation in petroleum enterprises is designed .

  13. 围绕着前一部分所提出的现代多功能农业的内涵,遵循系统性、完整性、有效性和可比性的原则,广泛选取原始指标,从技术层面构建了现代多功能农业评价的指标体系。

    According to the content of the modern multifunctional agriculture in the first part , and the principles of systematic , completeness , validity and comparability , the writer chooses the raw data widely , and build the evaluation index system of a multifunctional agriculture .

  14. 本次研究依据科学性、目的性、层次性、交叉性、可比性和实用性原则,尝试建立了综合评价体系。

    In this paper , we attempt to upbuild a synthesis evaluation system with scientific , purposive , hiberarchy , analogous and practical principle .

  15. 论述比较文学又一研究方法&平行研究的概念、方式、范围、内容、种类和研究的可比性及文学性原则。

    The essay discusses another research method of comparative literature & concept , pattern , content , kinds , comparability of research and literature rules .

  16. 根据兼顾企业利益相关者和持续成长的要求、可比性和客观性的原则,本文选择销售增长率和净资产增长率作为中小企业成长性的定量评价指标。

    According to requirements of benefit-in-stakes and sustaining growth , its comparative principle and objectivity , we choose the sale growth ratio and net asset growth ratio as a quantitative index of estimating the growth of SMEs in Hubei province .

  17. 本文在分析甘肃农业与农村经济、社会、资源环境实际发展状况基础上,遵循全面系统性、可操作性、特殊性、可比性原则,构建了甘肃农业与农村可持续发展水平评价指标体系。

    Based on the comprehensive , available , region oriented , comparable and objective oriented principle , this paper set up the evaluation index system of agricultural and rural sustainable development according to agricultural and rural situation of economy , society , resources and environment in Gansu province .

  18. 经研究,建立投注终端维护外包项目后评价指标体系的原则包括:坚持相关性、系统全面性、经济性、灵活可操作性、科学实用性、可比性等原则。

    After studying , the principal to establish the evaluation system for the outsourcing of betting terminal including : Stick to the relevance of the system comprehensive , economical , flexible operational , scientific relevance , comparability of the principle of reciprocity .