
  • 网络cashflow;Cashflow Game;cash flow
  1. 也有许多人在现金流游戏中挣到许多钱,却不懂得如何去利用钱。

    There have been people playing cashflow who gain lots of money in the game , but they don 't know what to do with it .

  2. “现金流”游戏设计的目的,是为了帮助人们了解金钱是如何运动的。

    The game was designed to help people learn how money works .

  3. 在你拥有比较稳定的现金流后,在游戏早期,让你的主基地飞到蓝矿扩张点去。

    After you have manageable cash flow , yet it is fairly early on in the game , lift off your Drone Ship and fly it to your blue tiberium expansion .