
  • 网络Financial Freedom;Financial independence;Financial Free
  1. 促进人们达到财务自由和享有丰盛富足的生命。

    To facilitate people to achieve financial freedom to live the abundant life .

  2. 因为我想将我的财务自由最大化。

    Because I want to maximize my financial freedom .

  3. 他的目标是在65岁时实现财务自由,正因如此,他的退休计划几乎全部投资于个股、股票基金、交易所交易基金(ETF),以及类似对冲基金的一些另类投资。

    He wants to be financially independent by age 65 , which is why almost all of his retirement portfolio is given to individual stocks , stock mutual funds and exchange-traded funds , and alternative , hedge-fund-like investments .

  4. 明智的投资是迈向财务自由的必由之路。

    Wise investing is the surest path to financial independence .

  5. 下载你的奖金副本7步骤财务自由权利的时候了!

    Download Your Bonus Copy Of The7 Steps Of Financial Freedom Right Now !

  6. 许多人不理解财务自由。

    Many people don 't understand financial freedom .

  7. 但是,并不是非得实现财务自由才能拥有目标。

    But again , you don 't need to be financially independent to have a sense of purpose .

  8. 经过一生的研究和教学经验成千上万的人,如何能达到财务自由。

    The result of a lifetime of research and experience in teaching thousands of people how to achieve financial freedom .

  9. 让我们看看这两个人群该做些什么来消除这种比较劣势并获得财务自由。

    Let 's go over what each group can do to neutralize this comparative disadvantage and still achieve financial independence .

  10. 现在创造财富和财务自由,你可以做你想要当你想这样做。

    Now , creating wealth and financial freedom so you can do what you want when you want to do it .

  11. 他拒绝透露营收细节,对个人财富也是缄口不言,只是说:我的钱足够我实现财务自由。

    He declines to disclose details of turnover or of his personal wealth , saying only : I have enough money to be free .

  12. 大部分人想要财务自由,但是他们马上就要看到成效,大部分的情况下这都是不可能的。

    Most people want financial freedom , but they want results immediately , and that is not the case 99 % of the time .

  13. 数百名企业家,每年创办自己的企业在世界上,追求自己的梦想,实现财务自由。

    Hundredof thousands of entrepreneurs each year to start their own business inthe world , to pursue their own dreams for achieving financial freedom .

  14. 大多数人认为生活中最重要的是经历,朋友和家庭,但是现实是,财务自由能让你有更多的时间去做这些事情。

    Most of us understand that the things that are really important in life are experiences , friends , and family , but it is hard to escape the fact that financial freedom gives you a lot more time to make the most of those things .

  15. 埃克尔斯通是该公司的老板和指挥者,他一直努力逃避监督或任何对其财务操纵自由的限制。

    Mr Ecclestone is its master and commander , and he has always tried to escape oversight or any restriction on his freedom of financial manoeuvre .

  16. 他们认为,只要你有很多的钱,就一定是财务上取得自由。

    They think that if you have a lot of money , you must be financially free .

  17. 我想在40岁时就能达到财务上的自由,但是一直到47岁,在我经历了许多学习和磨练后才真正实现了目标。

    I wanted to be free by age40 , but it took me until I was47 with many learning experiences along the way .

  18. 然而,自2003年以来,中国企业扣除财务支出的自由现金流为负,它们主要通过借债获得融资。

    Nevertheless , since 2003 Chinese companies have generated negative free cash flows - after financial expenses - which they have financed mainly by taking on debt .

  19. 由于近年来这些公司扣除财务成本的自由现金流一直为负,它们负债累累,并且容易受到股价暴跌的冲击。

    Given that free cash flows , after financial costs , have been negative over recent years , they are loading themselves with debt and vulnerable to a slump .

  20. 以前曾认为职位爬得越高越好,但其实再高的职位也不会有充分的自主权,亦难以获得财务上的自由。

    I used to think that the higher the job position the better , but I later realised that no matter how high you go , you 'll never get real independence and financial freedom .

  21. 说明基于稳定的自由现金流量、低财务杠杆、低自由现金流量乘数和参考公司价值评估的投资策略能获得高于市场平均水平的回报率。

    This explains that investment strategy which based on stable free cash flow , low leverage and low free cash flow multiples and the reference of company value will gain higher return than the average market return .

  22. 它叫人们运用圣经里的箴言管理他们的财务,给他们各种工具以达到财务自由化。

    It teaches people to organize their finances according to the Scriptures , and gives them the tools to achieve financial freedom .