
kě bǎo fēnɡ xiǎn
  • insurance risk
  1. 随着人们对传统不可保风险的保险需求的加大,非传统风险转移市场即ART应运而生。

    Increasing demands for insurance of traditionally uninsurable risks triggered the advent of " alternative risk transfer " ( ART ) .

  2. 保险是一种管理可保风险的风险融资行为。

    Insurance is a risk financing activity that manages insurable risks .

  3. 大型企业的可保风险管理

    Management of Large Enterprises ' Insurable Risks

  4. 企业要将可保风险管理从服务中心向利润中心转变,以增强核心竞争力。

    Enterprises should transfer insurable risk management from service center to profit center to enhance their competitiveness .

  5. “可保风险条件”是保险业传统上最基本的经营原则之一。

    The criteria it adopts to underwrite some risk is that they must obey " requisites of insurable risk " .

  6. 众多学者从不同角度对可保风险条件及大数法则的局限性进行了剖析。

    Different scholar questions " requisites of insurable risk " and " the law of large numbers " from different angle .

  7. 由于物流本身的连续性、复杂性和其与世界经济联系的紧密性等决定了物流所面临的风险的多样性。现代物流中的可保风险主要有:运输和搬运活动的风险;

    Modern Logistics involves a great variety of risks that are determined by its innate attributes of continuity , complexity and the world economic-relatedness .

  8. 非可保风险:一种不能被明确规定或计算并且不是经常遇到的,因此没有保险人愿意承保的风险。

    Uninsurable risk : one that cannot be clearly described or calculated and is not often met , so that no insurer will insure .

  9. 特别是保险企业,它是经营风险的经济单位,保险公司专门承保社会各风险单位的各类可保风险,收取保费并支付保险金。

    Especially to insurance companies , they manage risks through professionally insuring many kinds of insuring risks in society , charging and paying indemnity for a loss .

  10. 可保风险的分类也将更加细化,导致大数定律赖以使用的基数变小。

    At this point the risk classification will be more refinement , it will led law of base will gets smaller that large numbers which to use .

  11. 由于深受可保风险条件的思想束缚,保险业无法应付快速变化的社会环境,无法应对消费者的需求变化。

    Deeply fettered by the thoughts of " requisites of insurable risk ", insurance industry can 't acclimate itself to the rapidly changing society environment , can 't adapt itself to changing consumer demands .

  12. 保险连接证券的发展对保险业有着直接的影响,从短期看主要有四个方面:扩大可保风险的范围;

    The development that the insurance joins the securities is having direct influence on insurance , have seen from a short time had four respects mainly : Expand the range of the insurable risk ;

  13. 我还建议,银行家责任不应成为一种可保风险;应通过立法防止银行家为自己的风险敞口投保(就像人们无法避免刑事处罚一样)。

    I would also suggest that bankers ' liability should not be an insurable risk ; bankers would be prevented by law from insuring their exposure ( just as one cannot insure against criminal penalties ) .

  14. 保险公司是通过汇聚大量的可保风险,利用大数法则的原理,通过利用各种策略管理汇聚的风险来赚取利益的公司。

    By means of bringing a large number of insurable risks together , insurance companies earn profits by effectively managing these risks , with the use of various risk management strategies basically based on the principle of law of large numbers .

  15. 同时提出了电力保险的概念,对电力保险的标的、性质、运作机制以及电力债权资产的可保风险条件进行了分析,并提出了电力保险的基本模型。

    The idea of power insurance is introduced and the object , property and operation mechanism of power insurance as well as insurance conditions of power creditor 's assets are also analyzed and a basic power insurance model is put forward in the paper .

  16. 单纯依靠传统的保险和再保险很难应对不具有传统可保条件的巨灾风险。

    It is difficult to rely solely on traditional insurance and reinsurance to deal with these events which do not meet the traditional insurance risks .