
  1. 保险理财产品的销售所得进而为安邦保险(AnbangInsurance)的海外收购和宝能(Baoneng)的公司突袭提供了资金。

    Proceeds from insurance WMPs have , in turn , financed foreign acquisitions by Anbang Insurance and corporate raiding by Baoneng .

  2. 保险理财的特性及运作分析

    Insurance Finance : Its Characteristics and Management

  3. 保险理财是个人理财中不可缺少的一部分,可满足人们对风险保障、投资及避税等多方面的需求。

    Insurance finance is a part of personal finance is an indispensable to meet people , investment protection and avoidance of risks , and many other needs .

  4. 但该杂志报道称,中国银行业监管机构去年末对数家银行开展了非正式指导,以确保它们代销的保险理财产品没有违反相关监管规定。

    But the magazine reported that China 's banking regulator informally instructed multiple banks late last year to ensure that the insurance WMPs they distribute did not violate relevant regulations .

  5. 以提升效益为目的,规模膨胀储蓄业务,快速发展保险理财业务,创新发展汇兑业务,努力提高活期比重,实现业务的均衡发展和结构优化。

    For the purpose of enhancing efficiency , we must expanse savings business , develop insurance business rapidly , develop financial services innovatively , improve the current ratio to achieve the balanced development of the business and structural optimization .

  6. 监管机构和分析人士警告称,这种战略存在风险,因为很多保险理财产品期限较短,为一至两年,而销售所得被用来作长期投资,投入境外房地产或上市公司大笔股权等流动性较差资产。

    Regulators and analysts have warned that this strategy carries risks , since many insurance WMPs carry short maturities of one or two years , while proceeds are invested long-term in illiquid assets such as foreign real estate or large stakes in listed companies .

  7. 保险是理财的基础,理财是保险的延伸。

    Insurance is the foundation of personal finance .

  8. 为客户提供存款、投资、保险、电子理财、网上银行服务。

    Provides deposits , investments , insurance , electronic banking , online banking services for clients .

  9. 盈利增加是因为个人保险及个人理财业务边际溢利上升所致,但由于团体保险之长期伤残理赔表现未如理想,抵销部分的盈利收入。

    The increased earnings were driven by improved margins in individual insurance and individual wealth management businesses partially offset by less favourable long-term disability claims results in group benefits .

  10. 网络金融是我国金融创新的一个重要实践,是指由电子商务企业提供的网络支付结算、网络融资、网络保险、网络理财等金融服务。

    Internet Finance is the latest practice of financial innovation in China , which refers to online financial services such as payment , funding , insurance and investment supplied by e-commerce firms .

  11. 人寿保险作为个人理财规划中一个不可缺少的重要工具,不仅是风险管理的重要组成部分,而且在储蓄和投资规划、遗产规划、教育规划、退休规划、最小税负规划等方面发挥着重要的作用。

    Life Insurance as an important and indispensable tool in personal financial planning , it is not only an important component of risk management , but also play an important role in savings and investment planning , estate planning , education planning , retirement planning and tax planning .

  12. 2009年起保险公司可以开展理财业务,受限制相对较少,对保险公司和客户来说都是一个有吸引力的替代选择。

    Wealth management , introduced in 2009 and relatively less constrained , is an attractive alternative for insurers and customers .

  13. 因其具有保险保障和投资理财的双重功能,在欧美等地区受到寿险公司和大众的青睐,发展极快。

    Because of its both factions of protection and investment , it quickly became popular in Europe and America area with a rapid development .

  14. 投资连结险是一种融保险保障和投资理财于一体,代表国际保险业最新潮流的非传统型寿险险种。

    Investment-linked life insurance is a non-traditional form , which combines the protection and tax advantages of insurance with the attractive prospects of investing in securities .

  15. 近年来,友邦保险香港公司在为客户保险理财规划的服务中积累了非常好的口碑和良好的理财规划经验。

    In recent years , the AIA Hong Kong companies in the insurance and financial planning services for clients in the accumulation of a very good reputation and good experience in financial planning .